Square Enix DKΣ3713 Invitation-only Event (Mobile, DS, PSP, PS3, Blu-ray)

The main team that's working on the PS3 version isn't the one doing the port for the 360 version, if I recall. They'll get another team to do it or contract an outsider to do it by giving them the SDK's.

While I know Tri-Ace is currenty working on Star-Ocean 4 which should be out worldwide spring 2009 they could end up being the ones helping with the porting of FFXIII. They already have a connection to the company and they are the ones most familiar with the hardware considering that by the time FFXIII is released in Japan they will have already created 2 titles for the 360. This is of course speculation but it really isn't that different from much of the speculation surrounding why FFXIII is now a multiplat title.
The only thing hinting at a "here is some money hats" is that they will delay the launch of the PS3 version to sync up with the PS3 version. That has to cost some money, unless we are to believe it takes just as long to translate a game as it does to port it to the 360.
If it takes 12 months to port to create the international version, which it can do, and the porting is effective reusing the same already made assets and done in 12 months, then they wouldn't be impacted in any way on the PS3 side. There quite some assumption here how long it'll take to make the XB360 version and thus how much PS3 is being impacted, and therefore how much MS must have paid SE. Without any knowledge of the engine, XB360 knowhow, who else is involved, yadayada, we can't really hazard any meaningful guess at porting time. Bioshock is being ported in a little over 12 months, from nice-and-easy XB360 to horribly-complicated PS3. So a port from PS3 to XB360, especially if an existing engine can be leveraged, may not take very long. While if the White Engine is in use on PS3, highly customized, and needs a complete rewrite for XB360, it could take longer.

There's just lots of second-guessing all round!
If it takes 12 months to port to create the international version, which it can do, and the porting is effective reusing the same already made assets and done in 12 months, then they wouldn't be impacted in any way on the PS3 side. There quite some assumption here how long it'll take to make the XB360 version and thus how much PS3 is being impacted, and therefore how much MS must have paid SE. Without any knowledge of the engine, XB360 knowhow, who else is involved, yadayada, we can't really hazard any meaningful guess at porting time. Bioshock is being ported in a little over 12 months, from nice-and-easy XB360 to horribly-complicated PS3. So a port from PS3 to XB360, especially if an existing engine can be leveraged, may not take very long. While if the White Engine is in use on PS3, highly customized, and needs a complete rewrite for XB360, it could take longer.

There's just lots of second-guessing all round!

Well based on the post from Need 2 Know


FF13 is still only functional on the PC and they still trying to get it working on a PS3. Given that, they currently at or near a point on the PS3 port where they will comparably be when starting on the 360 port.

Furthermore, the white engine, while readily described here and other places as an engine specifically designed with the PS3 in mind. SE formally introduced the engine as Crystal Tools with an emphasis that its a multiplatform technology.

There is enough info out there that shows SE choice was not only not haphazard but also a relatively easy choice as the development enviroment used for FF13 isn't generally platform specific as long thought and hasn't been for a long time.

Seems to me, while SE really wanted FF13 to be an exclusive game that took advantage of all that the PS3 had to offer, they set up a foundation that allowed for contingencies in case the gaming market made a non compensated PS3 exclusive non-ideal in terms of maximizing profit.
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So is the the x360 version going to be in Japanese? If not, then it too will have to be localized.

Now I'm aware that some things can be done concurrently and I'm sure that the 360 is so easy and powerful to use that it can make the impossible possible but I think I'll remain skeptical that they can port, optimize, and localize the 360 version in the same amount of time as merely localizing the ps3 version.

As to possible indicators that SE has been moneyhatted, that SE has not denied it at all even while Sony on several occasions has infered just that is imho telling.
So is the the x360 version going to be in Japanese? If not, then it too will have to be localized.

Now I'm aware that some things can be done concurrently and I'm sure that the 360 is so easy and powerful to use that it can make the impossible possible but I think I'll remain skeptical that they can port, optimize, and localize the 360 version in the same amount of time as merely localizing the ps3 version.

