I think that when games like Adventure games -say Broken Sword- offer support for Kinect -just imagine having all the interactions and items' name on screen highlighted in green to select them with Kinect-, among other genres, we will see it truly shine provided the Kinect is actually up to the task.
It might well be. For games like those it can enhance the gameplay quite a lot, offering some extra diversity we didn't have til now.
NBA 2k14 for instance let's you use Kinect commands on the fly, and they are quite flexible -there are various ways to pass the ball using Kinect, to an specific player also, say "Pass the ball to Lebron" (there it goes). Best basketball game ever made, btw, and one of the best sports games ever too.
It might well be. For games like those it can enhance the gameplay quite a lot, offering some extra diversity we didn't have til now.
NBA 2k14 for instance let's you use Kinect commands on the fly, and they are quite flexible -there are various ways to pass the ball using Kinect, to an specific player also, say "Pass the ball to Lebron" (there it goes). Best basketball game ever made, btw, and one of the best sports games ever too.
This video is a good example of that, too.It doesn't, and I never said it did. What's shown isn't at all comparable IMO and I doubt it will be. However, I only said, "Watch the vid," because you assumed it's working at laptop-type distances. If you watch the vid, you wouldn't say that - it's working with its moderate tracking at full TV distance with at least enough accuracy to get some finger-pressing UI interaction.