Didn't MS (and/or Sony) announced that the next gen console games will have to be forward compatible. And by that I assume, it will have take advantage of faster processor, memory and gpu. From a technical point of view, it's doable...look at all the games on the PC.
However, from a customers relationship point of view, it's kinda nightmarish. Imagine, buying a first generation console and not being able to play a game as good as the later generation. Imagine the advantages, players with new consoles vs players with older consoles....eh...oh...I see...they want us to continuously buying newer console....
Why ? in stead of buying a shrunk xbox one in 2017 like you did with the xbox 360 s in 2000 you simple by the xbox two.
I mean think about it , the xbox slim came out at $300 5 years after the xbox 360. in 4-5 years instead of doing a full transition to a new generation they can just release a faster console that will play current games in higher resolutions and frame rates and then play the newer games.
I'd rather that than buy the same hardware in a better looking form multiple times in a 7 year block