As to possible indicators that SE has been moneyhatted, that SE has not denied it at all even while Sony on several occasions has infered just that is imho telling.
Since all Japanese RPGs of note on the system have both audio tracks on them, I wouldn't be surprised if this game had both as well. Remember the localization process(same text, same dialog, same voice acting.) will likely be the same on both systems, meaning it only needs to be done once, since they are releasing in the same territories at the same time. The only thing people might be worried about is getting the game up and running on the 360. They don't need to go through localization twice.
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Wouldn't the localizing on the PS3 be the same for the X360, ie port and optimizing is done on X360 and then they just use the same localizing strings/audio that has been done for the PS3?
Wouldn't the localizing on the PS3 be the same for the X360, ie port and optimizing is done on X360 and then they just use the same localizing strings/audio that has been done for the PS3?
Yeah that was what I was getting at.
There is no hard evidence to support that MS has paid for a FFXIII port. But you can make an educated guess and say that they did paid for it considering their business practices with 3rd parties especially with the Japanese centric titles.

How does Last Remnant suddenly become time exclusive when it was initially announce to be a simultaneous multiplatform release? Wouldn't S-E benefit much better for a simultaneous release if money wasn't involved? After 3 years and many jrpg's failing on 360, why is the 360 still the leading platform for guys like Namco when Eternal Sonata backfired? Since MS is shrinking the amount of it's employees(such as close out and open gates for independency), where does all that extra money they save go to?

Sony owns 1/10th stock from S-E, iirc. So maybe they know a hinch of the truth behind the deal. Jack Tretton did said that he knew what was coming out of MS press conference.

So does this prove that MS has paid S-E a ton of cash for a FFXIII port and demand it to be release simultaneously in NA and Europe? No. But it's not a stupid theory to believe such a case.
There is no hard evidence to support that MS has paid for a FFXIII port. But you can make an educated guess and say that they did paid for it considering their business practices with 3rd parties especially with the Japanese centric titles.

How does Last Remnant suddenly become time exclusive when it was initially announce to be a simultaneous multiplatform release? Wouldn't S-E benefit much better for a simultaneous release if money wasn't involved? After 3 years and many jrpg's failing on 360, why is the 360 still the leading platform for guys like Namco when Eternal Sonata backfired? Since MS is shrinking the amount of it's employees(such as close out and open gates for independency), where does all that extra money they save go to?

Sony owns 1/10th stock from S-E, iirc. So maybe they know a hinch of the truth behind the deal. Jack Tretton did said that he knew what was coming out of MS press conference.

So does this prove that MS has paid S-E a ton of cash for a FFXIII port and demand it to be release simultaneously in NA and Europe? No. But it's not a stupid theory to believe such a case.
Well if you look at past events and comments about UE3 you can guess like many others have is that UE3 up until the release of UT3 for PS3 worked better on the 360 because Gear of War was released a year earlier and ,according to SK, the source code for that game was given to devs shortly there after. The guys at Square said that UE3 didn't really become workable on the PS3 until this year...

Square Enix: It’s mainly for development reasons, because we’re using the middleware called Unreal Engine, and the Unreal Engine has kind of a slow development tool for the PS3 side. It only became really workable after Unreal Tournament had been published, so it’s mainly a development decision.

...but people just see that as a pay off even though other devs have had to delay their games in the past to get the PS3 version up to snuff.

Last week I tried asking around and couldn't get a straight answer but there still is a chance that the PS3 version can end up benefiting even more from the delay depending on when devs will get access to many of the new features found in Gears of War 2. Sorry if it seems naive but since no one will give me the real answer I might as well put it out there.

why is the 360 still the leading platform for guys like Namco when Eternal Sonata backfired?.
I would say part of the reason that backfired was because they were stupid enough to release their title a week before Halo 3. A game that many consider to be a sales cannibal, eating the sales of other games in it path. A game that ,if I remember correctly, had 3 different editions with one of them costing at least 100 dollars. I bought both games but I can imagine that most people chose to buy one title at that time. They should time their releases a bit more carefully. That's like releasing your important title a week before or after GTA4, you're going to get burned.

