Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

Acceptance and move on.
Though since this is the games industry, we will be hard pressed to find actual accounting statements from any company breaking out what we'd need for a meaningful discussion. Everything has to be so secretive and protected so as to not tip their hat or let their industrial secrets out.

True. He has the right to not like playstation and say PC is better, which it absolutely is. But i don't understand the need to downplay it in every thread. But that does not matter much in the end.
Not every sale is equal. Sony gets a lot more money from their 1st party games. Another thing is majority of money is made from initial expensive sales. The total sales number can be inflated as it could contain all the cheap discount sales as well. Looking at money made from 1st party games versus other games would be good metric to use.
Sony gets a lot more money from third party sales. Not per title. But as a whole
The 1.5 billion PC gamers worldwide is obviously just made up BS
one just has to look at some of their other claims

Europe has 668 million paying game consumers of a european population of 747million = ~90% of europeans are paying gamers, yeah right :LOL:

People actually pay these guys $3000 to come up with these heavily researched reports, that don't even pass the first smell test

Here's some facts about PC gaming worldwide, we cant just only count eu.

Also, NV last year presented that there are roughly 1.5bn pc gamers around the world. Your delving into conspiracy theories by trying to make claims NV and others are straight out making up numbers.
PC gaming is by far the largest, and growing. A hard pill to swallow, it seems.

Acceptance and move on.

Not easy ;)
Here's some facts about PC gaming worldwide, we cant just only count eu.

Also, NV last year presented that there are roughly 1.5bn pc gamers around the world. Your delving into conspiracy theories by trying to make claims NV and others are straight out making up numbers.
PC gaming is by far the largest, and growing. A hard pill to swallow, it seems.

Not easy ;)
What defines PC gamer? Obviously someone playing Cyberpunk 2077 and someone playing minesweeper, belong in different dimensions. Also how much time does that gamer spend to include him in? Almost anyone owning a PC is a potential gamer. Some play for hours, some just tried a few times a couple of times. A lot of players are playing very old games or old free games on steam
The number doesnt mean anything by itself

1.5 b Billion PC gamers but the actual money doesnt reflect this size
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What defines PC gamer? Obviously someone playing Cyberpunk 2077 and someone playing minesweeper, belong in different dimensions. Also how much time does that gamer spend to include him in? Almost anyone owning a PC is a potential gamer. Some play for hours, some just tried a few times a couple of times.
The number doesnt mean anything by itself

Applies to console gamers aswell.
Applies to console gamers aswell.
To a much smaller extend. Non gamers have PCs too and might try solitaire. Are they gamers?
A PS5 or Series X are predominantly gaming machines, with specific kind of games. When someone buys an XBOX he bought it for games. Its easier to extrapolate.
Hence why 1.5 billion PC "gamers" dont bring relatively as much as revenue in comaprison to consoles
To a much smaller extend. Non gamers gave PCs too and might try solitaire. Are they gamers?
A PS5 or Series X are predominantly gaming machines, with specific kind of games

The article/stats clearly say 'pc gamers', one can try and spin it into something else but that wont go anywhere, as then we come into 'what is a gamer' territory (like how much you play, what you play etc etc).
I know people that own a PS4 just to play Fifa on it every summer, mostly used to play blu ray movies. Theres possibly a large amount of PS owners playing mostly Singstar. Are they gamers? Yea, i would say so. Build in windows games like minesweeper, their still games.
Anyway, there is no real hard data on how many of those pc gamers numbered are playing minesweeper and nothing else on their pc's. I'd guess that there are many other games standing for the huge amount, mmorpg style games, counter strike, things like fortnite/apex etc. Then specific games very popular in Asia/china.
Also, web-based games could count up some aswell.

Again, the numbers are there. The market (potentional) is very large. And its about to grow exceptionally with W11 supporting android apps by default.
I very much see the reason why sony is focussing more and more on the PC as a platform to have their games on.

Nvidia's showcase last year (which was excellent imo), on the numbers of pc gamers.

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And here an article on hardware sales.

''In 2019, AMD has a total of 480 million GPUs installed in gaming systems, including consoles. NVIDIA is slightly behind with 422 million. Intel has a paltry 49 million, no surprise considering that they don’t manufacture dedicated GPUs. The console market amounts for a third of the total gaming systems in the world.''

Even with all consoles combined, PC gpus from just NV alone outnumber the total console sales.
don't bother, mobile gaming shits on us all

And here an article on hardware sales.

