Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

Its not necessarily about waiting until all sales potential on the consoles has dried up as that will also result in lower sales potential on the PC on account of the game now being considered somewhat old and dated. Sony will be looking to strike a balance that maximises sales potential across both platforms. I don't think the release gaps seen from those early forays into this new approach should necessarily be taken as indicative of what we'll see moving forwards.
Its not necessarily about waiting until all sales potential on the consoles has dried up as that will also result in lower sales potential on the PC on account of the game now being considered somewhat old and dated. Sony will be looking to strike a balance that maximises sales potential across both platforms. I don't think the release gaps seen from those early forays into this new approach should necessarily be taken as indicative of what we'll see moving forwards.

Horizon PC release was a success even three years after PS4. PC gamers bought Horizon, they don't care if it is released before on another platform. A copie sold at the same price will be more profitable on PSN than Steam, Sony is platform holder. This is one of the reason Shawn Layden talk about maximize consoles sales before releasing the game on another platform.


And this not like there is tons of game looking better than Horizon even three years after. RDR 2, TLOU2 and probably a few other I forget.
250% ROI holy s*** those are some nice margin profits.
Wonder how it'll play on the Steam Deck...
250% ROI holy s*** those are some nice margin profits.

Well, it's not terribly surprising since the cost of porting to PC is relatively low compared to developing a new title and that's probably what they are using to calculate ROI on PC. Likewise, since PC sales are all digital and there's little to no advertising, the cost of sales for PC is also extremely low.

Also, sales of Sony 1st party titles on PC have been quite good.

God Of War is announced coming to PC on Jan 14th next year, with the official Steam page listing support for DLSS.

So for what is one of Sony's longest-running and biggest franchises they're releasing almost four years after console. For Horizon Zero Dawn it was similar. So the current mark is for platform-widening is 3+ years. It'll be interesting to see if that changes over time.
So for what is one of Sony's longest-running and biggest franchises they're releasing almost four years after console. For Horizon Zero Dawn it was similar. So the current mark is for platform-widening is 3+ years. It'll be interesting to see if that changes over time.

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what the time table is for Ghosts of Tsushima and Demon's Souls coming to PC. I'm timing Demon's Souls from the remake rather than the original game. :) I guess Last of Us would be an important benchmark as well, although I'm not interested in that series.

If there's a Bloodborne refresh for PS5, I'm also wondering if they'll take that opportunity to also release it on PC.

It'll be interesting to see how Sony's approach to PC evolves over time.

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what the time table is for Ghosts of Tsushima and Demon's Souls coming to PC. I'm timing Demon's Souls from the remake rather than the original game. :) I guess Last of Us would be an important benchmark as well, although I'm not interested in that series.
Yeah, some of these releases are clearly the result of a relatively recent change in policy so I could see this drop to perhaps 2 years if the work on the port is done almost hand-in-hand with the original console development, or very soon after.

Sony obviously don't want to devalue the appeal of PlayStation consoles because it's not about Sony exclusives, it's about incentivising people to buy the console where all game purchases - regardless of developer/publisher - benefit Sony through licensing but I think they could release earlier without massively impacting that appeal. However they measure that - some bonkers made-up metric no doubt. I don't see how they can really measure it.
It'll be interesting to see how Sony's approach to PC evolves over time.
Remember when several people in this thread were in flat out denial that Sony is going to port these many exclusives to PCs? They even thought the early press statements from Sony were about multiplayer games or some such.

The trend was almost clear two years ago, Sony is set on copying Microsoft's scheme, but gradually and in a manner that fits their goals.
Remember when several people in this thread were in flat out denial that Sony is going to port these many exclusives to PCs?
"These many" being.. four? Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, God of War and Uncharted 4.

Whereas's Sony most celebrated and highest-seling franchises like The Last fo Us, Spider-man and Ghost of Tsushima remain MIA but I would have thought would have as much, if not more, appeal. Death Stranding and Detroit: Beyond Human are not Sony games, just games exclusively published on Sony's console for bizarre reasons.

I fully advocate Sony giving more gamers the opportunity to enjoy games (because who the fuck wants to stop people having fun) but Sony make a ton of money from all games sales on PlayStation consoles to not wish to rock that boat too much.
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Remember when several people in this thread were in flat out denial that Sony is going to port these many exclusives to PCs? They even thought the early press statements from Sony were about multiplayer games or some such.

The trend was almost clear two years ago, Sony is set on copying Microsoft's scheme, but gradually and in a manner that fits their goals.

Sony relatively recently started with the strategy to reach more gamers and potentional sales increase by releasing on pc like MS started with many moons ago. That its 3/4 years between with GoW doesnt mean that that will happen for games released now on PS too.
Anyway, good to see GoW on pc. Not really my taste but il go for the Uncharted series on pc instead.
Remember when several people in this thread were in flat out denial that Sony is going to port these many exclusives to PCs? They even thought the early press statements from Sony were about multiplayer games or some such.

