For starters, O'Luanaigh lauded the Home Development Kit Sony has created as an incredibly robust game-creation engine. Nobody knows about this potential, though, because most developers have spent their time in Home making simple promotional spaces for other games. "We see games as exciting as Joe Danger [coming to Home]," O'Luanaigh said. "It's essentially a great MMO engine."
Home is also a great place to make a game, O'Luanaigh said, because there's very little there competing for users' attention at this point. While thousands of games are trying to outgun Zynga and Playfish by going for Facebook's millions of users, virtually no one is aiming their games at Home's 12 to 14 million regular users, O'Luanaigh said.
here are some downsides the PlayStation Home development. O'Luanaigh said Home users have come to expect high-end 3D graphics, which are a lot harder to put together than the simple art of many casual or social games. Those high-end graphics also make it hard to port Home games to simpler platforms like Facebook and the iPhone