Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

You do realize that even when they were also promoting titles for PS4 that the events were still branded as PS5? And even when they were also showcasing titles coming to PC at those State of Play events, the events were still branded as PS5?

You guys are amazingly amusing how you are trying to connect the dots and your own questions is hint to the answer
Yeah exactly! It was named Playstation 5 and NOT Playstation. Playstation 5 is Sony's focus and Sony's future and wants to create brand awareness for the new console. PS5 was still the main focus. Sony was actually promoting PS4 cross gen games with Playstation 5 enhancements. Regarding GaaS games available also on PC, Sony did the same during the PS3 days with Everquest, DC Universe and Planetside, IPs owned by SOE. A time when Sony said they have to focus more on their first party exclusives to diversify the console instead on relying as much on third parties for exclusive content. So there is not really much to say.

Your logic goes like this: I assume that Sony's focus is not the Playstation 5 console.
So I wonder why Sony said they are planning to release Playstation games on PC 2 years or more after their release instead of Day 1.
So I wonder why Spider Man 2 has a PS5 logo and no PC announcement.
So I wonder why Sony didnt announce Rachet and Clank PC release on the Playstation 5 event.
Sony's event is just Playstation brand because Playstation is platform agnostic....oh wait...they actually do say PS5 .The PS5 logo MUST be the same as MS saying just XBOX at their events.
So coincidentally I wonder why sony doesnt say Playstation 5 on the PC release since Playstation 5 doesnt mean console and it is the actual brand :ROFLMAO:
I dont I understand why Sony isnt announcing mobile games at the Playstation 5 event.
Sony must be doing all that because they dont want to hurt the feelings of Sony fanboys instead of doing whats best for them financially!!! Right?
I dont get why Sony is making third party deals where games are timed console exclusive with PC releases being delayed 6 months, a year or more afterwards?
I mean....I dont get it. The PS5 Console is not a priority. Why all these?
What a great mystery this Sony is. 🤔 It is first women, then Sony and then the mystery of life.

Well either Sony has good reasons which have been explained or Sony are simply idiots since the PS1 days and they need to hire some of you to fix all that marketing mess of not prioritizing non-console releases.

PS: btw The above arent all directed to what you specifically said, but it is a collection of the different arguments brought here pointing to Sony's supposed "mishandling" of non-console releases and announcements.
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remember where it started people

I don't understand the current discussion. Is it what we should/shouldn't expect from State of Play videos regards PC title announcements?
Makes more sense now than ever to try and build an audience on PC since since the future of consoles is uncertain with useful silicon scaling coming to an end soon.
You guys are amazingly amusing how you are trying to connect the dots and your own questions is hint to the answer
Yeah exactly! It was named Playstation 5 and NOT Playstation. Playstation 5 is Sony's focus and Sony's future and wants to create brand awareness for the new console. PS5 was still the main focus. Sony was actually promoting PS4 cross gen games with Playstation 5 enhancements. Regarding GaaS games available also on PC, Sony did the same during the PS3 days with Everquest, DC Universe and Planetside, IPs owned by SOE. A time when Sony said they have to focus more on their first party exclusives to diversify the console instead on relying as much on third parties for exclusive content. So there is not really much to say.

Your logic goes like this: I assume that Sony's focus is not the Playstation 5 console.
So I wonder why Sony said they are planning to release Playstation games on PC 2 years or more after their release instead of Day 1.
So I wonder why Spider Man 2 has a PS5 logo and no PC announcement.
So I wonder why Sony didnt announce Rachet and Clank PC release on the Playstation 5 event.
Sony's event is just Playstation brand because Playstation is platform agnostic....oh wait...they actually do say PS5 .The PS5 logo MUST be the same as MS saying just XBOX at their events.
So coincidentally I wonder why sony doesnt say Playstation 5 on the PC release since Playstation 5 doesnt mean console and it is the actual brand :ROFLMAO:
I dont I understand why Sony isnt announcing mobile games at the Playstation 5 event.
Sony must be doing all that because they dont want to hurt the feelings of Sony fanboys instead of doing whats best for them financially!!! Right?
I dont get why Sony is making third party deals where games are timed console exclusive with PC releases being delayed 6 months, a year or more afterwards?
I mean....I dont get it. The PS5 Console is not a priority. Why all these?
What a great mystery this Sony is. 🤔 It is first women, then Sony and then the mystery of life.

Well either Sony has good reasons which have been explained or Sony are simply idiots since the PS1 days and they need to hire some of you to fix all that marketing mess of not prioritizing non-console releases.

PS: btw The above arent all directed to what you specifically said, but it is a collection of the different arguments brought here pointing to Sony's supposed "mishandling" of non-console releases and announcements.
Nesh... If you talked to me some time ago, I would clap these words, saying my way of seeing things was exactly the same as yours.

