Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

As shown earlier, the big studios that produce those AAA titles make more money on PS than PC. So whilst there may be a market, it's not as financially profitable as their current setup and there's a significantly bigger amount of competition. I'd like to see sales figures of the Sony games on PC but they don't seem to be shouting about them for some reason...then we could look at Assassins Creed/other AAA titles and compare PC vs PS and see where we're at.

Depends on what AAA titles, things like AC valhalla, Fifa and Anthem wont see much attention on PC for good reasons, its a less.tolerant market as compared to the casual PS market.
Games like HL Alyx, BF series, Global offensive, CP2077, FS etc they sell very well, and when theres a PS version, usually the PC version does better. For example BF.

But ye, things like CoD usually do better on PS. As said, PC is a less tolerant market, it always has been.

MS were not really renowned for big AAA cinematic games like PS are.

IMO, MS has done, and still does a very good job on the AAA front, yeah, less cinematic but thank god for that. Theive got a whole bunch of AAA's in the lineup for the Xbox (and pc).

If Sony were to release all their games within 6 months on PC (let's say) then I can save myself a shedload by migrating. I may keep my PS5 for my past purchases, but they will directly lose a large chunk of my cash.

So, what are your reasons for migrating to pc, if sony games would be there within 6 months?
I don't want to turn this into a dig at MS (and obviously this comment is based on past not future) - but MS were not really renowned for big AAA cinematic games like PS are. They have Halo which sells well, but outside that even Gears I don't think does that well. Conversely Sony have had great success in this area. With that in mind I migrated to PC but as I have a vested interest in the Xbox (and many people will have invested significantly more than me, it's hardly surprising people are not migrating.

Of course the same could be true for PS, but it's more about the buying habits and profits - in my world (which yeah, anecdotal, I know) I rarely (if ever) buy on Xbox, there's no point - I have a PC. But I do have an Xbox because I have GP and use it to earn free games and gamepass. I have a PS and at the moment I'm only buying exclusives...and sign up to PS+...and buy their accessories.

If Sony were to release all their games within 6 months on PC (let's say) then I can save myself a shedload by migrating. I may keep my PS5 for my past purchases, but they will directly lose a large chunk of my cash.

Here's the same question to you, since none of what you said addressed my point.

Do you buy all or most of your multiplatform games on PS5 (or PS4 if you don't have a PS5)?

If you do, why haven't you already been buying them on PC if PC is a better experience than PS5?

Why would Sony 1p games being on PC suddenly convince you that buying multiplatform games on PC is much better than playing them on PS5?

Are you then basically saying that the PS5 is inferior to PC in every single way and the only reason you game on it is because of the 1p exclusives? In which case you're already playing all multiplatform games on PC, right?

If you're already buying all or most of your multiplatform games on PC then you aren't really a valuable PlayStation consumer to them. In this case, they'd make more profit off of you if you bought their exclusives on PC.

If you're already buying all or most of your multiplatform games on PC then you aren't really a valuable PlayStation consumer to them. In this case, they'd make more profit off of you if you bought their exclusives on PC.

Erm what now!? lol
Just so we're clear, if I buy "Sony games" on PS5;
  • They get a bigger cut
  • I buy their accessories
  • I subscribe to PS+
  • I am still within the ecosystem so may buy other things
If I buy them on PC;
  • They get a smaller cut
  • I don't but their accessories
  • I don't subscribe to PS+
  • I'm no longer in their ecosystem as I'm buying everything on PC
Please can you explain to this dumbass how they make more profit out of me as you suggest, I'm all ears.
Do you buy all or most of your multiplatform games on PS5 (or PS4 if you don't have a PS5)?
Depends on the game, the price and the features etc.

If you do, why haven't you already been buying them on PC if PC is a better experience than PS5?
See above

Why would Sony 1p games being on PC suddenly convince you that buying multiplatform games on PC is much better than playing them on PS5?
I wouldn't need a PS5 or rather put my money into that specific ecosystem, I can focus on just PC...much like I can't remember the last time MS made a penny from me (directly).

