You guys are amazingly amusing how you are trying to connect the dots and your own questions is hint to the answerYou do realize that even when they were also promoting titles for PS4 that the events were still branded as PS5? And even when they were also showcasing titles coming to PC at those State of Play events, the events were still branded as PS5?
Yeah exactly! It was named Playstation 5 and NOT Playstation. Playstation 5 is Sony's focus and Sony's future and wants to create brand awareness for the new console. PS5 was still the main focus. Sony was actually promoting PS4 cross gen games with Playstation 5 enhancements. Regarding GaaS games available also on PC, Sony did the same during the PS3 days with Everquest, DC Universe and Planetside, IPs owned by SOE. A time when Sony said they have to focus more on their first party exclusives to diversify the console instead on relying as much on third parties for exclusive content. So there is not really much to say.
Your logic goes like this: I assume that Sony's focus is not the Playstation 5 console.
So I wonder why Sony said they are planning to release Playstation games on PC 2 years or more after their release instead of Day 1.
So I wonder why Spider Man 2 has a PS5 logo and no PC announcement.
So I wonder why Sony didnt announce Rachet and Clank PC release on the Playstation 5 event.
Sony's event is just Playstation brand because Playstation is platform agnostic....oh wait...they actually do say PS5 .The PS5 logo MUST be the same as MS saying just XBOX at their events.
So coincidentally I wonder why sony doesnt say Playstation 5 on the PC release since Playstation 5 doesnt mean console and it is the actual brand
I dont I understand why Sony isnt announcing mobile games at the Playstation 5 event.
Sony must be doing all that because they dont want to hurt the feelings of Sony fanboys instead of doing whats best for them financially!!! Right?
I dont get why Sony is making third party deals where games are timed console exclusive with PC releases being delayed 6 months, a year or more afterwards?
I mean....I dont get it. The PS5 Console is not a priority. Why all these?
What a great mystery this Sony is.

Well either Sony has good reasons which have been explained or Sony are simply idiots since the PS1 days and they need to hire some of you to fix all that marketing mess of not prioritizing non-console releases.
PS: btw The above arent all directed to what you specifically said, but it is a collection of the different arguments brought here pointing to Sony's supposed "mishandling" of non-console releases and announcements.
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