Sony Home - The official thread*

:LOL: I understand that you're pointing out the "reality" of a mathematical model. But in practice, you'd see variation even though the vital minority will still contribute to most of the bottomline -- especially at this early stage.
People showing that they are willing to spend good money on a Santa outfit in Home is an important viability signal to any potential commercial partner, whether they be games publishers or shoe designers, right?.
Lets see if people spend money on useless virtual junk after the initial curiosity factor wears off.

Talk about style over substance.
Yup, the spending pattern will change. No point getting fixated on the exact numbers so early.

I also think that the holiday season and initial enthusiasm boosted the sales. Nonetheless, it's an indication that the Home platform can be an eCommerce driver if Sony partners play their cards well.

As for style over substance, some people see Home as some kind of Sims game, or even their alter ego. I do see a small percentage of people continuing to spend in Home.
Previous to Home, my "friends" list was empty except for one person (I think they came via NHL09). Since Home I now have something like 10 "friends" thanks to chatting and such. Now of those, at least 3 are regularly showing up in the "friends" list as being actually in Home. So some folks are for sure going back there.

As an aside, picking up a keyboard for Home has proven useful for multiplayer in LBP which has also grown my "friends" list.

Previous to Home, my "friends" list was empty except for one person (I think they came via NHL09). Since Home I now have something like 10 "friends" thanks to chatting and such. Now of those, at least 3 are regularly showing up in the "friends" list as being actually in Home. So some folks are for sure going back there.

Ha ha, so I am not the only one ^_^
I saw some people match their clothes color last night too. As the fashion sense improves and game-related items show up, I do hope to see more variety in Home.

As an aside, picking up a keyboard for Home has proven useful for multiplayer in LBP which has also grown my "friends" list.

YES ! For me, a Bluetooth keyboard is the best accessory for PS3. I use it often for XMB navigation, message reading/writing, Home chatting, Linux access. It's the first thing I reach for when I turn on my PS3.

On a side note, Sony is showing the first 10 minutes of "Resident Evil: Degeneration" in the Home theater now. If you don't mind speech bubbles, feel free to drop by. Who knows you might bump into one of us :)

The community managers are also organizing some sort of competitions for 12 consecutive days.
I wonder if they'll release some game character's outfits like LBP ... I mean Nariko , Kratos , Snake etc. outfits ...
I wonder if they'll release some game character's outfits like LBP ... I mean Nariko , Kratos , Snake etc. outfits ...

Though with Home's more 'realistic' body-types, putting folks in Nariko's or Kratos' outfit would be essentially cosplay. Maybe add a foam 'muscle-suit' for Kratos' loincloth.
Ok then , let's call it accessories like Drake's wristband or something like that ... I'm sure that would sell like hot cakes ...
Heh, cool ... here we go! I do hope though that we get costumes from some friendlier games soon as well, or else Home is going to look like an occupied territory. :D
Better news is that devs are actually thinking about making game related items for home.

I'm sure these outfits (or other goodies) will be unlockable through the game somehow as well.
Uh... I have been away from my ps3 for the past 2 months, so haven't been able to chk out home. I have some questions:

1. What kind of casual games does HOME have? Which ones?
2. Is there any gameplay element in it which makes you explore the new areas or are they just dropped in with a message which says there is a new area to chk out? I mean, is there any clue based thing to make you roam around the world picking up clues and all? or is it left on the curosity of the player to check out every area?
3.Are there any Trophies implemented in Home to boost people's movement and visits?
4. Are there global leaderboards for the games in there?
5.Does Home also have the Multiple rooms for a single place like other Virtual worlds? Like I am in Uncharted Space/room21 and you in Uncharted Space/room25..?
1. What kind of casual games does HOME have? Which ones?

Imo it has none. Some will say bowling and other minigames, but i say that anybody casual that owns a PS3 likes to play other games than stupid bowling games if he is given the choice.

If your a casual and like minigames then you buy the Wii, nobody casual or not buys a PS3 and wants to play bowling games online.

I just dont believe that anybody who owns a PS3 (and most likely therefore also owns games for the PS3) finds it more interesting to play a bad bowling game in Home than to play one of the real $60 games he paid for. For 4-5 minutes maybe bowling can win, but casual or not casual player, there are more interesting games to play.

2. Is there any gameplay element in it which makes you explore the new areas or are they just dropped in with a message which says there is a new area to chk out? I mean, is there any clue based thing to make you roam around the world picking up clues and all? or is it left on the curosity of the player to check out every area?

Pretty much left to the curosity at this point.

3.Are there any Trophies implemented in Home to boost people's movement and visits?

Do you mean trophies for doing stuff in home or like a trophy room? Because trophy rooms are supposed to come.

5.Does Home also have the Multiple rooms for a single place like other Virtual worlds? Like I am in Uncharted Space/room21 and you in Uncharted Space/room25..?

