Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

The graph that shows the console market is bigger than the PC market.
The graph that shows that the PC market declined 2% in the last two years.
The graph that shows the console market declined 1% in the last two years.

Yes, I can see it. :yep2:

+3.1% vs +2.3%, and thats all consoles. The PS4 alone doesnt stand a single chance. That graph actually favors the PC revenue.


I read it as showing a decline in the PC's (and consoles) relative market share of a growing market which is down to the massive growth of mobile gaming. However in real terms both are growing, but the console less so.

But again, the key take away from this for me is that the PC platform compares favourably with all console platforms combined. That suggests it's responsible for more revenue than most, if not all individual console platforms on their own, and therefore should be seen as a lucrative market for any console exclusive developer.
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I would stop the feeding, guys.
Just press the ignore button.

This is the same user who recently said the PS5 was "a paper launch", and just yesterday said AMD's GPUs are "two generations behind" Nvidia's.
Yes, what's in quotes are actual words written.
The purpose here isn't to provide arguments for a discussion. It's just bait and fodder for derailment on select threads, like this one.
I know right, with every chance to kick Sony with childish era type post (which wouldn’t be tolerated there). I’ve also seen insults to peoples lack of English.

However it is fun liking posts knowing it’s right without having to read the drivel lol

But again, the key take away from this for me is that the PC platform compares favourably with all console platforms combined. That suggests it's responsible for more revenue than most, if not all individual console platforms on their own, and therefore should be seen as a lucrative market for any console exclusive developer.
Except the pages of evidence that suggest potentially not depending on the type of game you’re selling.
I read it as showing a decline in the PC's (and consoles) relative market share of a growing market which is down to the massive growth of mobile gaming. However in real terms both are growing, but the console less so.

But again, the key take away from this for me is that the PC platform compares favourably with all console platforms combined. That suggests it's responsible for more revenue than most, if not all individual console platforms on their own, and therefore should be seen as a lucrative market for any console exclusive developer.

Thanks for the well thought out post, and that without insulting or GIF-ing anyone!
Except the pages of evidence that suggest potentially not depending on the type of game you’re selling.

Obviously different genres will sell better or worse on each platform. Sports titles better on console, Sims and puzzle games better on PC, etc..

The question is how well the high budget single player action/adventure type Sony exclusives would sell on the PC, and there's no evidence presented so far to say they'd sell significantly worse on PC, certainly not to the extent that that Sony would consider the additional revenue inconsequential.
Obviously different genres will sell better or worse on each platform. Sports titles better on console, Sims and puzzle games better on PC, etc..

The question is how well the high budget single player action/adventure type Sony exclusives would sell on the PC, and there's no evidence presented so far to say they'd sell significantly worse on PC, certainly not to the extent that that Sony would consider the additional revenue inconsequential.

Well, according to Sony, their PC ports have done quite well on PC.

Sony Studios boss says not to expect future PS5 exclusives to hit PC at launch | PC Gamer

"We’re still early on in our planning for PC. And Horizon Zero Dawn has been very successful," Hulst said.

Jim Ryan has also said similar things about HZD's performance on PC.

Of course, this is all relative to what their internal metrics are for sales performance, but I'd imagine that it involves it being pretty profitable without negatively impacting PlayStation sales.

Why would it impact Playstation software sales? The ports from 1st party studios are coming out years after the original release..

What PS5 owner who is actually anticipating Horizon Forbidden West is going to think "it's okay I'll just wait until 2024 to play it on the PC"?
What PS5 owner who is actually anticipating Horizon Forbidden West is going to think "it's okay I'll just wait until 2024 to play it on the PC"?

No reason for a PS5 owner to think so, but non owners is another matter. I for example am not in a rush to buy a PS5 now with their games popping on PC as well. My PC isn't exactly gaming capable these days either and I prefer to game on a console, but in my eyes the Playstation platform becomes less desirable every time one of their games slips to PC. So far it's been only last gen games, but if they start releasing PS5 games with less than a 2 year exclusivity window on Sony machines I'll think long before buying a PS5.
No reason for a PS5 owner to think so, but non owners is another matter. I for example am not in a rush to buy a PS5 now with their games popping on PC as well. My PC isn't exactly gaming capable these days either and I prefer to game on a console, but in my eyes the Playstation platform becomes less desirable every time one of their games slips to PC. So far it's been only last gen games, but if they start releasing PS5 games with less than a 2 year exclusivity window on Sony machines I'll think long before buying a PS5.

That’s the beauty of having a choice! I find that awesome.
That’s the beauty of having a choice! I find that awesome.

If too many people think like this, Sony will stop releasing Playstation games on PC. Main revenue and profit comes from MTX and sales of third party royalties. And the biggest ARPU for Sony is early adopters and they are the people who can switch. On average after 5 years the people buying a PS4 during the first year spend 1800 dollars in software and MTX. If they begin to see a switch of this people, they will very fast reverse there policy.

