Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

If that was the case they wouldn't have mentioned PC at all in that showcase... and yet every GaaS game also proudly displayed "PS5 and PC" or some variation of that. This past showcase.. was CLEARLY aimed at presenting/unveiling their upcoming GaaS games... which are day and date on console AND PC.

Again, you're going to see more and more PC and Mobile at any and all Playstation events... because "Playstation" is no longer just a console brand.. and the sooner that their marketing teams ingrain that into the brains of their console fanboys, the sooner they will get over it and they can get to the business of selling their games to the most amount of people as possible, as quickly as possible.
the trend is there and closed plastic box is not where growth is for them
Where this will lead the brand when console revenue is shrinking at this pace ?
If that was the case they wouldn't have mentioned PC at all in that showcase... and yet every GaaS game also proudly displayed "PS5 and PC" or some variation of that. This past showcase.. was CLEARLY aimed at presenting/unveiling their upcoming GaaS games... which are day and date on console AND PC.
Because they are GaaS. At the same time Forbidden West has still not being announced on PC yet, and Spider-Man 2 didnt show any PC announcement. This is related to Sony's strategy not fanboys. If fanboydom was so powerful then why did Sony even announce GaaS games on PC? That contradicts your argument about not harming fanboy feelings.
Again, you're going to see more and more PC and Mobile at any and all Playstation events... because "Playstation" is no longer just a console brand.. and the sooner that their marketing teams ingrain that into the brains of their console fanboys, the sooner they will get over it and they can get to the business of selling their games to the most amount of people as possible, as quickly as possible.
It is not there yet.
Sony is making most of its money from royalties from games sold on Playstation. This has nothing to do because of Sony fanboys. You are speaking from the perspective of a PC gamer not from Sony's.
Selling more Playstations is more paramount for Sony than selling more of their first party games on PC. If Sony can increase Playstation fanboys to sell more playstations and buy more third party games on Playstation thats what Sony would actually want.
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-Anything pertaining to Playstation and Playstation Studios is relevant... including PC ports from them.
Agree, that said Sony's biggest customers are on consoles and the event is targeted at that biggest audience. Spending time re-visiting games launched years ago probably isn't how they want to best use the tine they're decided these events should be.

It feels like those most interested in Ratchet & Clank releasing on PC know about it, and whilst I'm sure some PC-only gamers did watch the event to see what PlayStation exclusives were coming to console within the next couple years, that they may be able to play in two-to-four years on PC, what do you want Sony to do, re-run the marketing trailers released on YouTube two years ago from the game's launch?

Where this will lead the brand when console revenue is shrinking at this pace ?
That's a relative platform split and the far-right bar is Sony's estimate/hope of where things will be in two years time. They don't see the console revenue shrinking, they see PC and mobile growing. If they are correct, in two years, when speculation of PS6 will be at a fever pitch, PS5 will still be generating more revenue than PC and mobile combined. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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-Anything pertaining to Playstation and Playstation Studios is relevant... including PC ports from them.
PS is expanding beyond just the console.
Yes, but Sony are also managing their story as they make the transition. They don't want to dilute their console presence and are being careful, both in communication and in content release. There's no reason to think a PlayStation event will showcase all the PC developments in equal measure with the console (yet!).
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Agree, that said Sony's biggest customers are on consoles and the event is targeted at that biggest audience. Spending time re-visiting games launched years ago probably isn't how they want to best use the tine they're decided these events should be.

It feels like those most interested in Ratchet & Clank releasing on PC know about it, and whilst I'm sure some PC-only gamers did watch the event to see what PlayStation exclusives were coming to console within the next couple years, that they may be able to play in two-to-four years on PC, what do you want Sony to do, re-run the marketing trailers released on YouTube two years ago from the game's launch?

That's a relative platform split and the far-right bar is Sony's estimate/hope of where things will be in two years time. They don't see the console revenue shrinking, they see PC and mobile growing. If they are correct, in two years, when speculation of PS6 will be at a fever pitch, PS5 will still be generating more revenue than PC and mobile combined. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My mistake i completely misread this slide
Agree, that said Sony's biggest customers are on consoles and the event is targeted at that biggest audience. Spending time re-visiting games launched years ago probably isn't how they want to best use the tine they're decided these events should be.

It feels like those most interested in Ratchet & Clank releasing on PC know about it, and whilst I'm sure some PC-only gamers did watch the event to see what PlayStation exclusives were coming to console within the next couple years, that they may be able to play in two-to-four years on PC, what do you want Sony to do, re-run the marketing trailers released on YouTube two years ago from the game's launch?

