Street Fighter V

Tomorrow is the day! Yay who has got it?
Also for cross play, is there a way to friend? I'm coming from PC but if I want to friend or invite someone from ps4 into a lobby any thoughts how that works ?
Tomorrow is the day! Yay who has got it?
Also for cross play, is there a way to friend? I'm coming from PC but if I want to friend or invite someone from ps4 into a lobby any thoughts how that works ?

So does your PC meet the min specs? It'll be a few months or more before I get it as I'm still deciding on whether to buy/build a new PC.
Unfinished because what? It has great MP, barebones arcade story mode, and various arcade modes? Same shit as always. Performance looks to be solid everywhere. I fail to see what is missing, especially since they will add larger SP mode later for free. For those who like fighting games [wan want to start early grind of fight money so that they don't have to give real money for future premium content], this package looks great.
There is no arcade mode, no story mode, no CPU vs mode.
It's unfinished and there was no point preordering it, when I can just wait until they actually finish the bloody thing.
That's all.

To be honest I'm not even sure why I preordered in the first place, Must have been drunk. I'll get this when it's done.
The core gameplay is solid but it needs more content to justify a purchase for casual fighting fans. If the only thing you care about is online play i think it's still worth it though.
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So does your PC meet the min specs? It'll be a few months or more before I get it as I'm still deciding on whether to buy/build a new PC.
Missing just the GPU. But i will reduce until I get the frame rate I want lol
There is no arcade mode, no story mode, no CPU vs mode.
It's unfinished and there was no point preordering it, when I can just wait until they actually finish the bloody thing.
That's all.

To be honest I'm not even sure why I preordered in the first place, Must have been drunk. I'll get this when it's done.
You pre-order for Hot Ryu. i preorder for Hot Chun Li.

You must have forgotten about this when you sobered up:)
So does your PC meet the min specs? It'll be a few months or more before I get it as I'm still deciding on whether to buy/build a new PC.
Yikes j could be in trouble here:

Ps4 reporting frame skips as well (from what I can see on Reddit). I think it's worth waiting for a patch if you are planning to wait anyway.
Yikes j could be in trouble here:

Ps4 reporting frame skips as well (from what I can see on Reddit). I think it's worth waiting for a patch if you are planning to wait anyway.

There is supposed to be a patch tomorrow that may help with that. I think I heard it's for the PS4, but I could be wrong.

Also, so many features missing that I agree it may be a good idea to wait. On the PC version of SFIV, there were so many costume mods that it's going to be my version choice. I'm sure someone will come up with a better hot Chun Li and Ryu among other really good stuff.
You think it was rigged? totally?

I've watched the guy play in tournaments. He is among the Japanese "Gods" of SF and it is "inconceivable" that he would lose a set to an amateur that just picked up the game for the first time that same day. That gameplay in that set was totally unlike how he plays:
- Defense was noob level falling for waay too many DPs
- Punish of wiffed DPs and normal were minimal for the most part

Youtube some of his matches and you'll see it's obvious the match was rigged.
Running the game at 720p with medium settings. No frame drops at all. Runs great. Can only use 360 sticks, the atrox failed for my friend greatly. I probably don't need to gimp the game that much but without frame counters on screen is rather just make sure it's good.

For reference in running a GeForce 660 oc. With the latest nvidia drivers for SfV. I find the game incredibly playable. I don't think I care for high resolution in this game which is great because I can hold off my GPU purchases for a bit for the right card.
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Lol. Combos are pretty hard to pull off in this game. Haven't won a league match yet. Much like my issue in KI when I first started ranked.

That being said taking forever to find a match. Something happened to the servers, it used to be so much faster
This game looks actually quite good to me! Damn it, I should stop watching game I want this game
It's still early to get in :)
So far 25K players in league mode, assuming I'm the worst player there is (no victories)