But I´m starting to question myself if I´m not trying to cheat myself with this way of thinking.

I understand that Sony is not making the same moves as Microsoft. I understand that Sony still prioritizes the console in a way Microsoft does not.
On Xbox you could replace the console with a PC, without even feeling any difference on support. But not on PS! Games are released two years later, Games keep exclusivity on console, etc, etc.

But if these release rumours on Horizon FW are true the Game will release before two years are on on PS5... Sony keeps eating the interval, and from 3 years from the first titles, dropped to two, and now, if this release happens, it will be less than two. At some point it could be a year, at another point even less.

Off course the release date is not official yet, but I do hope, Sony keeps the two years minimum as interval. If Sony erodes the public confidence, the public can show them they can chew on the rope too... I for one will do it.

Present Sony seems to show signs of the old arrogant Sony, but this time with a perceptible greed on money. The PSN price increase was just absurd. No one can accept a product can increase by 26% without any justification or improvement. And Sony did this. And 26% Was what we saw in Europe, because other places saw even bigger increases.

At the same time, Sony decreased the PS5 price... What image do you think this passes to the public? A cheaper console with an expensive service that you cannot do without if you want to take full advantage of what you payed! Drop price on one place, get the money back, and more, on another.

Looking at 2023, what did Playstation users got? Some got a new game called The Last of Us, but the most part got a Remake of The Last of us, and some got a bi-remake of the last of us. And all will get a brand new Spider Man 2.

But what about the PC?
Well, in 2023 they got The Last of us, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, and now, Horizon: Forbiden West. 4 new Games vs X on the console (Replace the X with 0 or 1, depending on either you already owned Tlou or not).

When 2023 is almost looking to be a Xbox One Year regarding first party support on the PS5, the PC had a great year. And this kind of lack of attention from Sony, giving the PC a better year than the console, with games cheaper, and more complete (with all patches and DLCs, and no need for PSN) than the consoles conterparts, almost makes you wonder: Is the Playstation focused on the console, or the PC?

Because if it is the console... It shure could fool anyone!
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Nesh... If you talked to me some time ago, I would clap these words, saying my way of seeing things was exactly the same as yours.

But I´m starting to question myself if I´m not trying to cheat myself with this way of thinking.

I understand that Sony is not making the same moves as Microsoft. I understand that Sony still prioritizes the console in a way Microsoft does not.
On Xbox you could replace the console with a PC, without even feeling any difference on support. But not on PS! Games are released two years later, Games keep exclusivity on console, etc, etc.

But if these release rumours on Horizon FW are true the Game will release before two years are on on PS5... Sony keeps eating the interval, and from 3 years from the first titles, dropped to two, and now, if this release happens, it will be less than two. At some point it could be a year, at another point even less.

Off course the release date is not official yet, but I do hope, Sony keeps the two years minimum as interval. If Sony erodes the public confidence, the public can show them they can chew on the rope too... I for one will do it.

Present Sony seems to show signs of the old arrogant Sony, but this time with a perceptible greed on money. The PSN price increase was just absurd. No one can accept a product can increase by 26% without any justification or improvement. And Sony did this. And 26% Was what we saw in Europe, because other places saw even bigger increases.

At the same time, Sony decreased the PS5 price... What image do you think this passes to the public? A cheaper console with an expensive service that you cannot do without if you want to take full advantage of what you payed! Drop price on one place, get the money back, and more, on another.

Looking at 2023, what did Playstation users got? Some got a new game called The Last of Us, but the most part got a Remake of The Last of us, and some got a bi-remake of the last of us. And all will get a brande new Spider Man 2.

But what about the PC?
Well, in 2023 they got The Last of us, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, and now, Horizon: Forbiden West. 4 new Games vs X on the console (Replace the X with 0 or 1, depending on either you already owned Tlou or not).

When 2023 is almost looking to be a Xbox One Year regarding first party support on the PS5, the PC had a great year. And this kind of lack of attention from Sony, giving the PC a better year than the console, with games cheaper, and more complete (with all patches and DLCs, and no need for PSN) than the consoles conterparts, almost makes you wonder: Is the Playstation focused on the console, or the PC?

Because if it is the console... It shure could fool anyone!
Oh just to make myself clear, I dont think Sony are some kind of good guys that are protecting the console out of virtue. They are controlled by a bunch of people in suits trying to make as much money as possible. If they can screw us for money they will do it.

Sony is focusing (or was) their brand awareness on the console purchases because thats where they maintain the big cash flowing in. Sony is of course trying to see how to get as much money as possible from as many places as possible without killing off, or weakening the console business. Hence why they are giving these contradictory messages. They are trying to get the best out of both worlds while these two worlds cannibalise from each other and they are trying to see how to handle it. Probably because the big investors and the accountants push for more money in the short run, without having a grasp how the market actually works. Or they are probably caught in a difficult situation, where they predict that consoles will not have a viable future and want to create a space for them to exist on other platforms.

