Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

They announced that they were very happy with how well Horizon and Days Gone have done. Horizon Zero Dawn had over a 250% ROI on the port.
250% is not great return, which is my point about getting the most profit for your effort. We know what PS4 AAA game budgets are, we know the profit margins for physical and digital sales, and the breakdowns, and we know the number of sales for games like Spider-Man, God of War, Uncharted and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Sony's first party PlayStation releases stick out in quarterly reports and the PC ones do not. They cost a lot less to port, but they bring in a fraction of sales and revenue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Days Gone I would imagine is similar. Perhaps even moreso since it was likely easier to port than Horizon ZD was, and was done by Bend Studio internally, unlike Horizon which was initially ported by Virtuous, and then I believe fixed by Guerrilla themselves after the disappointing state of the game at launch.

Maybe, maybe not. Days Gone was a better port in every way but sold half as much as Horizon. This perhaps isn't surprising me as there are less robot dinosaur games compared to open world zombie survival games, and Day's Gone PS4 reception was decidedly average.
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250% is not great return, which is my point about getting the most profit for your effort. We know what PS4 AAA game budgets are, we know the profit margins for physical and digital sales, and the breakdowns, and we know the number of sales for games like Spider-Man, God of War, Uncharted and Horizon Zero Dawn.
That completely depends. We don't know how much they spent to port the game, however Sony themselves seem quite happy with how it sold. And that 250% is likely considering the work porting the engine, then also the work fixing the game over a series of months after launch. They also likely look at the fact that potentially a lot of that upfront cost getting the engines and tools ported and working on PC will work towards lowering the upfront costs of future potential ports.

Maybe, maybe not. Days Gone was a better port in every way but sold half as much as Horizon. This perhaps isn't surprising me as there are less robot dinosaur games compared to open world zombie survival games, and Day's Gone PS4 reception was decidedly average.
Did you just post a source citing "concurrent users" as "sales"?

Important to note, Horizon ZD and Days Gone were released on Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG.. and thus Steam numbers alone don't paint a complete picture.

And besides the actual monetary returns... they're likely also extremely satisfied that they so far have a baseline of ~2 Million sales for their games on PC.. and considering they aren't their biggest IPs... it bodes quite well. They are actively GROWING the PC fanbase.
Did you just post a source citing "concurrent users" as "sales"?
I did, my bad. Probably best to disregard. I can find no solid numbers of Days Gone, just the SteamSpy number which is under 2m.

And besides the actual monetary returns... they're likely also extremely satisfied that they so far have a baseline of ~2 Million sales for their games on PC.. and considering they aren't their biggest IPs... it bodes quite well. They are actively GROWING the PC fanbase.

Sony have remained mute on their PC games in their quarterly reports which we generally where you would expect such comment. As for growing the PC fanbase? How does that work? People don't blindly buy games because they're released by Sony. If so, Sony first party game sales would be eminently predictably but they're not and generally reflect of the broad appeal of genres on any other platform. Days Gone didn't sell as well as Sony would have liked on PS4 either, but I think that's also due to this being an extremely well-trodden game genre.
That completely depends. We don't know how much they spent to port the game, however Sony themselves seem quite happy with how it sold. And that 250% is likely considering the work porting the engine, then also the work fixing the game over a series of months after launch. They also likely look at the fact that potentially a lot of that upfront cost getting the engines and tools ported and working on PC will work towards lowering the upfront costs of future potential ports.

Did you just post a source citing "concurrent users" as "sales"?

Important to note, Horizon ZD and Days Gone were released on Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG.. and thus Steam numbers alone don't paint a complete picture.

And besides the actual monetary returns... they're likely also extremely satisfied that they so far have a baseline of ~2 Million sales for their games on PC.. and considering they aren't their biggest IPs... it bodes quite well. They are actively GROWING the PC fanbase.

Was just thinking that, for being a new avenue/start, its going very, very well. Hence the reason to invest in a porting studio and the continuation to put one of the best selling games on pc (GoW).

'God Of War' Has Sold Nearly 20 Million Copies Worldwide
Spider-Man and The Last of Us have sold over 20m. That is a lot of revenue over time.
You got the poster mixed up when you were quoting lol :p

And yea, 20M is crazy. PC sales will always be a drop in the bucket compared to the console sales of their AAA games. But, companies always want more, and 22-25M is better than 20 lol.

