Street Fighter V

Lol. Combos are pretty hard to pull off in this game. Haven't won a league match yet. Much like my issue in KI when I first started ranked.

That being said taking forever to find a match. Something happened to the servers, it used to be so much faster

Servers going down later tonight to fix some of the issues.
I'm not too impressed with the visuals for a next gen platform. It's a step up from Ultra SFIV in resolution/framerate (maybe), but not a huge step imo.

It could be because there is not a whole lot going on in the stages and lack of particles, but I realize the game isn't done yet. Lighting is definitely nicer.

The game has a tendency to have a painting look despite the fact it's a 3d polygon graphics game...

Digital Foundry did do some close ups and there is more details in the models but they have this crazy look when seen as screenshots of a painting instead of a game...I don't know if you can notice that.
I wouldn't call it a technical tour de force either. I would absolutely call it gorgeous, though. Love the character designs (and the characters absolutely do look amazing) and I'm incredibly impressed with the quality of the animation. There's real weight and heft In SF, and accordingly punches and kicks actually look likey they'd hurt. The last Mortal Kombat, while admittedly pretty to look at in screen shots, looks like a jerky, floaty mess in comparison.
Word of advice: steer clear of the Mad Catz SFV fight pad. We just received a test unit in the mail, and it's literally sporting the most atrocious d-pad since the original Xbox controller. Even basic quarter circle motions become a toin coss, and you might as well forget about the existence of critical arts entirely. And it's not your usual cheapo Mad Catz peripheral either: at 70€ it's more expensive than a DS4.
Their arcade sticks are great, I'll give 'em that. Seems like the other peripherals in their lineup suck just as badly as the cheap knock-off junk with which they flooded the market two generations ago. Unfortunately the junk is now premium-priced too.
For those that have the game, check out this youtubers character breakdowns. He does the same for KI and I find them pretty helpful. This is for Karin, but he has others and will probably do them all eventually:

The game has a tendency to have a painting look despite the fact it's a 3d polygon graphics game...

Digital Foundry did do some close ups and there is more details in the models but they have this crazy look when seen as screenshots of a painting instead of a game...I don't know if you can notice that.
The character models look great. The backgrounds aren't outstanding or anything. The Characters in the backgrounds don't tend to cast any shadows at all from what I've seen.
You would think they would have at least painted the shadows onto the backgrounds or something.
So just got done seeing a video on it. Graphics look great but...

Yeah, but paying 60 USD for an Early access alpha/beta (basically what SFV is)? No thanks. I'll take a look at it again in June/July when Capcom says the game will presumably finally be finished. I've paid for early access at times for games, but they almost always are more feature complete than SFV is.

I wonder if this is just another sign of a Japanese developer struggling to self fund multiple AAA titles (Hitman being another example as well as Tomb Raider) in development. Thus needing to release one of the games in development early and likely use proceeds from the early sales (or in the case of Tomb Raider seek outside help with funding) to finish the development of the game.

Yea. It feels like early access. The thing that killed me last night was no quick rematch. I had a lobby with a friend and there is barely a post fight menu. It's pretty bare bones. Round times between ranked and casual are long. Load times could use some work as well.

Lots of disconnects etc.

Overall Probably the right idea to wait. But I am enjoying my time playing however.
I just really don't understand what the point is in releasing a game like this.

They had a beta, the got feedback from early users. Why not just wait three months or so and release a (more) finished product? It almost feels like they really wanted to emulate the Driveclub launch. Which is up there with the messiest launches any game has ever had, compared to the wonderful finished product it turned out to be - while adding amazing extras and improving greatly many months after, thanks to the constant updates.

Why? WHY???
Apparently for the game to be eligible for tournament play in certain large FGC comps (this year). I say apparently but I'm fairly positive this is the official (unofficial) message I'm reading on Reddit and neogaf. I haven't seen anything on SRK but I assume I could find it.
I just really don't understand what the point is in releasing a game like this.