Everything is instanced, meaning yes, exactly like you being in room21 and me being in 25.
Hmmm......just want toknow what games are in there and how the competitive or socialising nature of the games are used in Home, compared to a virtual world.
The demographic here being "Gamers", I wanted to know how they are tackling it.

and if "Bowling" is fun for 5 mins at a time, it does work as a "casual game". They are meant to be a "pasttime" to be played as a relaxation, not like $60 game which demands dedication.

What about leaderboards?
Also, yes, I meant Trophies in the sense Trophies for managing to get inside a secret place, or Trophy for jumping-off from a high point, not normally reachable.
Uh... I have been away from my ps3 for the past 2 months, so haven't been able to chk out home. I have some questions:

1. What kind of casual games does HOME have? Which ones?

In Europe, it's Chess, Chequers, Bowling, Pool, and a bunch of Arcade games of various quality, but these are single player only. In the U.S., the main square currently has a saucer flying game. Some of the game spaces in the U.S. also have additional games, like the Far Cry 2 one has an African boardgame of which I forget the name (I've played it in my youth) and the Uncharted room has an Uncharted arcade game but that's also single player. I'm not sure if Japan has any unique games, except currently the Namco Arcade games, but those are also single player and technically not actually in Home - you start them in Home on an Arcade machine, but then it actually boots a real PS3 game and temporarily leaves Home.

2. Is there any gameplay element in it which makes you explore the new areas or are they just dropped in with a message which says there is a new area to chk out? I mean, is there any clue based thing to make you roam around the world picking up clues and all? or is it left on the curosity of the player to check out every area?

I think there was a temporary prize competition in the U.S. Home where you could find certain numbers or something in various locations in Home, but nothing fixed.

3.Are there any Trophies implemented in Home to boost people's movement and visits?

There are no in-Home Trophies on a general level (e.g. make x amount of friends through Home, talk to x amount of people), but you can win some clothing items through playing Arcade games (both the native Home ones and the Namco ones). There are some other experiments starting out now as well as you can see above with Killzone 2 themed Home clothes being awarded for pre-ordering Killzone 2 on Amazon and such.

4. Are there global leaderboards for the games in there?

Currently no. I've been thinking about that also - I think they've currently left them out to keep the fixed state data to a minimum, but it would be nice to have at least for some activities (I won 14 games of Chess so far and haven't lost, would be fun to see that tracked somewhere).

5.Does Home also have the Multiple rooms for a single place like other Virtual worlds? Like I am in Uncharted Space/room21 and you in Uncharted Space/room25..?

Yes, that's exactly the way it is. Each instance can hold up to 64 people, but they are averaged out to 40 so that people can join their friends and such in the same instance.
The Japan home has classic arcade games in the bowling alley completely separate from the Namco beta. I saw them in there before I had even heard of the beta.
In Europe, it's Chess, Chequers, Bowling, Pool, and a bunch of Arcade games of various quality, but these are single player only. In the U.S., the main square currently has a saucer flying game. Some of the game spaces in the U.S. also have additional games, like the Far Cry 2 one has an African boardgame of which I forget the name (I've played it in my youth) and the Uncharted room has an Uncharted arcade game but that's also single player. I'm not sure if Japan has any unique games, except currently the Namco Arcade games, but those are also single player and technically not actually in Home - you start them in Home on an Arcade machine, but then it actually boots a real PS3 game and temporarily leaves Home.

I think there was a temporary prize competition in the U.S. Home where you could find certain numbers or something in various locations in Home, but nothing fixed.

There are no in-Home Trophies on a general level (e.g. make x amount of friends through Home, talk to x amount of people), but you can win some clothing items through playing Arcade games (both the native Home ones and the Namco ones). There are some other experiments starting out now as well as you can see above with Killzone 2 themed Home clothes being awarded for pre-ordering Killzone 2 on Amazon and such.

Currently no. I've been thinking about that also - I think they've currently left them out to keep the fixed state data to a minimum, but it would be nice to have at least for some activities (I won 14 games of Chess so far and haven't lost, would be fun to see that tracked somewhere).

Yes, that's exactly the way it is. Each instance can hold up to 64 people, but they are averaged out to 40 so that people can join their friends and such in the same instance.

Well, seeing that most of the games(in fact, all) are single player it seems Sony wants Home to be a place to relax and play free games, than a place to socialise , hang-out and have a laugh.
Lack of leaderboards also points to the same. Maybe, they don't want people to end -up playing only in Home and not buying games. Most probably they will bring it in and it might be paid to access the leaderboards. In the sense that you can play a game but if you want to compete with others then it is a premium service requiring a subscription. Just my logic.

My point in asking these questions was to see how Sony is managing the virtual world.Virtual worlds are based on social interactions and promoting friendships and interaction are vital to their survival. If a person has made friends in a world, he is more prone to returning there to play games, Even R2 co-op did that. I am myself working on a project involving small games for a virtual worlds and am curious to see what tricks Sony has come up with to bring gamers into home.........but all that you say are SP games !!! I think with LBP Sony played the cards right with a Social game........

What is the draw of Home as of now, other than the curosity?(I am not negative, just asking for insights)