Are you then basically saying that the PS5 is inferior to PC in every single way and the only reason you game on it is because of the 1p exclusives? In which case you're already playing all multiplatform games on PC, right?
See above again - it's totally title by title specific...the glory of having all the hardware options is I can pick and choose...but I've always stated I like PS games and exclusives are a big driver for me.
Erm what now!? lol

Not following along closely, but...

It's not about you. It's about people different from you.
  • Will never buy a Sony PlayStation Console
  • Will only game on PCs
But if it is about you, then I dont see how it's better for Sony if you buy their games on PC instead of PS5 unless they're losing a lot of money on selling the hardware.

EDIT: You is the group of gamers in that situation, and not you as in singularly you.
Not following along closely, but...

It's not about you. It's about people different from you.
  • Will never buy a Sony PlayStation Console
  • Will only game on PCs
But if it is about you, then I dont see how it's better for Sony if you buy their games on PC instead of PS5 unless they're losing a lot of money on selling the hardware.

EDIT: You is the group of gamers in that situation, and not you as in singularly you.
SB was asking me questions directly and ended with "If you're already buying all or most of your multiplatform games on PC then you aren't really a valuable PlayStation consumer to them. In this case, they'd make more profit off of you if you bought their exclusives on PC.".

To me the question is if people would migrate if PS games came to PC 'soon after launch' and if the negative affect outweighs the positive...which I think it does.
Not following along closely, but...

It's not about you. It's about people different from you.
  • Will never buy a Sony PlayStation Console
  • Will only game on PCs
But if it is about you, then I dont see how it's better for Sony if you buy their games on PC instead of PS5 unless they're losing a lot of money on selling the hardware.

EDIT: You is the group of gamers in that situation, and not you as in singularly you.
Of course I might be completely different to how others think, but let's look at what's happening...we have MS releasing their console games day one on PC. So as things stand, you don't really need an Xbox. When prices resume to normal you can build a half decent PC and play all those games. If Sony were to do the same no-one will need a console...everyone can go to PC.

What's wrong with that?

Sony's current extremely profitable ecosystem will break and they will lose PS+ subs and % of 3rd party sales and a % of 1st party sales (unless they had a dedicated store- but even then the prices would have to be lower than £70).

I don't know, maybe I'm just looking at things too simplistically...I realise not everyone has a PC, and I also realise not everyone will want a PC. But imagine a format where you don't have to choose a side because you can have everything, and not only that it's significantly cheaper (after the hardware is purchased).
TBH it'd be perfect for me, I'd save loads of money - the only thing I'd miss is the developers using the specific/dedicated advantages of is/was cool to see games (even back in the 8 bit days) have differences for technical reasons and see how devs might change a game or utilise a unique feature.
Erm what now!? lol
Just so we're clear, if I buy "Sony games" on PS5;
  • They get a bigger cut
  • I buy their accessories
  • I subscribe to PS+
  • I am still within the ecosystem so may buy other things
If I buy them on PC;
  • They get a smaller cut
  • I don't but their accessories
  • I don't subscribe to PS+
  • I'm no longer in their ecosystem as I'm buying everything on PC
Please can you explain to this dumbass how they make more profit out of me as you suggest, I'm all ears.

They get a bigger cut from your 1p purchases, sure. But if they are selling the console to you at a loss as they are with the PS5, then that extra 30% (Steam) or 12% (EGS) from not selling on PC may not cover that loss.

Additionally, someone buying a console only for the exclusives means that the console isn't being bought by someone that is buying multiplatform games (where the real profits are made). Later in the generation when there is no shortage of consoles this is not as big of a deal, although it does reduce profit margins if a PS5 owner isn't buying multiplatform games on PS5.

However, at launch, as in right now, Sony are losing millions of USD on people that are only buying 1p exclusives on the platform while buying multiplatform games on PC. IE - they could be making significantly more money if every single PS5 owner was not only buying 1p games but multiplatform games as well. In this situation, it is far better for those people to be buying Sony 1p exclusives on PC and allowing a person that purchases all or most of their multiplatform games on console to buy a PS5.

Basically, right now, Sony are losing money for every person that buys a PS5 but only buys 1p games. Considering that the console is currently being sold at a loss, if they aren't buying a lot of 1p games, then they are making less money this way than if those games were being sold on PC with Steam (30% cut) or EGS (12% cut) taking their cut of each sale.