I would agree with you though that Microsoft has likely done something for these companies like the Tales bundle that is supposed to be released sometime this week but it isn't like Sony hasn't done similar things. You think Konami gave Sony all those copies of MGS4 to put into the PS3 bundles for free?

*You don't need to trust it but if you look across the IGN network you will notice that they all have the same interview just with the questions switched around.
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Since all Japanese RPGs of note on the system have both audio tracks on them, I wouldn't be surprised if this game had both as well. Remember the localization process(same text, same dialog, same voice acting.) will likely be the same on both systems, meaning it only needs to be done once, since they are releasing in the same territories at the same time. The only thing people might be worried about is getting the game up and running on the 360. They don't need to go through localization twice.

I've been wondering about that too, if they did a Japanese release with dual audio tracks or even subtitles then what's to stop ps3 users from importing it early. It could turn out to be a ps3 time exclusive paid for by MS. So you feed your core base (Japan ps3ers), enabled access for your extended base (EU&NA ps3ers), expand into a new base (x360ers) and get MS to pony a truckload of $$$ for it all to happen. Now that's a successful business model.

If localization is just replacing Japanese audio files with English audio files then why is there any delay at all?
I've been wondering about that too, if they did a Japanese release with dual audio tracks or even subtitles then what's to stop ps3 users from importing it early. It could turn out to be a ps3 time exclusive paid for by MS. So you feed your core base (Japan ps3ers), enabled access for your extended base (EU&NA ps3ers), expand into a new base (x360ers) and get MS to pony a truckload of $$$ for it all to happen. Now that's a successful business model.

If localization is just replacing Japanese audio files with English audio files then why is there any delay at all?
Maybe I didn't say that right, All US releases of JRPGs have had both English and Japanese language tracks on them. All of them needed to either be localized for the US later or during normal development like in the case of Lost Odyssey before being released here. Those JRPGs on the 360 ,maybe with the exception of LO, didn't contain the English language tracks, text, and subtitles because those things weren't even finished at the time of initial Japanese release. They only contained stuff intended for the Japanese userbase at the time. So I was talking about strictly the western version of the games not the Japanese version.

Localization of all the text and dialog will need to be done before the PS3/360 versions of FFXIII could be successfully released in the west. We are not talking about only English here either. Other languages that are normally supported in SE releases will need to be done as well. You should still be able to import it from Japan because the PS3 is region free but don't expect much in the way of English or whatever other language you may speak that isn't Japanese support from it.
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Because nobody cares. It doesn't include Japan and the Xbox is just as dead in other parts of Asia as in Japan.

Last time (end of 07) I saw data around here pertaining to Asian nations other than Japan, the 360 were leading in quite a few of them like Korea and Taiwan.

I bet if you ask around here there are plenty of posters who would very much like to have a clearer outlook of the gaming market in Asia outside Japan.
I am definitely excited about the PSP offerings as well! I have not been able to put FF7 Crisis Core down especially after I bought the guide! :LOL:
^ yeah, SE PSP lineup is great. Yesterday I've finished Crisis Core campaign, now its time to beat all side missions :)
^ yeah, SE PSP lineup is great. Yesterday I've finished Crisis Core campaign, now its time to beat all side missions :)

I have not finished the story on purpose but I am in Gongaga at the moment and I am 72% done with the missions. I want to finish all the missions before I finish the story because I have a feeling with the storyline over I wont want to play it again ;). I am still amazed at how good the game looks and how much stuff they were able to pack into that tiny UMD. There is a lot of repetition though...that could be it. Hoping to get the full Genji armor :)