Going in this direction, would it be fair to say, instead of 'bad port', 'bad architectural design' when referring to multi-plat games that don't feature something close to parity ('true' parity, in the Burnout Paradise sense doesn't seem necessary -- lots of games that were markedly better on 360 did proportionately well anyway, like RE4, SF4, even Ghostbusters fit the pattern first month).
As long as they are close enough, it probably doesn't matter anymore. I have both machines so naturally I go 360 for all my multi plats. But last gen I sold my Gamecube early (didn't care for it much) and ended up playing RE4 on my PS2. I knew that version was weak compared to the cube version but I didn't care, I just wanted to play it. Likewise, if I only had a PS3 I'd still have played Batman, COD4, RE5, etc, even if I knew they were the weaker versions. I'm guessing that most people would do the same. In the end most people don't have both versions side by side so they don't know what they are missing anyways. Hence they will probably be happy as long as the game runs reasonably well.
Going back briefly to Ghostbusters, aren't there workarounds to getting transparency working? I seem to remember nAo disagreeing with you or with Mintmaster a good while back on something like it.
Don't remember...maybe alpha to coverage I guess, but I'm not a huge fan of that. I think for most games it's easier to just design the issue away. That doesn't help Ghostbusters much though, but I think I'd rather use low res buffers rather than see that alpha to coverage pattern, ick.
Also, and this is slightly OT, but is using EDRAM best practice anyway? It seems from your and other previous comments that coding close to the metal on the 360 is unadvisable (because it's more trouble than it's worth, as opposed to the PS3, where it might as well be required).
Edram is always used automatically whether you hit the metal or use XNA, since all rendering must occur in edram. That's partly what makes it sinister, because you can munch up tons of bandwidth without realizing it...until you get the PS3 version working, then reality strikes. Hence why it's better to keep both versions humming along simultaneously and catch it early.
The question is whether the SEGA did their best to attack this problem (since that seems to be the focus of discussion as if game is only about alpha blending), for which we don't seem to have any idea.
Well without code we can never have any idea. I focused on transparencies for this game since it's the most obvious performance spike inducing feature of the game from what I saw in the demo. Barring that, we could speculate on what the issues are forever and possibly never be right. Plus, I haven't seen the 360 version so I don't have anything to compare it with to help speculate what they had to cut, and why they had to cut it.