Street Fighter V

eh, I would be disappointed but I can't find myself to be. I could see why some owners would be upset however. But it is what it is. I'm not sure if this is the sort of game that actually benefits from being an exclusive though, so I do find this rather odd.
Timed exclusive for sure. It's just Tomb Raider all over again.

I wish publishers were more transparent regarding these things, but I bet these "EXLUSIVE ON PLATFORM XYZ" slogans are part of the timed exclusivity deals.
What other reason could there possibly be to exclude a platform on which you could play every previous iteration of the franchise? It's the same damn thing that happened with Tomb Raider, and it deserves the exact same kind of scolding too.

Sounds like it is more like Dead Rising 3. SFV was never announced as a XB1 game and then went exclusive months later.
Where is the detail that Sony money hatted this? All the articles I can find just state that the advert made by Capcom says the game is a PC\PS4 exclusive. Sounds more like Capcom have just taken the path of least resistance and largest install base.
Where is the detail that Sony money hatted this? All the articles I can find just state that the advert made by Capcom says the game is a PC\PS4 exclusive. Sounds more like Capcom have just taken the path of least resistance and largest install base.
Unlikely. If you're already developing for PC and PS4 then surely that code would be 95% usable for the Xbox One too.
Unlikely. If you're already developing for PC and PS4 then surely that code would be 95% usable for the Xbox One too.

Maybe it's not running as well as they want. Maybe their chosen tech is like the Fox engine which hadn't broken 720p on Xbox One yet. Maybe they decided PS4 (no fighter games) was the priority market and splitting resource to two consoles would delay the launch and increase the risk if a competitor launching a fighter and snatching sales.

We'll have to wait and see.
This Fox engine doesn't convince me at all... All this hype then it doesn't look any better than the best multiplatform engines out there, and on top of that they can't get it running above 720p on X1? Also, is it really the best engine for a fighting game?
This let's-spend-a-fortune-just-so-the-other-guys-can't-join-in-on-the-fun way of making business really needs to stop.
I agree completely with this sentiment, although to be truthful we don't know for sure Sony bought this game. The bone is doing truly astoundingly terribly in Japan right now from the accounts I've read; its market share is also clearly below that of PS4 right now. That could have factored into this decision without necessarily having Sony pay them anything as such.

All that said though, I'm pretty damn sure that the bone will see this game relatively soon anyway - Capcom surely wants to have/eat cake from both console owners; more money to be made that way. ;)
I believe its been said already that sony is funding partial development of the game.

I don't care if the game hits the xbox one , fighting games are becoming niche again after the boom of sf4 and we already have killer instinct .

It is interesting that Sony doesn't get the backlash that MS gets on this board however.
Bowl of noodles...more of a gimmick to me, although I like the humor of it. Don't really see what's so special about it.
I'm guessing it will be the same for any character not just Chun Li that gets Ultra'd in that location at the end of a round before the start of the next round. It does make me wonder what else they will do.

I do like the new look even if it is very similar to SFIV. The special effects look much better although the gameplay appears slower even though comboing looks looser/easier. I guess I'll have to play it to verify. I'm a big fan of fighting games so once I inevitably get a PS4, this will be a must have for me.
No one talking about this? It's looking really, really good. There's something looking like fluid used for effect, looking very nice.





Not much to discuss until more is revealed I guess. I'm definitely picking it up.....I just realized that this is also releasing on PC, so may have to consider that as an option, although will probably get it on the PS4 since I will get one for Uncharted 4.
There will never be a Super Street Fighter 5.

Guess it's really, really exclusive, without definitive super platinum editions...
Yup, anything Street Fighter with the number 5 or V is entirely or will be entirely exclusive to Sony.

SF6 is the only way it would return to Xbox.
Good thing I got burned on SF4, I thought I would really love it, but it turns out I didn't as much as I thought I would. I wish I figured that out before I bought my fight sticks. Still love me soul caliber :).