pso said:
What's with people using the 'sigh' word, lol. Anyways, you claimed scooby was assuming when you said this:
"So please stop claiming that it was a console game from the very beginning"
So I provided a link from another source that said otherwise. That's not trolling or bickering, it's proving a point so this whole Oblivion thing could be squashed, nothing more.
Well, two can play the quote-game.
In development since 2002, Oblivion is another leap forward in role-playing with its combination of freeform gameplay and cutting-edge graphics.
So what does that mean, really? If we
assume that development began in 2002 and we
assume that development means working on the game codewise, can we
assume that they didn't even have the alpha-kits for the Xbox 360 back then?
Let's pit that against your quote:
But this time around, we were making a console game from the very start. We knew from day one that Oblivion would be on the Xbox 360â„¢, while with Morrowind, Xbox development didn't start until we were halfway done. Oblivion's been designed from the ground up to be a next-generation console game in every respect."
Hey, there was no Xbox 360 in 2002! Let's argue over semantics for five pages, and then we can assume a lot of things regarding what they could have done with the completely fictional alpha-alpha-alpha Xbox 360 devkit that they started working with no later than 2003!
And now, we mix in a what Scooby posted, the same post I quoted and replied to:
Scooby said:
The game was not designed for the PC
Oh it wasn't?
How could he come to that conclusion?
Well, by extrapolating information from his earlier post, where he had a quote from a guy, and then assuming a lot of things and just making stuff up. So, when he's saying "it was a console game from the beginning" he doesn't just mean that it was a game intended to be released on a console from the very beginning, a game that's also developed in parallel with an equally important PC-version, no, he means that it's a console game that also gets the benefit of being released on the pc.
Now you're probably thinking "hey you're assuming things about what he meant!" but I'm really not doing that. "The game was designed for the Xbox 360" and "The game was not designed for the PC" makes it pretty clear what he actually meant.
Anyway, all of that seems a bit strange considering that Bethesda is primarily a pc-centric company and that development started in 2002, right?
Are you with me now? When he's saying "it was a console game from the very beginning" he fills that sentence with a lot of things that the PR-guy didn't say, obviously this is proven by his quote "the game was not designed for the PC" which is an assumption.
I bet I could find a quote where someone from Bethesda says something like "the game was designed from the very beginning to take advantage of the hottest new hardware for the PC", I'm pretty sure I read that in a magazine actually, but would a quote like that let me assume that the game was NOT made for the Xbox 360 as well?
Obviously not, and I think you can agree with me on that.
So when I said "So please stop claiming that it was a console game from the very beginning" what in the world could I have meant with that? I meant that he should stop claiming the things he said, you know, the whole "the game was not designed for the pc, it was designed for the Xbox 360".
It was badly worded, but I thought I made it clear what I meant in the actual text, and honestly, I assumed people would read what I wrote, and what I was replying to, before they started taking stabbs at me.
From my understanding they started development on the PC and developed it as a game for the PC, but with a next-gen console version in mind during this process, and when they got the devkits they started working on the console version of the game in parallel with the pc-version. Therefore the game was designed for a console AND the pc, so no version is just a port or a lousy conversion, they're both equally good/bad.
See, I said it, the sky isn't falling down or anything.
So, shall we just call a truce now and discuss how PSM sucks instead?