And I don't think it will be two years. Games sold good for a longer period of times. I would say three years seems ideal for Sony at least for successful games(all the 10+ millions sales on PS4...).
Why would it impact Playstation software sales? The ports from 1st party studios are coming out years after the original release..

There are likely some people with both a PS5 and PC who will now second-guess what games will come out on PC. If you're the type who absolutely has to have the best technical experience - which is subjective - some might be deterred from buying a game on PS5. It seems a but nutty to me, but I'm one of those people who have never minded a few technical issues. I lived through the 20-25fps PS3 glory days!
Obviously different genres will sell better or worse on each platform. Sports titles better on console, Sims and puzzle games better on PC, etc..

The question is how well the high budget single player action/adventure type Sony exclusives would sell on the PC, and there's no evidence presented so far to say they'd sell significantly worse on PC, certainly not to the extent that that Sony would consider the additional revenue inconsequential.
Where is the evidence that £70 games will sell on PC let alone single player AAA cinematic experiences which Sony churn out?

Well, according to Sony, their PC ports have done quite well on PC.

Sony Studios boss says not to expect future PS5 exclusives to hit PC at launch | PC Gamer

Jim Ryan has also said similar things about HZD's performance on PC.

Of course, this is all relative to what their internal metrics are for sales performance, but I'd imagine that it involves it being pretty profitable without negatively impacting PlayStation sales.

Yes, much like how XSS has been seeing 'significant demand''s all relative. But you're also talking about cheaper older games, the question is if Sony are trying to align with MS....of course Sony can make money on PC, but how far is the toe going to dip?

Why would it impact Playstation software sales? The ports from 1st party studios are coming out years after the original release..

What PS5 owner who is actually anticipating Horizon Forbidden West is going to think "it's okay I'll just wait until 2024 to play it on the PC"?
I agree, but certain ignored members like to push the idea that Sony are going all in on the PC market because it's a pot of gold where 1.5BN people spend endless amounts of cash on games...and if that were the case then it will affect their PlayStation software sales.

There are likely some people with both a PS5 and PC who will now second-guess what games will come out on PC. If you're the type who absolutely has to have the best technical experience - which is subjective - some might be deterred from buying a game on PS5. It seems a but nutty to me, but I'm one of those people who have never minded a few technical issues. I lived through the 20-25fps PS3 glory days!
I guess it depends on title, if I'm not overly fussed I'll wait it out for the best version...but I'm not waiting for most PS exclusives I know or those I might the end of the day I have around 10 years of gaming backlog to playthrough and I keep buying games and now want R&C! lol
but if they start releasing PS5 games with less than a 2 year exclusivity window on Sony machines I'll think long before buying a PS5.
That's exactly the point. The games made by 1st party studios aren't coming out less than 2 years later on the PC. At least for the big AAAs.

I think the only game that came out earlier than that was Death Stranding, which is a Kojima Productions game.

If Sony starts getting simultaneous or near simultaneous releases on PlayStation and PC for their 1st party studios' games, then I too will probably start getting them on the PC (assuming I managed to upgrade my PC to something substantially better than a PS5, which I don't have right now).
I just don't see any reason or indication that Sony is going that way.
Where is the evidence that £70 games will sell on PC let alone single player AAA cinematic experiences which Sony churn out?

There's nothing to say they would have to be £70 on the PC. I understand there are additional costs of bringing a game to market on console (outside of the development process) which can increase the overall price of the game on console which is why you tend to see games a little cheaper on the PC. And given that the PC port is likely to be largely additional extra revenue they could likely turn a profit on a much lower selling price provided it comes out after the console launch honeymoon period.

But if we ignore the £70 comment and just focus on "Where is the evidence that full price (£50-£70) games will sell on PC let alone single player AAA cinematic experiences which Sony churn out?"..... well surely the answer is that dozens of games are released on PC in that price bracket every year. And whether Sony publish them or not there are also plenty of "single player AAA cinematic experiences" on PC which sell great. Why would you assume they wouldn't? Is there something about "single player AAA cinematic experiences" that you think doesn't appeal to PC gamers and why do they keep getting released on PC if that were so? Why did HZD and Death Stranding apparently sell well on PC according to Sony?

I guess it depends on title, if I'm not overly fussed I'll wait it out for the best version...but I'm not waiting for most PS exclusives I know or those I might the end of the day I have around 10 years of gaming backlog to playthrough and I keep buying games and now want R&C! lol

This is exactly why I don't care if the Sony games are released on the same day on PC. It's not like I have the time to play then on release day or the inclination to pay full release day prices. I'm still playing Assassins Creed Odyssey and have yet to start either HZD or Death Stranding (both of which my wife bought and has completed). For me, getting them in the same console generation is quite important as once graphics move on to the next gen the appeal drops off significantly. That's why I'm unsure whether PS4 ports released n the PC over the next couple of years will do particularly well, but I'm sure Rift Apart would do very well if released on PC say 2 years from now, especially with shinier graphics.
I'm sure Rift Apart would do very well if released on PC say 2 years from now, especially with shinier graphics.

