Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

Yes, the leak has proved true for Ratchet and Clank, Horizon 2 and Returnal. GT7, Damon's Souls Remake and Ghost of Tsushima have yet to be proven right.
Those aren't the games you mentioned. Metal Gear Solid, Cities Skylines 2, and Monster Hunter 6 - were any of those published by Sony? You singled them out in a thread a out Sony published games without explaining why and I'm mildly lost.
Sony posted some sales numbers for it's PC releases. Sales are from Feb 2023. So they are not the latest.

Sony must be so pissed now.

Yes, but at the same time, you should run your org on the premiss that info will get out. In my company we make sure that whatever we put into our daily systems its something we can live with if it gets leaked. If there is something really important that should would really hurt us if it gets out, then we basically burn it after reading ;D No but we have other systems with more padlocks on it so to speak.
A PC build of Marvel's Wolverine has now leaked online.

And on another note, it seems Sony will greenlight any PC port of their games via a simple email, if that port costs less than 30 million.

This was the case with the Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart port, which cost far less than $30 million.

other files in the leak confirmed how there already are PC builds for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and Marvel's Wolverine.

The recent leak confirms Spiderman 2 is coming to PC in FY25 which places it between 6 and 18 months after the PS5 version.

The leak also details the porting costs for the PC game versions and they're extremely low. Sony can make a profit on these from just 50k sales or so. No wonder they are bringing so many games to the PC.

never thought ports cost that much !

It's actually not really as pjbliverpool's post shows. This basically means that pretty much any title would get greenlit for a PC port as it's highly unlikely that any port would come even close to 30 million USD during the life of the PS5.

Are you sure? Isn't FY 2025 from April 2024 to March 2025?
No currently it is FY 23 and it will finish march 2024.

No currently it is FY 23 ad it will finish march 2024.

My mistake then. Thanks!
My mistake then. Thanks!

Just for clarification, companies can either use FY (starting year) or FY (ending year). That can make it confusing for people that don't know which system a company uses when they attempt to compare 2 company's fiscal reports.

So, for example, Sony uses FY (starting year) while Microsoft uses FY (ending year). Sony's FY 2022 would be roughly the same time period as Microsoft's FY 2023.

It's why when I report on these things I try to say:
  • Sony's FY starting 2022 ... blah blah blah.
  • Microsoft's FY ending 2023 ... blah blah blah.
Hoping it'll help reduce the confusion, but I imagine people will still get confused. :p

Assuming this leak
Sony's FY 2025 spans April 2025 to March 2026, so between 18 and 30 month after the PS5 launch.

I blame the source lol. Still according to the leak the last spend on the port is due in FY24 which means in theory they're planning for it to be ready by April 25 or about 16 months from now. So without checking that puts it roughly in line with the Horizon 2 timescales I think? Maybe a bit quicker if they release early FY25.
Been reading some of the documents on the Insomiac Leak, and I find some things that just dont seem to add up!
I´m going to explain them here, and note that I´m note saying these documents are fake! I have no way of saying that, but the simple fact is that things just dont seem to add up, and, as such appear to me as quite strange!
So let´s be clear here, I´m not trying to sell the idea of fake documents, but just share the things I found that doesnt seem to add up.
So lets beguin:

Somewhere on the leaks is this image:


What called my attention on this was the that the Break Even numbers are equal on Spider Man 2 and Spider Man 2, although the costs are different.

So I made some calculations to Spider Man 3:

5.5 milion games * 70 dolars = 385 million. That is the cost of the game, so it is correct!

But in that case, on Spider Man 2 it is Wrong!

Off course this is assuming all sales are at 70 euros, so it can be a case of they thinking they can sell 5.5 million copies of SpiderMan 3 at 50 euros, but cannot sell 4.5 million copies of SpiderMan 2 at the same price, so they need more copies.
In that case Spider Man 2 sales are estimates. And the chart is previous to that game!

But then there is this:


This chart is in the same leak, and it shows Sales numbers and Net sales (income - all expenses except production costs - same as the ones in the Insomniac chart).
Ratchet & Clank Shows 2,742K sales and 145 millions in Net profit.
Miles Morales shows 11.125k sabes and 427 millions in Net Profit.

If this is true then sales Numbers and Income on the Insomniac chart are totally wrong.
Something is wrong here! Why would Insomniac count Ratchet as a non profitable game when it was?
And why are sales and income numbers of older games with numbers closed wrong on the Insomniac chart?

