LMAO...sorry I almost stopped reading right there. 'This game is about stickers'?
You're referring to the real life RACE cars? That make up 1/3 of the cars in the demo?? I guess you just ignore the 18 production cars found in C and A class?
No, I'm not just referring to the real life race cars. I mean that all of the production cars can be modded and stickered to look almost any way you want. That's the true strength and draw of this game, and after you've given one of the production cars a serious makeover, that's where they start to really shine. And that makes a lot of sense. If the game didn't have to take into account all the custom layers that you can add to a car, then the game could have spent more of its energy on making the base cars look better.
Take the two most recent videos on Eurogamer.net. The one with the race cars looks ok enough - nothing spectacular, but decent enough with sharp and crisp stickers working to its favor. But then look at the one with the 'regular' cars, the Lotusses, the Impreza, and the 2007 Jaguar XKR ... Especially the latter car doesn't look very attractive. There's some small details missing below the lower front lights, the border around the front lights, the lights themselves aren't too impressively modelled, the cuts and curves don't seem to be quite right (where did the curve in the side windows go to?) ... The overall lighting on the car is very meh. I think it's partly weakness on the modelling artist, partly weakness of the lighting engine in Forza.
Maybe someone can get some good screenshots of this car from a few angles so I can point out the details a little better? (or who knows these better screenshots will reveal something I missed)
Anyway, I'm not trying to put this game down. I haven't even tried it, and for now I'm assuming it will be a great game for the simple reason that you can modify your cars, put lots of layers on them, make them unique sell them, trade them, go race online with them, watch online races, decent physics, force feedback support, and so on and so forth. Just not for the loving and faithful rendering of the real thing that some other games are known for. And that's one of the few things I can look at right now, not having access yet to the real thing.