Sony's been quiet since TGS, is it just the calm before the storm?

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PC-Engine said:
Oh and SONY's been quite because they don't have real game footage to show. CGI can fool some of the people some of the time, but it can't fool all the people all of the time.

Some was CGI, some was not such as the UT2007 footage rendered using a beta dev kit with two 6800 Ultras.

Agreed. I guess some people just don't like it when they hear Xbox360 can run MGS4.

And the other way around apparently.

Nobody is doubting SONY's marketing machine...I mean just look at all the "PS3 can render teh KZ" crap being parroted by some.

It hasn't been proven either way unless you believe the dev of the KZ footage or some random nobody on a forum claiming bs.
PC-Engine said:
Nobody is doubting SONY's marketing machine...I mean just look at all the "PS3 can render teh KZ" crap being parroted by some.

You know its funny and ironic that its mostly non-believers that talk the most about KZ and that the PS3 can not render it, than people telling "PS3 can render teh KZ" :???:

I ve never seen anyone claiming that the PS3 can do KZ for months but almost everyday I hear people accusing and criticizing non-existing Sony f*****s that they claim PS3 can render it.

I am trying to understand whats the "KZ demo is BS" and "stupid PS3 ******s believe it can be done" statements about by some, when statements like that the PS3 can do KZ are non-existent for months :rolleyes:

It seems that the problem mostly lies to people that hate the possibility that it night be achievable on the PS3 rather than blind Sony-******s believing it can be done :rolleyes:

I am still trying to see "all the "PS3 can render teh KZ" crap being parroted by some" and I see none.

Why are you so angry and make such a big deal out of nothing anyways?
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Nesh said:
You know its funny and ironic that its mostly non-believers that talk the most about KZ and that the PS3 can not render it than people telling "PS3 can render teh KZ" :???:

I ve never seen anyone claiming that the PS3 can do KZ for months but almost everyday I hear people refering and criticizing SONY and non-existing Sony f*****s that they claim PS3 can render it.

I am trying to understand whats the "KZ demo is BS" and "stupid PS3 ******s believe it can be done" statements about by some, when these statements (like that the PS3 can do KZ) are non-existent for months :rolleyes:

It seems that the problem mostly lies to people that hate the possibility that it night be achievable on the PS3 rather than blind Sony-******s believing it can be done :rolleyes:
yeah I noticed that, more people not buying a ps3 talk about it more than people that are:???:

I guess its the possibility that a Sony console will have the best graphics out of all it's competition for the first time that has them in doubts.
CassidyIzABeast said:
yeah I noticed that, more people not buying a ps3 talk about it more than people that are:???:

I guess its the possibility that a Sony console will have the best graphics out of all it's competition for the first time that has them in doubts.

Or probably they want to hope PS3 wont be more powerful because they disliked Sony in the first place :???:
CassidyIzABeast said:
yeah I noticed that, more people not buying a ps3 talk about it more than people that are:???:

I guess its the possibility that a Sony console will have the best graphics out of all it's competition for the first time that has them in doubts.
First time? I don't think the PS2 is that far behind the xbox. Which is impressive considering the latter came out 2 years later.
ROG27 said:
Maybe instead of being so cynical you should enjoy the effort and ideas put forth by this developer...

Where do I not support the ideas or effort of the developer?

People that dream of the possibilities and forget limitations are those who push the envelope.

Sure...on the other hand, people who lap up marketing material at face value without taking past history of the industry into account are those who get suckered.
Gholbine said:
"the Sony fans". Sorry, that doesn't fly. You can't just lump thousands of people into one, and somehow include me, to make a point on another matter.

Just seeing which side of the fence you are on.

They know what can be achieved with their own hardware.

Yes and no.

They have some idea, but until they actually get the hardware, everything is theory and simulation. It's not until they get silicon that they really know.

If they believe that Killzone can be achieved, then I'm inclined to just accept that, since they were pretty accurate with their PS2 demos.