Is there a chance they might screw things up out of greed trying to dip their hands into the honey of PC space simultaneously?
Can they also alienate their users by overcharging?

Seems like hit or miss these days, who knows. I'd like to think they learned their lesson with TLOU1, there's little time pressure for this one so no reason to rush it.
Almost every port not handled by Nixxes has been quite bad. God of War was DX11 which probably contributed greatly to it being solid and Returnal was Unreal Engine 4.
Off course the release date is not official yet, but I do hope, Sony keeps the two years minimum as interval. If Sony erodes the public confidence, the public can show them they can chew on the rope too... I for one will do it.
I was fairly skeptical of Sony's approach to PC in general, as I thought it would simply reduce the appeal of the Playstation, as there's quite a lot of PC gamers who also own some sort of console for exclusive games and whatnot. But I think I've been pretty wrong to be skeptical. Demand for Playstation 5 has been absolutely rabid, and while I dont really understand why(especially post-lockdowns), it's plainly obvious that basically nothing is gonna stop PS5 selling like crazy from here on out. It's got that sort of freight train momentum that tends to mean sustained success for the whole generation.

Basically, I dont think they've hurt anything by releasing games on PC so far, and I dont see why cutting the timeline for PS5 exclusive->PC should massively change that.

The only argument I can see for not wanting to see this is if you have some level of platform warrior mentality where you like to feel superior to other people for having games they cant play.
I was fairly skeptical of Sony's approach to PC in general, as I thought it would simply reduce the appeal of the Playstation, as there's quite a lot of PC gamers who also own some sort of console for exclusive games and whatnot. But I think I've been pretty wrong to be skeptical. Demand for Playstation 5 has been absolutely rabid, and while I dont really understand why(especially post-lockdowns), it's plainly obvious that basically nothing is gonna stop PS5 selling like crazy from here on out. It's got that sort of freight train momentum that tends to mean sustained success for the whole generation.

Basically, I dont think they've hurt anything by releasing games on PC so far, and I dont see why cutting the timeline for PS5 exclusive->PC should massively change that.

The only argument I can see for not wanting to see this is if you have some level of platform warrior mentality where you like to feel superior to other people for having games they cant play.
It's a slippery road. The problem of releasing games on PC and shortening the period of PC port is that at some point the developers will stop focusing on PS5 hardware and will simply focus on PC (which takes time) then make an unoptimized PS5 port.

For instance God of War Ragnarok on PS5 is technologically a PS4, PC game simply needing a HDD to run. And it shows greatly (every 30 sec there is a cutscene or slow passage designed to hide PS4 HDD loadings) when compared to Demon's Souls, Ratchet or Spider-man Miles Morales running on PS5. The game looked good, image quality notably was top-notch, but felt incredibly old-gen to play.
I was fairly skeptical of Sony's approach to PC in general, as I thought it would simply reduce the appeal of the Playstation, as there's quite a lot of PC gamers who also own some sort of console for exclusive games and whatnot. But I think I've been pretty wrong to be skeptical. Demand for Playstation 5 has been absolutely rabid, and while I dont really understand why(especially post-lockdowns), it's plainly obvious that basically nothing is gonna stop PS5 selling like crazy from here on out. It's got that sort of freight train momentum that tends to mean sustained success for the whole generation.

Basically, I dont think they've hurt anything by releasing games on PC so far, and I dont see why cutting the timeline for PS5 exclusive->PC should massively change that.

The only argument I can see for not wanting to see this is if you have some level of platform warrior mentality where you like to feel superior to other people for having games they cant play.
It is selling like hotcakes to people who are either unaware, or people who dont fancy playing on PC, and Sony's plans of keeping games unreleased on PC for sometime is paying dividends.
It's a slippery road. The problem of releasing games on PC and shortening the period of PC port is that at some point the developers will stop focusing on PS5 hardware and will simply focus on PC (which takes time) then make an unoptimized PS5 port.

For instance God of War Ragnarok on PS5 is technologically a PS4, PC game simply needing a HDD to run. And it shows greatly (every 30 sec there is a cutscene or slow passage designed to hide PS4 HDD loadings) when compared to Demon's Souls, Ratchet or Spider-man Miles Morales running on PS5. The game looked good, image quality notably was top-notch, but felt incredibly old-gen to play.

But why would the games coming to PC mean that the PS5 version has to be held back in any way?

Both Ratchet and Miles Morales are already on the PC and have no issues there despite being being designed exclusively as PS5 games from the offset.