If PS4 supports surround-to-stereo mixing in hardware, isn't 7.1 available on every set of headphones? If the 7.1 Headphones don't have any mixing hardware, how come they work with PS3? Seems pretty certain that the headphone solution has audio mixing hardware capable of taking a surround sound audio source and mixing it to binaural. Again, if this feature was in Sony's console, it could be supported for all headphones.The "3D Audio" isn't in the headphones or their dongle. You can connect the dongle to a PC, Mac or even Android and it's just a pretty plain USB stereo device.
Gamers do. If COD or whatever had amazing, unbelievable audio immersion driven by the console, why isn't anyone talking about it? Why didn't Sony mention the existence of this capability in their dev docs? Why is the audio hardware simply described as audio decoding and mixing in VGLeaks? Why talk about two display planes but not the latest, greatest AMD audio tech?Because no one cares about audio, at the moment.
Most importantly for this discusison, your assertion that PS4 includes HRTF mixing hardware is not validated. It's a belief you hold. The validty should be discussed (and has been!) in that other thread, the Audio Solutions thread. For the purposes of this discussion, we don't know for certain if PS4 requires audio mixing hardware in the breakout box or not, and that'll remain an unknown until we get some completely solid info on the audio hardware in PS4 (at least for those who think the VGLeaks details left out special secret audio processing power and Sony decided not to talk about it and Sony aren't really using it yet because they're waiting for PSVVR and then they'll enable the special hidden audio processor to provide 7.1 processing in PSVR's headset