I don't recall MS or Sony being particularly accurate with game CGI renders.

Aside from that, I really don't care if Killzone is achieved or not, I just don't want to be disappointed with 'work in progress' crap.

I guess that's where we differ.

I don't want to be disappointed by the final product. I could give a crap about being disappointed with "work in progress." I'd rather see the real thing...or nothing at all.
Gholbine said:
The Gamecube hardware is 2 years newer than the PS2 hardware. How can you possibly not understand this concept? As time goes on and hardware improves, you can get cheaper hardware for less cost! The PS3's hardware is newer and more expensive than the Xbox360's. Expecting the 360 to somehow keep up with the PS3 throughout the generation is just not reasonable.

Gamecube hardware is probably not 2 years newer than PS2 hardware. both consoles technology dates back to the late 1990s. - even though PS2 was released in March 2000 (Japan) and Gamecube in September 2001 (Japan) the Gamecube technology sat around longer before release, putting it closer in timeframe to PS2. there is no more than 1 years difference between the technology of the two, if that.
Megadrive1988 said:
Gamecube hardware is probably not 2 years newer than PS2 hardware. both consoles technology dates back to the late 1990s. - even though PS2 was released in March 2000 (Japan) and Gamecube in September 2001 (Japan) the Gamecube technology sat around longer before release, putting it closer in timeframe to PS2. there is no more than 1 years difference between the technology of the two, if that.

You're missing the point. The argument was that hardware isn't neccessarily more powerful because it's more expensive, and the Gamecube was used as an example. That example is null and void because the Gamecube was released nearly 2 years after the PS2, with hardware at least a year newer.
Oh the hype is coming, and it will be probably 2 to 3 times the level of the Xbox 360's launch. I plan on preordering from EBGames day one I can.
avaya said:
...or Toshiba see sense and join the BDA ;)

Yeah I'm sure Toshiba is scrambling to put out lower quality MPEG2 movies on 25GB discs over higher quality VC-1 on 30 GB ones.:LOL:

That example is null and void because the Gamecube was released nearly 2 years after the PS2, with hardware at least a year newer.

Uh..Nintendo was sitting on finished hardware for more than a year to have enough launch games. In other words the hardware wasn't at least one year newer.

Some was CGI, some was not such as the UT2007 footage rendered using a beta dev kit with two 6800 Ultras.

Yeah and the game demos don't look any better than what's on Xbox360 despite the promise of KZ CGI.

And the other way around apparently.

What's so complex about MGS4 that can't be done on Xbox360? That's right you don't have an answer.

It hasn't been proven either way unless you believe the dev of the KZ footage or some random nobody on a forum claiming bs.

Yeah but at least you don't see Xbox360 fans saying it's possible just because some company says so.

You know its funny and ironic that its mostly non-believers that talk the most about KZ and that the PS3 can not render it, than people telling "PS3 can render teh KZ"

I ve never seen anyone claiming that the PS3 can do KZ for months but almost everyday I hear people accusing and criticizing non-existing Sony f*****s that they claim PS3 can render it.

I am trying to understand whats the "KZ demo is BS" and "stupid PS3 ******s believe it can be done" statements about by some, when statements like that the PS3 can do KZ are non-existent for months

It seems that the problem mostly lies to people that hate the possibility that it night be achievable on the PS3 rather than blind Sony-******s believing it can be done

I am still trying to see "all the "PS3 can render teh KZ" crap being parroted by some" and I see none.

Why are you so angry and make such a big deal out of nothing anyways?

Why do you hope Xbox360 not be able to run MGS4?

yeah I noticed that, more people not buying a ps3 talk about it more than people that are

I guess its the possibility that a Sony console will have the best graphics out of all it's competition for the first time that has them in doubts.

Or the possibility that Xbox360 can run MGS4.

