THe original robbery was an armed robbery.
The cops knock, nobody answers.
They bust down the door, he's standing there with something dark in his hand.
They shoot him, assuming the dark object in his hand is a gun. (Turns out to be a ps3 controller)
Mistakes happen, but to say "shoot first, ask questions later" and "typical american" is...well....typical.
Actually your information is wrong. The origonal robbery was a mugging, no fire-arms were involved. The local law-enforcement was involved because of pictures of the suspect with assault weapons which werent verified as being real or not. Keep in mind they didnt even know if this was the origonal mugger, and last time i checked holding a toy or real firearm in a picture doesnt make you guilty of anything. The campus security problably got paranoid that they'd have another school shooting, since theres been so many recently so they called in the "professionals".
However i think most people are disturbed by the fact that the police were aiming to kill, not to maim, and certainly not to ask questions. At LEAST EIGHT shots were fired, two into the dog, one into the suspects head and chest, and 4 into the wall. The suspect, meanwhile, was able to get off one shot of his PS3 trigger while attempting to answer the knock at the door. If you dont see any problem with assumption in this case, then i think thats being strange. The shooting was not justified in any way. A picture of the suspect on the internet with a weapon, fake or real, does not justify deadly force. Law enforcement are paid and trained to put their lives on the line to save others, including the suspects (because they're not guilty on assumption!), law enforcement are not suppose to act like the local execution squad.
In summation you have a suspect of a mugging shot in the head and chest, as well as his dog killed, while trying to answer the door, which was knocked on by officers attempting to serve a warrant of a search of the premises, because he was holding a game controller. The door was kicked in, the suspect was executed along with his dog and the wall behind him by officers expecting rambo. Fault and false assumption lie with the officers in this case. End of story.