Sony Home - The official thread*

Chess, Chequers, Bowling and Pool (and Darts in the American and Japanese Home spaces) are single player?

Or do you mean all of the Arcade machine games which is not actually "all games" in Home
Chess, Chequers, Bowling and Pool (and Darts in the American and Japanese Home spaces) are single player?

Or do you mean all of the Arcade machine games which is not actually "all games" in Home

Sorry about that :oops: I completely missed that these are MP games.Been on a holiday for too long.;)
HOME is like adult dating services nowadays ... :D I witnessed dialogs like " Are you naked / shav** " yesterday , lol ...

This is gonna be a big problem for Sony imo ... Because everyone can access HOME without age verification ... HOME needs some kind of cops or something maybe , like NPCs , i dont know ...
HOME is like adult dating services nowadays ... :D I witnessed dialogs like " Are you naked / shav** " yesterday , lol ...

This is gonna be a big problem for Sony imo ... Because everyone can access HOME without age verification ... HOME needs some kind of cops or something maybe , like NPCs , i dont know ...

I'm pretty sure a policing element is already in place. Well, that's what one of the messages of the day once said. Something like "be careful how you behave cos we have unseen moderators roaming around..."

Who knows how accurate this is or how widespread.
It is related to what San Francisco Chronicles reported on:

The real issue is Playstation Home doesn't have the right tools to focus "good" experiences.

IMHO, they can implement something like the following:

+ Implement adjustable personal space/sphere to avoid touching by default. This will remove silly cases where people tried to give others a blowjob by sitting near someone's crouch.

+ Provide 2-3 levels of censorship: The current super-strict one, the usual censor algorithm (by word only), and no censorship. The list of censored words should be re-reviewed.

Improve Interaction Model
* Allow people to lurk (remain in the initial "ghost avatar")

* Allow people to "hand shake" before chatting (i.e., open invitation). Sometimes I see a guy wave to a girl in Home before he starts talking. This is something they do out of courtesy/politeness or fear that the girl run away :). They can have a mode where say, a girl or sensitive guy would not see someone's random comment unless (s)he accepted their "hand shake"/invitation.

Keep the last 5 - 10 distinct chat messages of a user for people to query (Duplicates are removed). This will help the invitee learn more about the initiator's chat behaviour.

At the same time, the player may see others' chat bubbles regardless. People usually get offended when bad things happen to themselves. They may not mind seeing the chat bubbles between other users.

* Allow users to interact with people on friends list, in the same clubhouse and apartments only (i.e, closed invitation)

People are misbehaving mostly because they don't find Home attractive (They are bored, or don't mind losing access to Home), and they think they can get away with it. Few people report users anyway. So the risk of losing PSN account is pretty low.

+ The best way is to focus on stacking attractive content on Home. Internet-style content should be updated at least daily. Anything slower would be boring to users.

+ The inexpensive but slow way is to introduce structure/ladder into the user base. e.g., By tiering the users into "proven" content contributor, user mods, club owners, good and active netizens, good but less active netizens, first timer, bad and inactive netizens, bad and active netizens; Sony can reward their contribution accordingly. The reward should be instant (e.g., receiving Home items, trophies). This is crucial in the long run and is the foundation of the Home community.

+ The expensive but quick way is to have organized activities under the watchful eyes of the mods. It's easier to focus great experiences because they are planned and structured properly.

- Reports should be cumulative and instant for reporters to feel worthwhile. The negative votes should be persistent and visible to everyone. Once the reports exceed a threshold, the user should be kicked out of the session. The chat log should be frozen so that Sony mod can follow up later for more permanent action. The reporters must not be allowed to spam negative votes at the same time.
HOME is like adult dating services nowadays ... :D I witnessed dialogs like " Are you naked / shav** " yesterday , lol ...

This is gonna be a big problem for Sony imo ... Because everyone can access HOME without age verification ... HOME needs some kind of cops or something maybe , like NPCs , i dont know ...

Actually I can't log in with my subaccount. Says I'm not old enough. Have to change to my main account.

Tried to see if there was something in my profile which indicated my age but I couldn't find anything and I don't recall what I input when I set it up over 2 years ago.
Yes, Home will check the age of your account. My kid's account can't enter Home. My wife's could.