Or probably they want to hope PS3 wont be more powerful because they disliked Sony in the first place

Or those who hope Xbox360 cannot run MGS4 because it would put PS3 on the same playing field shattering their PS3 is more powerful dreams forcing them to accept reality.

pretty much they should because Microsoft supports HD-DVD but didn't put it in their console bad sign right there

MS didn't include it in Xbox360 because of a couple of reasons, one of those reasons is the fact HD DVD specs wasn't completed early enough for volume HD DVD drive manufacturing for inclusion in launch consoles.

MS has already hinted a few times that they would like to release a HD DVD version some time in the future.
What's so complex about MGS4 that can't be done on Xbox360? That's right you don't have an answer.

Well, I never said it couldn't be done on the x360. Actually, I'm more interested to know what makes you think the KZ footage can't be done on the PS3?

Though if you're really looking for an answer, how about 200 GFLOPS per second for Cell. How about 2.5 times the amount of memory on Cell (7x256kb per SPE in addition to 256 KB of L2) as opposed to the 1 MB L2 cache on x360's PPC shared between all three cores. How about 256 MB of 3.2 GHz XDR main ram. I could go on.

Nice try but walking away and not allowing me to respond only works in person, not on a forum.

Yeah but at least you don't see Xbox360 fans saying it's possible just because some company says so.

Of course you won't, they're xbox 360 fans. By definition that means they have to hate and disbelieve everything that Sony says, makes or does. Right?
Well, I never said it couldn't be done on the x360. Actually, I'm more interested to know what makes you think the KZ footage can't be done on the PS3?

Do a search for the KZ posts and listen to people who have a clue like Laa-Yosh.

Though if you're really looking for an answer, how about 200 GFLOPS per second for Cell. How about 2.5 times the amount of memory on Cell (7x256kb per SPE in addition to 256 KB of L2) as opposed to the 1 MB L2 cache on x360's PPC shared between all three cores. How about 256 MB of 3.2 GHz XDR main ram. I could go on.

Oh god not this useless paper spec argument to substitue for realworld performance again. Remember the bit race? Remember the MHz race? Nice try indeed.

Of course you won't, they're xbox 360 fans. By definition that means they have to hate and disbelieve everything that Sony says, makes or does. Right?

By definition? Puleeeaase.
So you can't provide Kojima's quote, PC-Engine?

Hmmkay, guess not. Going back to it, there is no quote. It is 1up's words, not Kojima's. He did not explicitly state that a demo of the same quality could run on the Xbox 360. You, of course, have jumped on it with no proof whatsoever. End of discussion.
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PC-Engine said:
Oh god not this useless paper spec argument to substitue for realworld performance again. Remember the bit race? Remember the MHz race? Nice try indeed.

This is pure bandwidth and speed, something like the MHz myth does not apply. More ram, especially per SPE, will almost definitely show its advantage over less then half being shared. You can deny all you want.

By definition? Puleeeaase.

Yes, it sure seems most people who love xbox/360 also hate PS2/PS3 for whatever reason.
This is pure bandwidth and speed, something like the MHz myth does not apply. More ram, especially per SPE, will almost definitely show its advantage over less then half being shared. You can deny all you want.

Those are the factors that point to KZ CGI is possible on PS3? What a joke. :LOL:

Yes, it sure seems most people who love xbox/360 also hate PS2/PS3 for whatever reason.

Thanks for your observation as if it's worth something.
Actually PC-Engine, you asked why MGS4 couldn't be done on the Xbox 360, and he just gave you a number of potential reasons.
Gholbine said:
Actually PC-Engine, you asked why MGS4 couldn't be done on the Xbox 360, and he just gave you a number of potential reasons.

And the factors he cited still ends up being a joke. ;)

That's like saying game X couldn't be run on Y console because of Z factor even though you don't know what the limiting factor of the game engine is. Pure comedy. :LOL:

Somebody's been drinkin' too much SONY Koolaid.
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