The trend was almost clear two years ago, Sony is set on copying Microsoft's scheme, but gradually and in a manner that fits their goals.

I wouldn't exactly say denial. But people do have opinions and opinions are obviously colored by what people believe. Hindsight is always 20/20 and it's always easy to say that something was always meant to happen when you look at something that's already happened. Not so easy when you try to predict what's going to happen.

Heck, back when there was a lot of discussion about this, I wouldn't even say that Sony were entirely sure about how they would procede with the PC market. And I doubt that they are absolutely certain even now. It's a constantly evolving decision process over there as they see how their decisions impact their bottom line.

While for me, it made sense that releasing their titles on PC would not impact their PS sales in any significant way, Sony as a corporation couldn't just immediately jump in as it does represent a bit of a risk, especially if it results in spooking their established player base. You can see how important that last bit is, with their comments about how their PS player base hasn't reacted negatively to their initial releases on PC. So they've gone slowly with decisions on how to proceed being influenced by each successive release on PC.

Has Sony deprecated their marketing slogan of "Only on Playstation" or featured it less in materials?
"These many" being.. four? Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, God of War and Uncharted 4.

Whereas's Sony most celebrated and highest-seling franchises like The Last fo Us, Spider-man and Ghost of Tsushima remain MIA but I would have thought would have as much, if not more, appeal. Death Stranding and Detroit: Beyond Human are not Sony games, just games exclusively published on Sony's console for bizarre reasons.

I fully advocate Sony giving more gamers the opportunity to enjoy games (because who the fuck wants to stop people having fun) but Sony make a ton of money from all games sales on PlayStation consoles to not wish to rock that boat too much.
I'm sure most will come, maybe not gran tourismo but the rest, 2 or 3 years after console release. Just make financial sense not just getting a second bite at the cheery with the extra PC sales but also advertising for their next games, Oh you liked horizon zero dawn, you want to play the next game, well you have to buy a playstation (or wait another 2/3 years) same with god of war, you liked playing that on the PC, well the next versions coming out on the playstation (or you can wait 2/3 years afterwards if you want to play it on the PC)
"These many" being.. four? Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, God of War and Uncharted 4.
Uncharted Lost Legacy is number five, this is an astonishing number in such a short period, with more coming. Sony executives are even more bullish with their pro PC statements/stances right about now.
The Last fo Us, Spider-man and Ghost of Tsushima remain MIA
Don't worry, they are coming, just like Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Journey, and the entire Yakuza series.
Death Stranding and Detroit: Beyond Human are not Sony games
Please, less of that logic, a lot of people kept saying this very same phrase, kept themselves in full denial mode, yet here we are, 5 exclusives already nailed.
people do have opinions and opinions are obviously colored by what people believe
When people's opinion fail miserably to detect patterns and trends, then people really need to take a moment to step back and see where their opinions have gone astray, revise their preconceived notions and get ready for the storm, because these old convictions and paradigms are not logical anymore.

It's a problem that plagued many forums and tech circles, old ideas and beliefs are held onto despite the currents shifting already underneath their very feat, it happened with Ray Tracing, Machine Learning, APUs failing to displace dGPUs, lower level APIs not gaining traction till they provided graphics improvements .. etc.

A good eye, detects patterns and reads between the lines.
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Wonder how it'll play on the Steam Deck...

Its a ps4 title so it should perform really well. The deck should have the cpu , gpu and ram amount advantage , ps4 has a bandwidth advantage.

According to DF it runs on ps4 base at 1080p 30fps. Steam deck will be rendering it at half the resolution. So while you get a lower res , you also have a more powerful gpu (of a much newer generation) to make each pixel prettier. So I can see it on steam deck looking better than the base ps4 , maybe up there with the ps4 pro . The next god of war might look even better since your using the same generation of hardware as the ps5 at a much lower resolution.
Uncharted Lost Legacy is number five, this is an astonishing number in such a short period, with more coming. Sony executives are even more bullish with their pro PC statements/stances right about now.
I guess it depends on your expectations. If you're happy with with this, all power to you. Like I said, games are fun and gatekeeping fun is an arsehole position to take. Spider-Man is the 800lb elephant in the room. It's a massive IP with massive appeal. Why aren't Marvel twisting Sony's arm? Why Horizon before Spider-Man? It makes no sense. Spider-Man was 2018, Miles Morales was 2020 and we already have Spider-Man 2 announced. This seems like such a wasted opportunity, particularly given Activision released games on all platforms and even the later mediocre games sold well enough to keep developing and releasing them. :-?

Don't worry, they are coming, just like Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Journey, and the entire Yakuza series.

To the best of my knowledge, none of these games/IPs are owned by Sony and they cannot stop them being released on PC even if there is some tedious console exclusive agreement in place.