That's a relative platform split and the far-right bar is Sony's estimate/hope of where things will be in two years time. They don't see the console revenue shrinking, they see PC and mobile growing. If they are correct, in two years, when speculation of PS6 will be at a fever pitch, PS5 will still be generating more revenue than PC and mobile combined. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Very important to emphasize that it is referring to first party percentages.
It is not giving context to the first party content sold or expected to sell on PC, nor giving any picture of the overall revenue from Playstation.
For example, the 2022 graph shows a respectable percentage of first party games sold on PCs. This is from Sony releasing more from its older PS exclusives.
The 2025 estimation doesnt clarify day one releases, an increase of GaaS games, or more old PS exclusives from their first party studios. It doesnt suggest any less focus in maintaining the PS brand as the main platform.
In addition the absolute amounts and percentages give different interpretations. i.e lets assume a picture where the share between PC and PS if 50% 50%. It either suggests the PC is taking away from PS sales (migration from PS to PC) or that the PC independently grew to match the PS revenue, or a combination, or that the PS revenue dropped to the point that it equals that of PC.
This is related to Sony's strategy not fanboys.
I don't understand what you mean when you keep talking about fanboy strategies, and how Sony is going against those strategies. Who are the fanboys? What are the strategies? And why did Sony change all of it's publishing from Sony Computer Entertainment to Playstation Studios and Playstation Games, and then not show a AAA Playstation Games title being released on a new platform during a Playstation event?

My initial cheeky comment on the matter was to demonstrate that I believe it was promotional malpractice to not include the 90 second announcement spot during the Playstation Showcase. It isn't as if the presentation has a hard time limit, and it isn't as if they couldn't have shaved a few seconds off that long Spider-Man 2 gameplay sequence and some of the intermissions to come up with the time if it did. And then, they reveal it a week later... It isn't like they didn't know they had a showcase, and didn't know the game was coming out. It's like they are trying to sabotage the PC release of one of their flagship games.

Also, the idea that its is an old game, and just a rerelease, remember that Sony started a PS5 event with a 90 second GTAV for PS5 announcement trailer that didn't have any PS5 footage in it.
I don't understand what you mean when you keep talking about fanboy strategies, and how Sony is going against those strategies. Who are the fanboys? What are the strategies? And why did Sony change all of it's publishing from Sony Computer Entertainment to Playstation Studios and Playstation Games, and then not show a AAA Playstation Games title being released on a new platform during a Playstation event?

My initial cheeky comment on the matter was to demonstrate that I believe it was promotional malpractice to not include the 90 second announcement spot during the Playstation Showcase. It isn't as if the presentation has a hard time limit, and it isn't as if they couldn't have shaved a few seconds off that long Spider-Man 2 gameplay sequence and some of the intermissions to come up with the time if it did. And then, they reveal it a week later... It isn't like they didn't know they had a showcase, and didn't know the game was coming out. It's like they are trying to sabotage the PC release of one of their flagship games.

Also, the idea that its is an old game, and just a rerelease, remember that Sony started a PS5 event with a 90 second GTAV for PS5 announcement trailer that didn't have any PS5 footage in it.
You call it malpractice and it appears to you that its if they are trying to sabotage the PC release, because you are ignoring the fact that Sony pushes the promotion of Playstation first and foremost and that was the point of the Playstation Showcase.
The re-release of GTA V was still promoting Playstation 5 because it was content for Playstation. Rachet and Clank on PC is news for PC.
Time isnt the problem. It was less suitable for the purposes and the main audience of the event. The announcements of PS exclusives on PC doesnt communicate the message Sony wants to communicate to the particular audience at this point on time for the future of Playstation console
I read recently that HDDs are being phased out in favor of SSDs. I get SSDs are better, but I still feel HDDs have their uses and are much cheaper for bulk storage compared to SSDs. Am I crazy or is the world going too fast again.

Sorry if this is OT, I'll gladly go start a new thread if anyone wants.

Basically "system" drives are looking to be phased out for HDDs to SSDs. The rumor is that Microsoft is actively negotiating with major OEMs to make it a requirement for Windows circa some time before 2025.

SSD prices are very competitive now at 1TB and lower against HDDs. In practice system and game drives (for gamers) are likely for the most part SSDs now. Gaming builds (at least those targeted at AAA beyond a minimum experience) that are tied to HDDs are likely a very small minority at this point.

HDDs will still remain as large scale bulk storage for consumers as the price/TB is much better as you go above 2TB. But most consumers don't really need or want large scale internal bulk storage.
And why did Sony change all of it's publishing from Sony Computer Entertainment to Playstation Studios and Playstation Games, and then not show a AAA Playstation Games title being released on a new platform during a Playstation event?
I'm not sure I follow this. The rebranding of SCE Worldwide Studios and SIE Worldwide Studios into a global PlayStation Studios in May 2020 followed a period of global restructuring across the business over the previous nine months.