Alternative sell the PC version of the game on PC through the Sony PlayStation store and keep all the profits. However, you probably wouldn't sell as many copies as through Steam, but you can always offer it on the Sony store in addition to Steam and EGS and get a little more profit that way as well.

They get a bigger cut from your 1p purchases, sure. But if they are selling the console to you at a loss as they are with the PS5, then that extra 30% (Steam) or 12% (EGS) from not selling on PC may not cover that loss.

Additionally, someone buying a console only for the exclusives means that the console isn't being bought by someone that is buying multiplatform games (where the real profits are made). Later in the generation when there is no shortage of consoles this is not as big of a deal, although it does reduce profit margins if a PS5 owner isn't buying multiplatform games on PS5.

However, at launch, as in right now, Sony are losing millions of USD on people that are only buying 1p exclusives on the platform while buying multiplatform games on PC. IE - they could be making significantly more money if every single PS5 owner was not only buying 1p games but multiplatform games as well. In this situation, it is far better for those people to be buying Sony 1p exclusives on PC and allowing a person that purchases all or most of their multiplatform games on console to buy a PS5.

Basically, right now, Sony are losing money for every person that buys a PS5 but only buys 1p games. Considering that the console is currently being sold at a loss, if they aren't buying a lot of 1p games, then they are making less money this way than if those games were being sold on PC with Steam (30% cut) or EGS (12% cut) taking their cut of each sale.

Alternative sell the PC version of the game on PC through the Sony PlayStation store and keep all the profits. However, you probably wouldn't sell as many copies as through Steam, but you can always offer it on the Sony store in addition to Steam and EGS and get a little more profit that way as well.

Ok, I get your answer now - but my retort is simple, long term play vs short term. If I didn't get a PS5 now I maybe might not have done and then they'd get jack from me. Also I subsidised my console with accessories and PS+, pretty sure they're not losing that much on me until the market stabalises.

In the end, whilst I may not be considered a tier one customer due to my buying habits I still think they make more out of this scenario than if I didn't buy a PS5. Heck I bought Spiderman and Deamon Souls digitally day one!

I do get what you mean though, an interesting take I hadn't considered.
Ok, I get your answer now - but my retort is simple, long term play vs short term. If I didn't get a PS5 now I maybe might not have done and then they'd get jack from me. Also I subsidised my console with accessories and PS+, pretty sure they're not losing that much on me until the market stabalises.

In the end, whilst I may not be considered a tier one customer due to my buying habits I still think they make more out of this scenario than if I didn't buy a PS5. Heck I bought Spiderman and Deamon Souls digitally day one!

I do get what you mean though, an interesting take I hadn't considered.

Now if you extend that reasoning and get to a point where everyone using a PlayStation console was buying all or most of their multiplatform games on the platform and almost noone is only buying 1p games, this means that Sony could then sell the console at a greater loss knowing that they'll have a much larger chance to have a significant profit from each purchaser of PlayStation console. At this point they don't have to worry about a person that only buys 1p games generating a loss or at best a miniscule profit. This could potentially lead to a more capable console than if they had to worry about people that were only getting a PlayStation console for the exclusives and nothing else.

If you look at Microsoft, they aren't selling as many consoles as Sony. But anyone that buys an Xbox console is likely also buying their multiplatform games there. Anyone that buys most of their multiplatform games on PC are unlikely to be getting an XBS system and thus reducing profit margins there. They are maximizing profits with a lower investment cost (hardware).

There is, of course, still one group of buyers who are non-optimal, but there's not much you can do about that other than hope that these people convert to XBS consumers. And this would be people that get all their multiplatform games on PS5 but got the XBS console just for MS's 1p exclusives. Of course, even there it isn't all doom and gloom for MS if those users end up getting Game Pass as the cheaper way to play MS 1p exclusives.

Anyway, the whole thing is that it's not as simple as just thinking about whether someone buys a PS5 or not. When looking at a why Sony are interested in releasing games on PC, one should dig deeper and try to think of why Sony are doing it in the first place. And there are of course multiple reasons. As has been pointed out in the past, one reason is to potentially draw people to play games on a PlayStation instead of PC. And some people might switch, whether due to cost or convenience or whatever. But another reason is to potentially (at some point in the future if it doesn't negatively impact PS sales) have people that only buy 1p games on PS, instead get those on PC so that PS consoles only sell to people that buy all or most of their games on PS.