Same here, i can wait abit and get the ultimate version. Now with Sony having bought a PC porting studio, pc versions will be even better than they where last.
There are likely some people with both a PS5 and PC who will now second-guess what games will come out on PC. If you're the type who absolutely has to have the best technical experience - which is subjective - some might be deterred from buying a game on PS5. It seems a but nutty to me, but I'm one of those people who have never minded a few technical issues. I lived through the 20-25fps PS3 glory days!

I think the big question in this situation is: If the person is buying most of their multiplatform games on PS5 (the types of consumers that Sony really wants buying a PS5), are they suddenly going to decide not to buy their multiplatform games on PS5 just because Sony's 1st party games are appearing on PC ... let's say within 6 months, 1 month, or day and date with launch of a 1st party exclusive?

I mean if they aren't already buying all of their multiplatform games on PC, what's their incentive to suddenly decide they want to buy all those games on PC just because Sony 1st party games are now on PC? It's certainly not for the better graphics or superior (IMO) KBM controls, because they would have already been buying those on PC if that were the case. Do the reasons that they buy most of their multiplatform games on console suddenly disappear? Console is suddenly not the cheaper, more convenient, less trouble free option as it was prior to Sony releasing their 1p games on PC?

IMO, I see very few PS5 players suddenly moving to PC if they're already buying all or most of their multiplatform games on PS5.

For the people I know that have bought all or most of their multiplatform games on Xbox prior to MS releasing their 1p games day and date on PC ... they are still gaming on Xbox systems. The only ones that no longer have an Xbox system? The ones that only bought an Xbox for the exclusives and bought nothing else on the platform. IE - consumers that MS don't really want buying a console that they are selling at a loss. They make a larger profit by those players buying the exclusives on PC and those consoles consequently going to consumers which do buy most or all of their multiplatform games on Xbox.

I mean there are always exceptions, there's probably someone that was pushed over the fence into building a multi-thousand dollar (especially at current GPU prices!) PC just because the exclusives aren't on console anymore. But I'd argue this is in a vanishingly small minority relative to the install bases of either console.

There's nothing to say they would have to be £70 on the PC. I understand there are additional costs of bringing a game to market on console (outside of the development process) which can increase the overall price of the game on console which is why you tend to see games a little cheaper on the PC. And given that the PC port is likely to be largely additional extra revenue they could likely turn a profit on a much lower selling price provided it comes out after the console launch honeymoon period.

But if we ignore the £70 comment and just focus on "Where is the evidence that full price (£50-£70) games will sell on PC let alone single player AAA cinematic experiences which Sony churn out?"..... well surely the answer is that dozens of games are released on PC in that price bracket every year. And whether Sony publish them or not there are also plenty of "single player AAA cinematic experiences" on PC which sell great. Why would you assume they wouldn't? Is there something about "single player AAA cinematic experiences" that you think doesn't appeal to PC gamers and why do they keep getting released on PC if that were so? Why did HZD and Death Stranding apparently sell well on PC according to Sony?
As shown earlier, the big studios that produce those AAA titles make more money on PS than PC. So whilst there may be a market, it's not as financially profitable as their current setup and there's a significantly bigger amount of competition. I'd like to see sales figures of the Sony games on PC but they don't seem to be shouting about them for some reason...then we could look at Assassins Creed/other AAA titles and compare PC vs PS and see where we're at.

To me though, I totally get the current model just not as all a mass migration of their prized jewels...I'm struggling to see the pot of gold that won't impact their current extremely profitable setup.

For the people I know that have bought all or most of their multiplatform games on Xbox prior to MS releasing their 1p games day and date on PC ... they are still gaming on Xbox systems. The only ones that no longer have an Xbox system? The ones that only bought an Xbox for the exclusives and bought nothing else on the platform. IE - consumers that MS don't really want buying a console that they are selling at a loss. They make a larger profit by those players buying the exclusives on PC and those consoles consequently going to consumers which do buy most or all of their multiplatform games on Xbox.

I mean there are always exceptions, there's probably someone that was pushed over the fence into building a multi-thousand dollar (especially at current GPU prices!) PC just because the exclusives aren't on console anymore. But I'd argue this is in a vanishingly small minority relative to the install bases of either console.

I don't want to turn this into a dig at MS (and obviously this comment is based on past not future) - but MS were not really renowned for big AAA cinematic games like PS are. They have Halo which sells well, but outside that even Gears I don't think does that well. Conversely Sony have had great success in this area. With that in mind I migrated to PC but as I have a vested interest in the Xbox (and many people will have invested significantly more than me, it's hardly surprising people are not migrating.

Of course the same could be true for PS, but it's more about the buying habits and profits - in my world (which yeah, anecdotal, I know) I rarely (if ever) buy on Xbox, there's no point - I have a PC. But I do have an Xbox because I have GP and use it to earn free games and gamepass. I have a PS and at the moment I'm only buying exclusives...and sign up to PS+...and buy their accessories.

If Sony were to release all their games within 6 months on PC (let's say) then I can save myself a shedload by migrating. I may keep my PS5 for my past purchases, but they will directly lose a large chunk of my cash.