Street Fighter V

They could have released a bare bone arcade version for the tournament only, then taken a little time to work on the home version which naturally requires more content?

Or just delayed the stupid tournament? I wonder if the PR debacle was worth it just to please a bunch of hardcore fans.
But releasing an arcade cabinet is more expensive vs releasing digital content. People need to train in SFV and probably Capcom came to a conclusion that it is necessary evil to release it in this unfinished state. At least right now it can be use for tournament.
Personally I don't mind it, as long as Capcom will finish the game and provide it for free. It is better than releasing an "arcade" home version and releasing the super hyper extended street fighter V turbo edition which is a separate purchase.
The problem is that Capcom, I believe, didn't communicate about the whole reduced content for this early release.
Anyway, I don't think this is a money problem, but more of trying meeting the deadline to make the game available for tournaments. Of course with more money they might be able to acquire more people to help finishing this title early, but they should be able to finish it even without the money from early purchaser.

Who says anything about a cabinet. A PS4 + a half finished game will do just fine. Most tourneys have been held on console hardware for years now anyway. There are no Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, Smash Brothers or Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 cabinets either.
Or just delayed the stupid tournament? I wonder if the PR debacle was worth it just to please a bunch of hardcore fans.

Well it's about one event a week for an entire nine months--it's more like a season of a sport. Not trying to justify the decision or anything, it's bananas, I'm just trying to explain the context.
I think it is okay to release it in this state if they already planned a tournament around it, but they should say upfront about the missing feature. I've seen the description on Steam and they haven't mentioned about it. If they don't mention it, people will assume that the standard stuff that you expect from a fighting game is there in the game (arcade mode, story, etc), and since it isn't there they basically deceiving their customer. It is like buying a car, but it doesn't come with radio, AC, and other basic stuff that you expect from buying a new car. Better yet, they should just release this as a versus only game (SFV versus only) and price it cheaper or ask a full price, but make the full game a separate game which those that buy the versus only version can get free upgrade to the full version.
To be fair: they did release a trailer which detailed all the day1 features. I think the problem is simply how undercooked some of those features turned out to be. For example, I expected the story modes to be somewhat comparable to the arcade modes in the older games; ten consecutive fights with some short in-engine cutscenes towards the end and a ridiculously cheap final boss. Instead we got two to three single round bouts against a brain dead A.I. per character, and a bunch of artworks looking like they've been thrown together in a day or two. Even the survival mode stinks: once again the A.I. is a total pushover. Well, that is until you reach your 29th fight and it suddenly becomes the input reading bastard we all know from the past. It's no fun to sleep walk all the way to the second to last battle, only to get wasted by Necalli or Bison.
To be fair: they did release a trailer which detailed all the day1 features. I think the problem is simply how undercooked some of those features turned out to be. For example, I expected the story modes to be somewhat comparable to the arcade modes in the older games; ten consecutive fights with some short in-engine cutscenes towards the end and a ridiculously cheap final boss. Instead we got two to three single round bouts against a brain dead A.I. per character, and a bunch of artworks looking like they've been thrown together in a day or two. Even the survival mode stinks: once again the A.I. is a total pushover. Well, that is until you reach your 29th fight and it suddenly becomes the input reading bastard we all know from the past. It's no fun to sleep walk all the way to the second to last battle, only to get wasted by Necalli or Bison.
I expected a quick rematch button, or at least a proper post versus menu to either rematch or character select. I don't think it was much to ask lol
Got myself a Hori RAP4 Kai, by the way. Lovely piece of kit. Also decidedly less overpriced and much easier to obtain than the Mad Catz sticks. The Hayabusa joystick is every bit as good (if not better) as the classic Sanwa JLS built into the Mad Catz TE sticks, and the Kuro buttons are wonderful as well. Some people complain about squeaking noises coming from the buttons, but everything's perfect on mine. It's super easy to mod as well (plug-and-play away to your heart's content), and the price differential between the Hori and a new TE stick (if you manage to find one at all) is at least big enough to buy you a spare stick plus a complete set of extra buttons of your choosing. Works flawlessly with PS4, PS3 and PC. Unlike the TE sticks it even has a touchpad - very handy for accessing shortcuts in SFV's training mode. The share button is safely tucked away to the side of the housing, so you won't accidentally hit the wrong buttons during heated throwdowns.
Overall a great product for a sightly less outrageous price tag. Seriously, 230€ for a SV5 Chun Li stick? - The stick is 20€ and the buttons are between €2,50 and €3 a pop. That's less than €50 in total, meaning €150+ plus for a plastic case with a PCB and a USB chord - absurd.

And lest I forget: I payed €130 for a slightly used one, but at €150 it's not an awful lot more expensive if you buy it new.
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