That's the ideal world from a corporate profitability standpoint. A healthy PS ecosystem where everyone with a PS console is buying all/most of their games on PS. Then at the same time, get additional large chunks of revenue from people that traditionally only bought 1p games on PS instead getting it on PC along with potentially millions of additional sales from PC gamers who would never get a PS.

And on top of that, since your PS exclusives are also on PC, if a PC player suddenly can't afford to game on PC anymore due to the high hardware costs, he'll be looking at a console. If all they've had exposure to are Xbox console exclusives, they'll likely get an Xbox. But, if they've also had exposure to PS exclusives, well, that decision just got tougher with them likely going to PS due to current disparity of 1p exclusives (Sony currently have more and arguably better exclusives).

They get a bigger cut from your 1p purchases, sure. But if they are selling the console to you at a loss as they are with the PS5, then that extra 30% (Steam) or 12% (EGS) from not selling on PC may not cover that loss.

Additionally, someone buying a console only for the exclusives means that the console isn't being bought by someone that is buying multiplatform games (where the real profits are made). Later in the generation when there is no shortage of consoles this is not as big of a deal, although it does reduce profit margins if a PS5 owner isn't buying multiplatform games on PS5.

However, at launch, as in right now, Sony are losing millions of USD on people that are only buying 1p exclusives on the platform while buying multiplatform games on PC. IE - they could be making significantly more money if every single PS5 owner was not only buying 1p games but multiplatform games as well. In this situation, it is far better for those people to be buying Sony 1p exclusives on PC and allowing a person that purchases all or most of their multiplatform games on console to buy a PS5.

Basically, right now, Sony are losing money for every person that buys a PS5 but only buys 1p games. Considering that the console is currently being sold at a loss, if they aren't buying a lot of 1p games, then they are making less money this way than if those games were being sold on PC with Steam (30% cut) or EGS (12% cut) taking their cut of each sale.

Alternative sell the PC version of the game on PC through the Sony PlayStation store and keep all the profits. However, you probably wouldn't sell as many copies as through Steam, but you can always offer it on the Sony store in addition to Steam and EGS and get a little more profit that way as well.


A guy who buy all exclusive on PS4 or PS5 is highly profitable for Sony but the exclusives are a very tiny part of games sold. And the main revenue for Sony is not digital sales of third or first party title but MTX and Sony first party games don't use MTX.

Another thing standard PS5 is not sold at loss anymore. Digital is sold at loss but not standard PS5, they said it recently.


Jim Ryan told to investor said:
"The PS5 standard edition will break even from next months' production and from then on we project that it will become increasing profitable."
Now if you extend that reasoning and get to a point where everyone using a PlayStation console was buying all or most of their multiplatform games on the platform and almost noone is only buying 1p games, this means that Sony could then sell the console at a greater loss knowing that they'll have a much larger chance to have a significant profit from each purchaser of PlayStation console. At this point they don't have to worry about a person that only buys 1p games generating a loss or at best a miniscule profit. This could potentially lead to a more capable console than if they had to worry about people that were only getting a PlayStation console for the exclusives and nothing else.

If you look at Microsoft, they aren't selling as many consoles as Sony. But anyone that buys an Xbox console is likely also buying their multiplatform games there. Anyone that buys most of their multiplatform games on PC are unlikely to be getting an XBS system and thus reducing profit margins there. They are maximizing profits with a lower investment cost (hardware).

There is, of course, still one group of buyers who are non-optimal, but there's not much you can do about that other than hope that these people convert to XBS consumers. And this would be people that get all their multiplatform games on PS5 but got the XBS console just for MS's 1p exclusives. Of course, even there it isn't all doom and gloom for MS if those users end up getting Game Pass as the cheaper way to play MS 1p exclusives.