Also I can see Sony branching out to try free to play service games for PS and PC day and date. I think they want to have a huge massive F2P franchise.. something which they can use and lean into PSN with, and perhaps get PC gamers subscrbing into that service.

They've got work ahead of them, but it seems like they are interested in going down this path. Not a bad plan, considering you never know where the industry will be in the next decade or so.
Goes to show, if Sony decides to port a 20m sold PS game on pc, they certainly think its worth it.
Of course it is.

I heard a rumor a while back that Sony had been informing their studios to keep PC in mind when developing their next titles. Meaning, to do the work necessary right now, or to take considerations to make future development less difficult in the future. Considering that was before they started bringing their games over to PC, I didn't think there was much to substantiate that, but looking back on it now, it seems like that may have been the case. Nixxes coming onboard and Sony letting it be known that they intend them to bring other PS games to PC further points to their interest in growing that market. It's definitely worth it for them, because they see it as a growth market. They've got the console market figured out and want to expand the reach of their IP to places where their consoles generally don't penetrate that well. That's what PC is to them, currently.

They will judge their success on how well they can grow those IP on the PC platform, and if God of War comes out and sells 2-5M on PC, and then God of War 2 in the far future grows on top of that... that is what they are looking for.

They're also looking for ways to enter the market with games that don't normally gain the same kind of traction on console as they do on PC. Service games. I see Sony trying their hand at some new service type games, looking for that massive breakthrough. PC is where that primarily happens.
Sony representatives have confirmed to Ars that this port is being "overseen" by its creators at Sony Santa Monica while otherwise handled by Jetpack Interactive, a port-focused studio based in Vancouver, BC. As this studio has never worked with Sony, we can't necessarily point to a track record that has us optimistic about this surpassing outsourced Sony PC ports like Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Never heard of them before
You're making assumptions that God of War War and Uncharted were started after Horizon Zero Dawn and Day Gone released and made Sony profits
Either ways, it's a win.

If Sony started God Of War and Uncharted porting process before the success of Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn, then this means Sony is really really committed to the PC endeavor, they are not doing it in a trickling manner.

If Sony started God Of War and Uncharted porting process after before the success of Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn, then this means Sony is reacting quickly to changing market conditions, it bodes well for the future of their PC endeavor.
Sony don't seem to mind taking taking risks developing new IP
They also don't mind taking risks making cheap PC ports for maximum money.
Wonder how it'll play on the Steam Deck...
While the game might look and play awesome on the Steam Deck, I think playing it in a 7" screen is a major disservice to what is, to me, the game of the generation.
You'll miss Krato's facial expressions, the details of Jormungandr throughout the landscape, the fine particle details, and many more. This should really be played on a larger screen.

I heard a rumor a while back that Sony had been informing their studios to keep PC in mind when developing their next titles. Meaning, to do the work necessary right now, or to take considerations to make future development less difficult in the future.
I read this too on GAF, earlier this year, but can't remember the source. At the time it sounded like a measure to save development time for when they do need to port the games to PC.
Either ways, it's a win.
More gamers enjoying games, definite win.

If Sony started God Of War and Uncharted porting process before the success of Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn, then this means Sony is really really committed to the PC endeavor, they are not doing it in a trickling manner.
Not committed to ports as a long-term strategy, but committed to an experiment involving a good range of games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now I understand why God of War 2 (and Horizon 2) are coming to PS4. It's not only about PS4. It's also about the PC versions. A version compatible with slow PS4 HDDs will be much easier to port to PC.

It's very sad.
Now I understand why God of War 2 (and Horizon 2) are coming to PS4. It's not only about PS4. It's also about the PC versions. A version compatible with slow PS4 HDDs will be much easier to port to PC.

It's very sad.
as we agreed sometime earlier, it does come across as tone deaf to make PS5 exclusives when PS5s are in serious shortage. I understand the desire to want to get on with it, but if people can't get their consoles it seems like penalization that they didn't pay scalper prices. Hopefully by 2022/2023 this will all be rectified and we will see true next gen exclusives.
Now I understand why God of War 2 (and Horizon 2) are coming to PS4. It's not only about PS4. It's also about the PC versions. A version compatible with slow PS4 HDDs will be much easier to port to PC.

According to Sony themselfs it was due to crossy gen, its not the PC's fault, which is much and much faster than the PS5 IO/NVME anyway.