Yes, they are. Saying, 'this is ugly,' is not the same as saying, 'a different product is ugly,' so such remarks shouldn't been taken to mean as much. Similar if one sees a screenshot of a closeup of a poorly lit low-res texture in a game, one can remark that screenshot is ugly without that being a judgement on the entire game with a more realistic view. I get tired of people complaining about other's personal observations.
Except none of that has happened in this thread, or many others. People said GT5 was ugly based on the demo, they didn't say the demo was ugly. Also, I think we all know that more often than not, people don't say "That screenshot is ugly" they say "what an ugly game" (see: Killzone 2 first screen).
That said, I'm excited to see some more of the game at E3, I just hope it won't be a silly teaser trailer again.