Anyway, the whole thing is that it's not as simple as just thinking about whether someone buys a PS5 or not. When looking at a why Sony are interested in releasing games on PC, one should dig deeper and try to think of why Sony are doing it in the first place. And there are of course multiple reasons. As has been pointed out in the past, one reason is to potentially draw people to play games on a PlayStation instead of PC. And some people might switch, whether due to cost or convenience or whatever. But another reason is to potentially (at some point in the future if it doesn't negatively impact PS sales) have people that only buy 1p games on PS, instead get those on PC so that PS consoles only sell to people that buy all or most of their games on PS.

That's the ideal world from a corporate profitability standpoint. A healthy PS ecosystem where everyone with a PS console is buying all/most of their games on PS. Then at the same time, get additional large chunks of revenue from people that traditionally only bought 1p games on PS instead getting it on PC along with potentially millions of additional sales from PC gamers who would never get a PS.

And on top of that, since your PS exclusives are also on PC, if a PC player suddenly can't afford to game on PC anymore due to the high hardware costs, he'll be looking at a console. If all they've had exposure to are Xbox console exclusives, they'll likely get an Xbox. But, if they've also had exposure to PS exclusives, well, that decision just got tougher with them likely going to PS due to current disparity of 1p exclusives (Sony currently have more and arguably better exclusives).

Ok I get the logic but I will have to disagree, sure there are shortages at the money, but at some point supply will exceed demand - at that point I see no logical reason to want a customer in the PC ecosystem instead of your own, even if all they buy is 1st party exclusives.

Everyone with a PS console is not only giving you a bigger slice of the software purchased pie, they are buying accessories and potentially deciding to eventually start buying more than just exclusives.

Maybe they have some kids/friends over and they want the odd party game or whatever where on console it’s a more user friendly experience etc

Maybe just having the console is enough to ‘advertise’ to visitors and get them thinking of buying one too.
As shown earlier, the big studios that produce those AAA titles make more money on PS than PC. So whilst there may be a market, it's not as financially profitable as their current setup and there's a significantly bigger amount of competition. I'd like to see sales figures of the Sony games on PC but they don't seem to be shouting about them for some reason...then we could look at Assassins Creed/other AAA titles and compare PC vs PS and see where we're at.

To me though, I totally get the current model just not as all a mass migration of their prized jewels...I'm struggling to see the pot of gold that won't impact their current extremely profitable setup.

If you're talking about the Ubisoft breakdown earlier in the thread then yes it showed that the PS4 + PS5 bring in about 40% more revenue than the PC. So if that represents the split of revenue for their big titles then Sony could potentially be looking at 70% more revenue by releasing the game on PC for a relatively tiny porting cost. That seems like a pretty clear motivation to me. Even half that would be a clear motivation.
Of course I might be completely different to how others think, but let's look at what's happening...we have MS releasing their console games day one on PC. So as things stand, you don't really need an Xbox. When prices resume to normal you can build a half decent PC and play all those games. If Sony were to do the same no-one will need a console...everyone can go to PC.

As others have tried to explain, the PS and PC market are seperate from each other, i dont think PS users are going to go all in pc no matter what.

TBH it'd be perfect for me, I'd save loads of money - the only thing I'd miss is the developers using the specific/dedicated advantages of is/was cool to see games (even back in the 8 bit days) have differences for technical reasons and see how devs might change a game or utilise a unique feature.

By porting over games, they are still taking full advantage of the hardware.... Aside from that, i do believe scaling can do wonders these days, atleast chris1515 assured me with forbidden west.

Alternative sell the PC version of the game on PC through the Sony PlayStation store and keep all the profits. However, you probably wouldn't sell as many copies as through Steam, but you can always offer it on the Sony store in addition to Steam and EGS and get a little more profit that way as well.

I see no reason for Sony not to introduce their own store..... If their games are that good, people will get into it for sure.

another reason is to potentially (at some point in the future if it doesn't negatively impact PS sales) have people that only buy 1p games on PS, instead get those on PC so that PS consoles only sell to people that buy all or most of their games on PS.

That's the ideal world from a corporate profitability standpoint. A healthy PS ecosystem where everyone with a PS console is buying all/most of their games on PS. Then at the same time, get additional large chunks of revenue from people that traditionally only bought 1p games on PS instead getting it on PC along with potentially millions of additional sales from PC gamers who would never get a PS.