On your second point, consider that Sony released Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut on PS5 on 20 August 2021, and didn't give it any time at the June 2021 State of Play. What does this tell you? That it's not about PC, it's simply that Sony rarely use time talking about brining an old game to a new platform. Even if that platform is a Sony-branded plastic video toy. These events are for new titles. :yep2:
That's a relative platform split and the far-right bar is Sony's estimate/hope of where things will be in two years time. They don't see the console revenue shrinking, they see PC and mobile growing. If they are correct, in two years, when speculation of PS6 will be at a fever pitch, PS5 will still be generating more revenue than PC and mobile combined. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS - that's a chart relating to releases and not revenue. It shows that they still plan to have timed exclusivity on PS at that time and potentially some few titles will remain PS only.

That said, I fully expect that as long as Sony published titles remain timed exclusive on PS, that Sony published titles will always have greater revenue on PS than PC.

/me looks over at his friends that have a PS5 only for the occasional PS5 exclusive Sony title and nothing else. Some of them spent over 1k USD on theirs in order to play 1 or 2 games a year on it. :p Sony could have made so much more money on those PS5's if they'd gone to a console gamer that played all their games on console.

Because they are GaaS. At the same time Forbidden West has still not being announced on PC yet, and Spider-Man 2 didnt show any PC announcement. This is related to Sony's strategy not fanboys. If fanboydom was so powerful then why did Sony even announce GaaS games on PC? That contradicts your argument about not harming fanboy feelings.

It is not there yet.
Sony is making most of its money from royalties from games sold on Playstation. This has nothing to do because of Sony fanboys. You are speaking from the perspective of a PC gamer not from Sony's.
Selling more Playstations is more paramount for Sony than selling more of their first party games on PC. If Sony can increase Playstation fanboys to sell more playstations and buy more third party games on Playstation thats what Sony would actually want.
This event was not just about the console.. and like I said, you're going to see more and more PC and Mobile in "Showcases and State of Plays" going forward.. Sony fans have this idea that Sony's GaaS ambitions are something completely separate or lesser from Playstation's point of view from their "core" ambitions... which is something entirely just made up in their minds to deal with the fact that Sony is ALREADY a fully 3rd party multiplatform gaming publisher, and that many of their upcoming games are ALREADY confirmed to be releasing day and date. I have a news flash for you. Sony's GaaS, from their first party studios... are STILL FIRST PARTY PLAYSTATION GAMES.

Now you can do all the gymnastics you want so that it helps yourself or anyone else feel better about that... but Playstation as a whole... is expanding in multiple directions, and at some point YOU and Sony will have to deal with the fact that each side is just as much "Playstation" as the other.

Absolutely NOBODY said this would happen over night... but it's happening, and just a short time ago there would have been NO mention of PC at all in a PS showcase... and now like 5 out of the 6 games they showed/announced ALSO had "and PC" in the announcement.

Console isn't the sole focus anymore. They have to start pushing and marketing the other directions they are moving the company in, and that inevitably means less direct spotlight for the console.
This event was not just about the console..


Who's really doing the gymnastics?

What part of it is not there yet did you not get? Or that Sony makes most of its money from royalties and services that reside within its proprietary platform and tries to keep that going as long as it can?
Expanding beyond doesnt mean Sony is willing to sacrifice that for one off singular sales of their own made software. The main purpose of the event is to make people keep buying more playstation CONSOLES and buying third party games and services on a Playstation CONSOLE instead on a PC even if Sony behind the scenes is expanding its strategy into Mobile and PCs. Millions of GTA 6's bought on Playstation CONSOLE brings money, whereas millions of GTA 6's bought on PCs brings zero money to Sony. Now consider the hundreds and thousands of third party games that will be available on a Playstation CONSOLE with each sale bringing money to Sony, vs Sony being just a software company.

Playstation console is and will be (or at least they will try to be) their main product and the main marketing focus for a very very long time. Their gradual investments is a safeguard for the future, while currently Playstation Console is the driveforce.
As of now, trying to bring the far future to the present doesnt contribute much to the discussion. This has nothing to do with feelings. This is how the economics work for Sony. To be honest I have no idea what you are arguing about.
It seems to me you are arguing mostly with yourself because you are making assumptions about where I am coming from than what I am actually saying.
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Beyond what seems, games bought on the Playstation brings the big cash 🤷‍♂️
And hence why what seems reasonable here is economically less reasonable for Sony and is reflected on Sony's PC releases and announcements