I didn't realize that at first. Not knowing the real thing (hope I do in the future) it'd take me several views to figure that out. The car looked somewhat stretched but when the countdown finished things began to take shape and looked fine for me (most possibly because of the ingame camera).Actually I think Forza 2 could do well for the 360 in Japan. I'm fairly sure we'll see a boost from it.
The Nurburgring video looks good. Bear in mind that this video is 16:9 originally, as you can see by looking at the cars, so it's a little wider than in this youtube video. But I know the Nurburgring by heart from GT4 as well as from the real thing (both driving there and watching plenty of videos) and it looks pretty much spot on. Maybe one or two places where the corner isn't as blind as I'm used to, stuff like that - very minor differences that depend as much on the position of the camera in front of the car as anything else. So thanks, Turn 10, for fixing the Ring in Forza 2 ... It's an awesome track to drive, easily my favorite in GT4.
Going off at a tangent, since you already have Forza 1.., take a look at this video.
It features Team Blackjack drifting on the majestic Fujimi Kaido (which I miss in Forza 2, along with Blue Mountains).
They are Mount Olympus gods at video editing and hold in high esteem within Forza's community. Link:
That wonderful song is Mighty Wings by Cheap Trick.
Another TBJ video. They're awesome.
Good afternoon.