Sony's been quiet since TGS, is it just the calm before the storm?

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PC-Engine said:
MGS4 hype has quieted down ever since Kojima said it could be done on Xbox360. ;)

Hahah. Oh man, your posts are the best. Trying to derail a thread by spreading PS3 FUD. Oh man you never fail me.

"Constant as the northern star..."

This can be reciprocated the other way. I have no doubts that the PS3 can do GOW. :rolleyes:
drpepper said:
Hahah. Oh man, your posts are the best. Trying to derail a thread by spreading PS3 FUD. Oh man you never fail me.

"Constant as the northern star..."

This can be reciprocated the other way. I have no doubts that the PS3 can do GOW. :rolleyes:

What's stopping PS3 from doing GoW? Doesn't it run on the UE3? :LOL:

Oh and SONY's been quite because they don't have real game footage to show. CGI can fool some of the people some of the time, but it can't fool all the people all of the time.

Joe DeFuria said:
Personally, I have no doubts that both machines "can do" the games of either platform.

Agreed. I guess some people just don't like it when they hear Xbox360 can run MGS4.
PC-Engine said:
Xbox360 has 3 PPEs and can run 6 threads though. ;)

And the PS3 has 8 CPU cores that can run 8 real hardware threads. What's your point?

I'm really not sure why you even mentioned MGS4 anyway. Just wanted to slip in the fact that Kojima said the demo could be done on the 360? Congrats. I don't think anybody ever doubted that the demo could be done on the 360, but the fact of the matter is ... it's not being done on the 360, and that's what counts. (Someone show me Kojima's actual quote.)

Anyway back on topic: I can't wait to see what Sony announces at CES. I'm fairly certain they're withholding a number of bombshells that they're just waiting to release, but what pisses me off is that they'll probably drop them gradually over about 2-3 months.
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PC-Engine said:
The bomb SONY will show at CES is 25GB SL BR CGI movies using MPEG2 at 16Mbit/sec VBR. :oops:

I don't know if you're really that ignorant, or you're just playing dumb, but in-game footage has already been shown for the PS3. A few seconds of early Warhawk gameplay was shown.

So why no playable PS3 games? I suggest you take a read of this article and quit trying to delay the inevitable. It's coming, and there's really nothing you can do to stop it, I'm afraid. ;-)
Gholbine said:
I don't know if you're really that ignorant, or you're just playing dumb, but in-game footage has already been shown for the PS3. A few seconds of early Warhawk gameplay was shown.

So why no playable PS3 games? I suggest you take a read of this article and quit trying to delay the inevitable. It's coming, and there's really nothing you can do to stop it, I'm afraid. ;-)

Dude, don't bother. PC-Engine is anti-Sony (pro-Turbo Duo, though!).
Gholbine said:
I don't know if you're really that ignorant, or you're just playing dumb, but in-game footage has already been shown for the PS3. A few seconds of early Warhawk gameplay was shown.

So why no playable PS3 games? I suggest you take a read of this article and quit trying to delay the inevitable. It's coming, and there's really nothing you can do to stop it, I'm afraid. ;-)
It seems to me that sony is trying to delay the inevitable and not some random guy on a internet forum and judging by how the first playble ps2 games looked i think that sony is doing wisely letting people think that when the ps3 launches they will be playing games with graphics like the killzone CGI video or the "to-be-released" in 2007 cinematic trailer of MGS4.
fulcizombie said:
It seems to me that sony is trying to delay the inevitable and not some random guy on a internet forum and judging by how the first playble ps2 games looked i think that sony is doing wisely letting people think that when the ps3 launches they will be playing games with graphics like the killzone CGI video or the "to-be-released" in 2007 cinematic trailer of MGS4.

Could be but personally I don't see why gamers shouldn't wait a couple of months just to see it with their own eyes first. I mean..right now there isn't much you will miss if you got a good enough PC and don't have the 360..
fulcizombie said:
It seems to me that sony is trying to delay the inevitable and not some random guy on a internet forum and judging by how the first playble ps2 games looked i think that sony is doing wisely letting people think that when the ps3 launches they will be playing games with graphics like the killzone CGI video or the "to-be-released" in 2007 cinematic trailer of MGS4.

Haha a nice dose of reality there.

it's still fun to give them a little taste of reality once in a while

I agree.;)
PC-Engine said:
Haha a nice dose of reality there.

Nah..reality comes for all of us when those actual games have the visual quality comparible to what was shown in those CGI movies ;-)
Whether or not anything that Sony shows will live upto the hype is yet to be seen.
We'll find out soon enough and whichever way it goes I'm sure message boards across the interweb will explode.

What I do find curious is that some people (don't want to name names....) seem to be HOPING that those "target" visuals are not achieved.

Do these companies feed your families? Do you have such ties to these companies that you want to see games not live upto their potential on a "rival" system?

I don't care who does it but I want to be blow away by next-gen.
What I do find curious is that some people (don't want to name names....) seem to be HOPING that those "target" visuals are not achieved.

Then there are those who hope those targets will be achieved based on blind faith because a certain company is feeding it to them. Funny how nobody on the Xbox360 side thinks KZ CGI will be achieved on Xbox360 while some on the PS3 side hope it will be achieved only on PS3.
joebloggs said:
I don't care who does it but I want to be blow away by next-gen.

As is usually the case, I think people expect way too much from "next gen" gaming in general. (The same trend seems to hold true for the next gen of PC video cads, btw.)

History also tells us that the "hype" (from any company) tends to exceed the actual delivered product.
fulcizombie said:
It seems to me that sony is trying to delay the inevitable and not some random guy on a internet forum and judging by how the first playble ps2 games looked i think that sony is doing wisely letting people think that when the ps3 launches they will be playing games with graphics like the killzone CGI video or the "to-be-released" in 2007 cinematic trailer of MGS4.

There is a big difference between launch games on a system where devleopers are forced to code to the metal using assembly and a non-standard GPU, and a system with industry standards like C++, CG, OpenGL and a powerful Nvidia GPU. You will see this difference in the launch games, and you will see the power of the system tapped much quicker than the power of the PS2 was tapped.

Again I direct you go the article. They are right on the money. Sony has a successful current-generation system to sell this holiday season, and blowing their wad in regards to the PS3 is only going to hurt PSP and PS2 sales. At CES in January, the PS3 marketing machine will truly begin, and those who doubt Sony's marketing strengths are truly naive.

The time will come, and you guys know it, so why are you setting yourselves up for a big fall?
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Gholbine said:
You will see this difference in the launch games, and you will see the power of the system tapped much quicker than the power of the PS2 was tapped.

Yes, this line will be remembered when PS3 games launch, and the battle cry will be "only a fraction of the power is being used at this time...wait till the next round of games."

The time will come, and you guys know it, so why are you setting yourselves up for a big fall?

I was going to ask you the same question.

Again...anyone who thinks PS3 and X360 capabilities are appreciably different in terms of games, is just kidding themselves.
At CES in January, the PS3 marketing machine will truly begin, and those who doubt Sony's marketing strengths are truly naive.

Nobody is doubting SONY's marketing machine...I mean just look at all the "PS3 can render teh KZ" crap being parroted by some.
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