They had a beta, the got feedback from early users. Why not just wait three months or so and release a (more) finished product? It almost feels like they really wanted to emulate the Driveclub launch. Which is up there with the messiest launches any game has ever had, compared to the wonderful finished product it turned out to be - while adding amazing extras and improving greatly many months after, thanks to the constant updates.

Why? WHY???

To be fair what is actually in the game is pretty solid. The fighting and the mechanics and the moves are all polished. Launch had some server congestion and stability issues but that isn't entirely uncommon (unfortunately) for the first day or so for most games that basically require you to be online. And SFV basically requires you to be online because the single player content in it isn't really coming for another few months.

So the BETA's served a purpose. Just they didn't bother finishing the game before releasing.

If this sells well and if Hitman sells well, we may start seeing more of this in the future. Manage your development costs by releasing early to hopefully get enough sales to finish the game. The Early Access way. Just hopefully it won't be like Early Access where many games never actually get finished and it isn't uncommon to see some game abandoned before being finished due to insufficient funding or loss of interest by the developer.

Although it surprises me that they are doing this with SFV since I thought Sony were co-funding the game? If that were the case they should have been able to get more people to work on the single player stuff while their current team was still working on the core stuff (fight mechanics, balance, etc.). Hell you can't even create a lobby/room with more than 1 other person in it or spectate. Really? That makes it tough (virtually impossible as you can't have an announcer spectate the match directly and stream it to viewers) if you wanted to run an online tournament.

I wonder if this is just another sign of a Japanese developer struggling to self fund multiple AAA titles (Hitman being another example as well as Tomb Raider) in development.

IO Interactive is Danish and Crystal Dynamics is American. Perhaps you meant japanese publishers?
Apparently for the game to be eligible for tournament play in certain large FGC comps (this year). I say apparently but I'm fairly positive this is the official (unofficial) message I'm reading on Reddit and neogaf. I haven't seen anything on SRK but I assume I could find it.

Would be an odd move for a publisher, though. This isn't some weird Japanese doujin fighting game targeting a niche audience. This is the big daddy of fighting games, and neither are the 20000-or-so pro fighting game players they seem to be catering to with this barebones release enough to foot the bills, nor will said players be able to wheather the onslaught of shit coming from critics and the majority of more casual fans. Well, at least Capcom can be secure in the knowledge that most professional critics are spineless shills, so SFV is not gonna get anywhere near the amount of shit it probably deserves.
The best explanation I have heard is that since Capcom Pro Tour is starting up right now, they had to either release the game or run SF IV for another year. I see the dilemma, but surely there was a better solution than this one.
The best explanation I have heard is that since Capcom Pro Tour is starting up right now, they had to either release the game or run SF IV for another year. I see the dilemma, but surely there was a better solution than this one.
Which is?
They could have released a bare bone arcade version for the tournament only, then taken a little time to work on the home version which naturally requires more content?
But releasing an arcade cabinet is more expensive vs releasing digital content. People need to train in SFV and probably Capcom came to a conclusion that it is necessary evil to release it in this unfinished state. At least right now it can be use for tournament.
Personally I don't mind it, as long as Capcom will finish the game and provide it for free. It is better than releasing an "arcade" home version and releasing the super hyper extended street fighter V turbo edition which is a separate purchase.
The problem is that Capcom, I believe, didn't communicate about the whole reduced content for this early release.
Anyway, I don't think this is a money problem, but more of trying meeting the deadline to make the game available for tournaments. Of course with more money they might be able to acquire more people to help finishing this title early, but they should be able to finish it even without the money from early purchaser.
Which is?

I don't know. Releasing it retail unfinished would not have made my list though. I would be more inclined to try something wacky like making CPT players qualify for SF4 and SF5, 6 months of each. A Street Fighter biathlon of sorts. It's not like those lunatics couldn't handle it.