And on top of that, since your PS exclusives are also on PC, if a PC player suddenly can't afford to game on PC anymore due to the high hardware costs, he'll be looking at a console. If all they've had exposure to are Xbox console exclusives, they'll likely get an Xbox. But, if they've also had exposure to PS exclusives, well, that decision just got tougher with them likely going to PS due to current disparity of 1p exclusives (Sony currently have more and arguably better exclusives).

Most reasonable comment imo. Its probably how Sony is thinking, too.
Actually, Sony is already bringing their top exclusives to PC, yes some years later, but its already happening, and with Jim Ryan hinting there will be wave of more incoming, together with the fact they bought a porting studio... now its some years, but they might go for a shorter period and see what sticks.

If you're talking about the Ubisoft breakdown earlier in the thread then yes it showed that the PS4 + PS5 bring in about 40% more revenue than the PC. So if that represents the split of revenue for their big titles then Sony could potentially be looking at 70% more revenue by releasing the game on PC for a relatively tiny porting cost. That seems like a pretty clear motivation to me. Even half that would be a clear motivation.

Yeah, and thats games like AC valhalla or other EA games. Theres AAA games that actually sell atleast as good or better on pc like the BF series. If a game is really good, it will sell on pc.
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If you're talking about the Ubisoft breakdown earlier in the thread then yes it showed that the PS4 + PS5 bring in about 40% more revenue than the PC. So if that represents the split of revenue for their big titles then Sony could potentially be looking at 70% more revenue by releasing the game on PC for a relatively tiny porting cost. That seems like a pretty clear motivation to me. Even half that would be a clear motivation.
I think we’re arguing different things. I’ve never once said Sony shouldn’t release games on PC, what I’m questioning is this idea that Sony would move to the MS style scenario where all their games are released day one on PC.

Im arguing that doing that would negatively impact their current PS ecosystem to the point that it wouldn’t actually be worth it.
From what I understand, Sony is somewhat mirroring how Rockstar staggers its PC releases. Make all the money you can initially on console, then release later on PC (the double-dipping factor). IIRC, there was a T2 investors meeting question dealing with why R* does this. The simple answer being, more money can be achieved and it allows them greater time to add more bells and whistles to the PC edition to attract additional revenue from console gamers as well.

Hell, I purchased GTA V three times (PS3, PS4, and PC), and RDR2 twice (XBO-X and PC). Got a free copy of RDR2 for PS4/Pro from a friend... but that doesn't count. Lol
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From what I understand, Sony is somewhat mirroring how Rockstar staggers its PC releases. Make all the money you can initially on console, then release later on PC (the double-dipping factor). IIRC, there was a T2 investors meeting question dealing with why R* does this. The simple answer being, more money can be achieved and it allows them greater time to add more bells and whistles to the PC edition to attract additional revenue from console gamers as well.

Hell, I purchased GTA V three times (PS3, PS4, and PC), and RDR2 twice (XBO-X and PC). Got a free copy of RDR2 for PS4/Pro from a friend... but that doesn't count. Lol
That might work for Rockstar. But Sony are not Rockstar. Sony is a console manufacturer with its own store on those consoles loved for plenty of exclusives released since 20 years ago while Rockstar is a multiplatform developer which makes one game every 5 years or so. Besides, that highly successful business plan of them works mainly thanks to one game: GTA5 which is in itself a society phenomemom.
From what I understand, Sony is somewhat mirroring how Rockstar staggers its PC releases. Make all the money you can initially on console, then release later on PC (the double-dipping factor). IIRC, there was a T2 investors meeting question dealing with why R* does this. The simple answer being, more money can be achieved and it allows them greater time to add more bells and whistles to the PC edition to attract additional revenue from console gamers as well.

Hell, I purchased GTA V three times (PS3, PS4, and PC), and RDR2 twice (XBO-X and PC). Got a free copy of RDR2 for PS4/Pro from a friend... but that doesn't count. Lol

Yeah makes sense.

Oh, some where very wrong here lol.

''This is the main reason Sony acquired Nixxes; to help it port its Playsation games to PC. And, to be honest, this is what most of us assumed when Sony acquired it. Still, it’s great to have an official word about it.''