I just checked out the Red Bull flying game, pretty cool, but I found it hard to get into. I can't tell if I'm in line to play or I just can't get the button to show because of the people.
Yes, the Air Race join game UI is the worst I have ever seen, even by Home's standard. Started a flame thread on the Home forum to make sure Sony noted the issue. Many people, including myself during the first visit, can't start the game at all.
They need to stop using the UI designer for this space.
The Air Race is pretty simple. The cool thing is while you're piloting the plane, you can still see the crowd and their chat bubbles on the ground. At the same time, if I'm on the ground, I can see the plane(s) in the air when someone else's playing. It's intriguing.
But they need to stop using the UI designer for this space.
I also played Echochrome and won eight items, I think most of them are a white outfit to make your avatar look like the guy in the game. If they can get more and more spaces by 1st and 3rd party groups there will be plenty of content to keep people busy.
My son and wife visit Home sometimes. They would sign in using my wife's female avatar, but the kid manned the keyboard. This meant the rest of people would see something like "dfdsak fafaeiaskla" in the chat bubble.
They received XMB messages and Friend's Requests like so in return:
Subject: dfdsak fafaeiaskla
Body: wat ?
Deleted 1-2 of these for them.
They also play Pool and Bowling. Got chased away because my kid would hog the controller and keyboard. Basically, nothing happens if you play with them. >_< (They were most likely fighting for control in the living room).
But they enjoy Home nonetheless. Good thing her PSN id ends with the word "mommy". I suspect a lot of people give her free pass when it comes to silly behaviour in Home. I actually arrived home (the real one) after a week's work and found her giggling childishly to me in bed as she recounted all the silly things they did together in Home.
You see, Home can be a wonderful thing. But Sony is not doing its best.