However anyone could lie about their age on the Internet or PSN. So it's not very different.
Yes, Home will check the age of your account. My kid's account can't enter Home. My wife's could.

However anyone could lie about their age on the Internet or PSN. So it's not very different.

Wasn't Home listed at as Early Childhood, though, or did that change?
The user agreement stated the age restriction.

I remember I needed to enter the birthday of the subaccount owner. I also remember additional content protection settings (e.g., can/cannot chat). Perhaps it's a combination of both ?
RedBull mini-game this week and then some

First, the Red Bull space is going live! You’ll be able to access it through your World Map by clicking on the Red Bull Air Race map tile. From there you can explore this tropical island and take part in different Red Bull events. This week you’ll be able to get inside the cockpit of a Red Bull Air Race plane and compete against other flyers on the Red Bull Air Race course. This is just the start of what we are working on for Red Bull Island with more to come in the next few months.

Ligne Roset and Diesel will now have their own storefronts in the PlayStation Home Mall, so that you will be able to locate these brands more easily.

For the SCEA region, if you pre-order “Killzone 2” for PS3 through Amazon you’ll get an exclusive PlayStation Home costume for your Home avatar. With costume pieces for your head, torso, legs, hands and feet, you can customize your Home avatar to look like an ISA Soldier, a Helghast Assault Trooper, or something in between. Codes to access your bonus costumes will be sent to you after Killzone 2 launches on 02/27/09. Check out this link for more details.

And last but not least, SCEA is adding Resident Evil: Degeneration themed T-shirts for all fans of the movie we showed a sneak peek of over the holiday break. Please check back here in the next few days to find out when we go live with this update.
RedBull Air Race + Home news in CES 2009 Sony Keynote

The RedBull space is up !

Requires redownload of the default Home Spaces though (Sony loves to get on people's nerves. What's wrong with them !? :devilish:).

On other news...

$1 million of goods sold via Home, which now has EA as a partner.

PlayStation Home has been downloaded by 3.4 million people.

New EA HOME space to be revealed later:
[size=-3]Where is Home School ? :([/size]

Little Big Planet has sold 1.3 million units worldwide.

Some 300,000 levels have been created, with a total playing time of two years.

Life with Playstation
2 million users.

An update is coming to Life With PlayStation this spring.

17 million PSN accounts.

2.1 million added last month.

MTV is now partnering to put its video content on PSN.

The PSP and PS3 installed base is 61.3 million.

SCEA is now shifting its way it thinks about its hardware design to better serve customers.


Stolen from GAF:
Are you serious? Downloading the Red Bull area will require I re-download the townsquare, mall, etc?

Pass. I'm not touching Home again for a while. Screw it, this is absolutely ridiculous. Until I can download a patch or new area without having to re-download everything else, I will stay as far away from it as I can. Absolutely unacceptable.
I was expecting to see Red Bull Island from my summer house balcony, but no.

I could see no changes what so ever. I guess being beta might suggest that they've fixed something in every space that needed re downloading but I doubt that is the reason.
I posted a complain in the Home forum.

I'm certain they have to understand that people don't like this, I'm just not so sure why this is required.

The problem is, like most products and services from Sony, there are no unified standards.

It seems that Home and the Gamespaces are not woven together to integrate changes to the service, which means they all have to be updated together, at least that's how I am currently viewing this problem.

If that does in fact happen to be the case, that does not bode well for furutre products and services offered through Home. I would really hate to lose a Home space because a developer dropped the ball or decided it was not financially beneficial to them to update their Home space with the new features, etc.
I doubt it. There is little technical reason why it can't be done. In the worst case, they could centralize the changes in one place.

My guess is it's a beta thing. They are wasting Sony's money for nothing.
Well i'm in EU and i didn't download the town square only the red bull thing.

Even if you have to download everything again, isn't that what the beta is for ?. Patch everything up and try new/better solutions to potential problems.
Well i'm in EU and i didn't download the town square only the red bull thing.

Even if you have to download everything again, isn't that what the beta is for ?. Patch everything up and try new/better solutions to potential problems.

Well, the problem is, Home could potentially be in "Beta" form for the duration of the PS3's peak in its lifetime. We can potentially see features, spaces, and updates happening regularly. I just can't see many users putting up with frequent 'redownloads' of these Home spaces just because Sony changed the word filder, or altered the way voice chat works.