NO sensible human being would've rate FM2's graphics with a 7. That is the fundamental level on which I disagree. The graphics are ok, all things considered.
This game represents a scattering amplitude of features (HDR, FSAA, 60 fps, real time reflections and damage, etc) that I didn't see in any game to date.
Having read the comments about the graphics, the review seems too superficial for what I am looking for in a "good" review.
Not that the graphics are perfect or the best ever. They have some flaws but makes up for them, like a lot of well-done games to date, with the overall quality of its presentation.
What's more, the graphics look fine for me. Take a look at Gamespot's Video Review, cars look above average:
Like most games with
GREAT gameplay, the reviewer knew perfectly what the vulnerabilities would be and where they would reside and he exploited them wonderfully, in a trivial way. But hey, it works for him.
Most car enthusiasts can see this sort of stuff and know better than to trust it implicitly, but newcomers or interested gamers can get misguided or confused.
Quoting someone -which whom the reviewer agrees in everything he says-; "
And I stink at driving."
I couldn't agree more and I'm struggling to find the appropiate definition for this type of journalism.
Looks like the review is written by someone who would rather be playing Burnout, Full Auto or Dirt.
He praises the physics but just because he knows the fact that Physics Processes are updated 360 times every second.
He doesn't mention things like doing donuts with a RWD car and watching the rear wheels spinning crazily while the front wheels barely move because of the lack of actual speed. Things like that IS what's GREAT about this game.
Give me realism over pretty graphics any time of the day!
Gamespot's review is the most accurate of them all, and the 1up one is also fine. IGN's review is unsatisfactory.
Racing games' reviews should be written by somebody who play and enjoy the genre in question, and people familiar with the subject, not by a spoiled journalist.
Regardless, he gave the game the
Editors' Choice Award anyways but that lacks soul, because of his lifeless review.
The final score is 8.9 but it wouldn't make any difference if it was a 5 or a 3, given his comments. Someone pointed out that IGN's X360 editor resigned a month ago.