Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

Could also be needing the PS4 editions if they want to offer the games on PSNow. I haven't seen anything about Sony developing PS5 Blades for the datacenter yet.
Arstechnica's article on it.

''Today's news will arguably tide Sony fans over''
LOL whatever they need to get them through the day..

I'm just referring to this "Sony's holding back PS5 versions and doing PS4 versions so that they can make PC versions" nonsense.. completely ridiculous. I'll tell you exactly why they are doing it. They're making PS4 versions because this new Kratos arc is meant to be only 2 games now instead of 3, since Cory Barlog already stated that they didn't want to be spending the next ~15 years of their life making this one story. They compressed it down into two games, and after doing so, it made sense to complete that arc on the PS4 for all the millions of people who have the first one on that system. There's ALSO the fact that the pandemic happened, and as good as PS5 is selling, they could have been doing even better had the pandemic not got in the way of console production. You don't just drop 100M potential buyers when you're in the midst of a pandemic... And quite frankly.. the scope of the game they designed and the story they set out to tell across these two games, is within the capabilities of the hardware.
According to Sony themselfs it was due to crossy gen, its not the PC's fault, which is much and much faster than the PS5 IO/NVME anyway.

i heard about consoles holding back PCs but that poor bastards that spends thousands of dollars on HW and call themselves "pc master race" are holding back consoles now!? What a time to be alive /S
i heard about consoles holding back PCs but that poor bastards that spends thousands of dollars on HW and call themselves "pc master race" are holding back consoles now!? What a time to be alive /S
You know what holds back PC games? Shite PCs, i.e. the greater majority of PCs that can barely compete in equivalent performance with consoles let alone the computers that us true PCMR folks have. The PC Peasant Race (PCPR).
You know what holds back PC games? Shite PCs, i.e. the greater majority of PCs that can barely compete in equivalent performance with consoles let alone the computers that us true PCMR folks have. The PC Peasant Race (PCPR).

yeah WTH people stop being poor!
I am rly sorry for my bad boomer jokes, i let myself out.
Just an interesting note, Sony WAS publishing their games on PC using the name "Playstation Mobile Inc." and now they've changed it to "Playstation PC LLC"



You can definitely feel the air changing around Sony and how they are beginning to present their PC ambitions. PC is getting mentioned in State of Play's now.. they've changed and streamlined the publishing arm, more games are getting announced and I believe we'll see them at a faster pace in 2022.

It also appears the new PS5/PS4 Sackboy game is also potentially coming... aside from other more obvious ones that we already know about.

It will be interesting to see how they handle Horizon Forbidden West. Wonder how long/short of a wait it will be? They'll be wanting to give the console version it's space obviously... but they'll also want to maximize the game's hype cycle and will likely want to sell it at full price, so potentially 1 year later, maybe 1.5?

Once dominos start falling though...
Sony launches PlayStation PC label for ports

A new specific brand.

I look forward to PlayStation Mac LLC. This used to be PlayStation Mobile LLC. They should just remove all ambiguity and rename it PlayStation but not PlayStation(tm) LLC.
You mean release Mac specific binaries leveraging the ARM CPU? That sounds like a massive porting job. But I could be wrong.
I guess it depends how much code is actually written in x64 on PS4/PS5 versus higher-level compilable languages and where the target silicon is just a checkbox in the IDE. I remain surprised that Sony even release any of their software for macOS, including the PlayStation remote client. Whilst Sony are aware that there other platforms than Windows, hope remains!

f*ck linux though. :runaway: