Ok, progress

I didn't say you did, but that was my original question to those that called it a bad port, what would they have done different. Then (shockingly) it all veered away as I struggled unsuccessfully to get people to answer my original question. I usually let 'bad port' / 'lazy dev' comments slide 99% of the time now. But the games biz is very small, most of us know people at many other companies, and we all know how many hours it takes to make these games and how dedicated you have to be. So yeah, sometimes I do get irritated when I read an entire studio being written off as noobs just people some people believe the PS3 or 360 for that matter are infallible pieces of hardware capable of rendering the entire universe 3 times.
The first thing that hit me like a ton of bricks when I played the PS3 Bayonetta demo was that this game was clearly not designed for the PS3. That much is 100% clear to me. If someone suggested that much blending in the early game design meetings, and wanted to ship 60fps on PS3, I would have sent them home for a sick day. I don't know much about this game (just recently tried the demo), I don't know the history of it, nor do I know anyone at this studio.
But the design of this game clearly favors the 360, so I'm guessing the PS3 was not on the radar in the beginning. It looks like some other poor studio got stuck with the port later, and were faced with getting the PS3 to do what it was not designed to do. Given that, the game doesn't seem bad to me on PS3, it's definitely playable, although I haven't tried the 360 version.
It's interesting that you mention Ghostbusters as well. I just finished that game (cool game btw) and what the demo doesn't indicate is that Ghostbusters also has a retarded amount of transparencies, many screen fulls sometimes. I think they even exhaust edram bandwidth, because I believe I spotted half res transparency buffers even on the 360 version, at least for some effects. I missed most of the hoopla when that game came out, but now that I finished it it's pretty clear to me why they dropped the res on the PS3 version at ship.
In some games, like Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, you can design the problem away. But in other games like Ghostbusters, what are you gonna do? There are ghosts everywhere, it would be kinda silly to draw them opaque. The later ghost battles make the demo seem like a walk in the park. Likewise for the ghost traps, plasma streams, spooky effects, etc, you can't design away blending in those cases. Which leads me to...
Not much, from what I saw in the demo it looks like a 60fps game designed for the PS3, with overdraw and blend effects kept the barest minimum. I think it makes the game look sterile personally, I like the look of Bayonetta way better, IMHO. But NGS2 designed the problem away, at the expense of aesthetics.