''In 2019, AMD has a total of 480 million GPUs installed in gaming systems, including consoles. NVIDIA is slightly behind with 422 million. Intel has a paltry 49 million, no surprise considering that they don’t manufacture dedicated GPUs. The console market amounts for a third of the total gaming systems in the world.''

Even with all consoles combined, PC gpus from just NV alone outnumber the total console sales.
Define gaming system. I built a PC with an NVIDIA gaming GPU for my graphics work. There are people who buy GPUs in muliples for mining. Others are buying GPUs in multiples for rendering. A lot are buying PCs and labtops with GPUs without having in mind the primary purpose of a GPU.
Almost any if not all commercial PCs and laptops can be considered gaming devices since they are coming with GPUs.
Again, why dont the sales revenue reflect 1,5 Billion gamers?
1.5 b Billion PC gamers but the actual money doesnt reflect this size
But the 1.5 Billion number is prolly just BS
because it comes from the same report that also saiz
Europe has 668 million paying game consumers from a european population of 747million (and yes thats including russia) which is obviously not true, so why should the 1.5 billion number be true?
Im guessing they are perhaps going Oh theres 668 million PCs in europe (apparently PC shipments europe is forecast 95million this year) thus theres 668 million paying gaming consumers in europe
Any (PC) system used to play games on. And again, according to statistics, there are 1.5bn pc gamers out there. Trying to spin it into 'what is a gamer' is a discussion for something, somewhere else.
And, as Nesh said above, a massive amount of components aimed at enthusiasts (gamers) end up in non-gaming applications like Photoshop, 3D modelling, simulation, servers - not to mention crypto-currency mining.

The $40bn number is people counting sales of software and hardware based on what it was designed for, not what it is used for. Steam is, by far, the largest single gaming store on computers and that has 120 million active monthly users. Where is the other 1.3bn PC gamers because they sure aren't on EPG, Origin or uPlay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And, as Nesh said above, a massive amount of components aimed at enthusiasts (gamers) end up in non-gaming applications like Photoshop, 3D modelling, simulation, servers - not to mention crypto-currency mining.

The $40bn number is people counting sales of software and hardware based on what it was designed for, not what it is used for. Steam is, by far, the largest single gaming store on computers and that has 120 million active monthly users. Where is the other 1.3bn PC gamers because they sure aren't on EPG, Origin or uPlay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Again, Steam surveys arent the best way to gauge percentages of the pc gaming market, as Brit pointed out before. I have no trouble believing NV claiming there is 1.5bn pc gamers out there worldwide. Il take their number over your guesses anytime.
No matter how you spin it, the pc gaming market is much and much larger than the market for PlayStation. And that wont be changing especially seeing that W11 brings android apps to pc/windows.
Any (PC) system used to play games on. And again, according to statistics, there are 1.5bn pc gamers out there. Trying to spin it into 'what is a gamer' is a discussion for something, somewhere else.


For revenue, someone else found the time to dig something up
I tested a few games on my "gaming PC" (to check performance and nothing else) and never played on it again. I am a PC gamer now?
The graph continues to show that gaming PC revenues dont reflect 1.5 Billion PC gamers.
I didnt buy a single game on my PC mind you.
Buuuut.....its "gaming" PC
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But the 1.5 Billion number is prolly just BS
because it comes from the same report that also saiz
Europe has 668 million paying game consumers from a european population of 747million (and yes thats including russia) which is obviously not true, so why should the 1.5 billion number be true?
Im guessing they are perhaps going Oh theres 668 million PCs in europe (apparently PC shipments europe is forecast 95million this year) thus theres 668 million paying gaming consumers in europe
Yes its pretty sure thats how they count it more or less
I tested a few games on my "gaming PC" (to check performance and nothing else) and never played on it again. I am a PC gamer now?
The graph continues to show that gaming PC revenues dont reflect 1.5 Billion PC gamers.
I didnt buy a single game on my PC mind you.
Buuuut.....its "gaming" PC

Someone could be testing a game on a playstation and never use the machine again for gaming aswell. Many could see use cases as a blu ray player.
The graph does reflect pc gaming to be larger then all of console gaming combined. The pc gaming space sees a much more free to play market aswell. Again, its your mouth versus the findings done by Nvidia and other statistical agencies. Doubting them is going into that direction again. Aligning with that kind if spins, i could just outright disqualify your console numbers at will, aswell.

As per the topic, Sony has all the reason to expand to the pc market which is magnitudes larger then te Playstation ever will.