Then we have this that I also find strange. And I repeat, I find it strange! Not saying it´s fake or that others hould think as me, but I find it strange!


What is written is, in my oppinion, all true. And I do not even doubt that Sony may have these fears!

But why is such a document made by Insomniac, and with the Insomiac logo on it, instead of the Playstation or Sony Logo?

Also find it strange, although I might undertand the reasoning, to claim so openly and without a reservation line, that Sony's pillars are dated when Sony is on the way to have it´s best generation ever. Sony´s pilars are solid on the area Sony is currently operating, although weak on new areas.

Although there might be a reasonable explanation I find this as strange as a Hotel management discussion apearing with the hotel´s restaurant logo!

But as I wrote, this is me! You may think otherwise.

Finally, this:


The agreement between Sony and Marvel states a 120 million development cost for each of the three Games. That is very far from the 305 millions we saw on the first image! Even adding 30 million for marketing and the extra 9 million, we are far from the 305 million stated above.

Is Sony going above the agreement, Spending half of the agreed money on just one Game? If the cost of development if the one on the Insomiac charts, why write these absurd values on the agreement?

These are the things I found that I find strange!

Can someone provide good explanation for these?
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Been reading some of the documents on the Insomiac Leak, and I find some things that just dont seem to add up!
I´m going to explain them here, and note that I´m note saying these documents are fake! I have no way of saying that, but the simple fact is that things just dont seem to add up, and, as such appear to me as quite strange!
So let´s be clear here, I´m not trying to sell the idea of fake documents, but just share the things I found that doesnt seem to add up.
So lets beguin:

Somewhere on the leaks is this image:

View attachment 10331

What called my attention on this was the that the Break Even numbers are equal on Spider Man 2 and Spider Man 2, although the costs are different.

So I made some calculations to Spider Man 3:

5.5 milion games * 70 dolars = 385 million. That is the cost of the game, so it is correct!

But in that case, on Spider Man 2 it is Wrong!

Off course this is assuming all sales are at 70 euros, so it can be a case of they thinking they can sell 5.5 million copies of SpiderMan 3 at 50 euros, but cannot sell 4.5 million copies of SpiderMan 2 at the same price, so they need more copies.
In that case Spider Man 2 sales are estimates. And the chart is previous to that game!

But then there is this:

View attachment 10332

This chart is in the same leak, and it shows Sales numbers and Net sales (income - all expenses except production costs - same as the ones in the Insomniac chart).
Ratchet & Clank Shows 2,742K sales and 145 millions in Net profit.
Miles Morales shows 11.125k sabes and 427 millions in Net Profit.

If this is true then sales Numbers and Income on the Insomniac chart are totally wrong.
Something is wrong here! Why would Insomniac count Ratchet as a non profitable game when it was?
And why are sales and income numbers of older games with numbers closed wrong on the Insomniac chart?

Then we have this that I also find strange. And I repeat, I find it strange! Not saying it´s fake or that others hould think as me, but I find it strange!

View attachment 10333

What is written is, in my oppinion, all true. And I do not even doubt that Sony may have these fears!

But why is such a document made by Insomniac, and with the Insomiac logo on it, instead of the Playstation or Sony Logo?

Also find it strange, although I might undertand the reasoning, to claim so openly and without a reservation line, that Sony's pillars are dated when Sony is on the way to have it´s best generation ever. Sony´s pilars are solid on the area Sony is currently operating, although weak on new areas.

Although there might be a reasonable explanation I find this as strange as a Hotel management discussion apearing with the hotel´s restaurant logo!

But as I wrote, this is me! You may think otherwise.

Finally, this:

View attachment 10334

The agreement between Sony and Marvel states a 120 million development cost for each of the three Games. That is very far from the 305 millions we saw on the first image! Even adding 30 million for marketing and the extra 9 million, we are far from the 305 million stated above.

Is Sony going above the agreement, Spending half of the agreed money on just one Game? If the cost of development if the one on the Insomiac charts, why write these absurd values on the agreement?

These are the things I found that I find strange!

Can someone provide good explanation for these?

Again Insomniac projected Ratchet and Clank to be non profitable. It was a forecast but the game was profitable. They were forecasting only 10.5 millions for Spiderman. It is better to underestimate than overestimate sales projection.

EDIT: And the document about the pillar was made in 2021 and updated in 2022 when MS proposal was only three year of COD on Playstation and this is risk assessment they took the worst case. I am sûre of one thing of COD was exclusive to Xbox they wouldn’t lost all PS plus subscription, a good chunk but not all subscriptions.