Sony Home - The official thread*

IIRC MS used to ban people with modchips from Xbox Live based on the MAC Address...that's possible for Sony to do it, but as I understand it they do not.

Yes, MS is still active in banning Live accounts and the consoles themselves.

I wonder if they do track PS3s. It'd make sense that they'd put in a system to ban specific PS3s from the system, but that doesn't mean they've done it.

Sony has stated before that if you prove to be too much trouble, they do have the ability to ban your psn account, machine, and IP. Therefore, you would have to purchase a new PS3 and move if you wanted to use the PSN again.

If you want a link to the source, I will have to provide it later as I am at work.
Sony has stated before that if you prove to be too much trouble, they do have the ability to ban your psn account, machine, and IP. Therefore, you would have to purchase a new PS3 and move if you wanted to use the PSN again.

If you want a link to the source, I will have to provide it later as I am at work.

No need, I suspected as much. It'd be colossally stupid not to be able to keep a machine off your network.
You must view different versions of Wikipedia and Youtube than I do.

Have you ever read YouTube comments? They show you the theory is correct. :)

Wikipedia also shows you it is correct, there is tons and tons of issues of vandalism on the pages, they just get reverted.

I didn't say the theory is wrong. Read my post carefully. I said there are larger forces at work. :D

As long as the users have the right tools to fend for themselves, people will move forward. Wikipedia and Youtube are still possible despite stupidity of a small group of users and corporate interference.
The same is true with wikipedia and YouTube. The thing is, PS3 accounts are free. So while "policing is possible", all someone has to do is create a new free account and they're least with Live, if you get banned with a Gold account it's a bigger deal.

As stated, like Live, they have multiple levels of tracking someone and banning someone. Unfortunately, most people believe that because the accounts are free they don't have the ability to track how many unique users they have as well as how they can ban users.
Tried it about for an hour today. Not for me. It seems to be a mini transaction and marketing spam hell. People are spamming text like crazy. I guess they took voice out as I didn't hear anyone speaking? It's very lifeless and just plain boring. As long as I'm not forced to use home for demo's, marketplace and games joining, I don't care. Some people will like it but I just can't see it's appeal.
They took open voice chat out (aka free mic). Private chat is still in.

There are free mini-games and meaningful chats going on. Have only encountered 2-3 cases of text spamming in my 20+ visits.
Tried private chat but it didn't work. Apart from the fact there's little to do there yet for anyone not into just meeting people, something that really struck me is the inhabitants are so damned miserable! That is, there are no human facial expressions. The look of the characters is fed-up. Sony need to add some more appealing facial animations, a lor more smiles, I guess ideally a mood option like LBP's where your character takes on the expression you want. Otherwise the people look depressing.
Tried private chat but it didn't work.

DrJay had problems in the voice chat the other day. Even after press R2, no one could hear him. There might be some bug(s) that are headset specific (coz I can hear other men and women fine).

Apart from the fact there's little to do there yet for anyone not into just meeting people, something that really struck me is the inhabitants are so damned miserable! That is, there are no human facial expressions. The look of the characters is fed-up. Sony need to add some more appealing facial animations, a lor more smiles, I guess ideally a mood option like LBP's where your character takes on the expression you want. Otherwise the people look depressing.

This is so true !

The recent Jack Frost and Santa Claus masks helped somewhat. If they don't have time to polish the expressions, they should introduce more masks and constumes to sidestep the issue in the mean time.

Version 1.05 of PlayStation Home releases tomorrow. With this new update, you will be able to use the voice chat feature again within your personal spaces and clubhouses to communicate and share with friends online.

All you need to do is click on your PlayStation Home icon on the PlayStation®Network column of XMB™ (XrossMediaBar), and you can update PlayStation Home to 1.05. Users who are online with PlayStation Home will need to log-off and click on PlayStation Home icon.

I hope we won't need to redownload the spaces in the update.

EDIT: The item is on the official blog now:

PlayStation Home update 1.05 is scheduled to be released on December 22. With this new update, users will be able to use the voice chat within their personal space and clubhouses to communicate and share with friends online.

However, the RedBull game has been delayed until next year:

With the Home teams worldwide working on fixes for the numerous server and login issues the content release schedule has been pushed back, as people are now taking their Christmas breaks. What this boils down to is this: Don't expect to see the Red Bull Air Race this year.
I hope we won't need to redownload the spaces in the update.

...However, the RedBull game has been delayed until next year:

You and me both dude. I just now decided to go back in and redownload all the spaces after 1.04 update. If I have to do it again after this update, I will just boycott Home until a space I am interested in comes, Game Launching is added, or this annoying redownload after every patch is fixed.
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I've been into a few spaces but there was no new download needed, so it's just that one 13MB download. And the speak function is indeed back in your personal space.
More good news for Sony:

According to Susan Panico, Senior Director of PlayStation Network, Home brought in more cash in its first four days than the entire video store did in its first week. This number is not only astonishing, but partly sad as well. With the purchase of some of these items, gamers are giving Sony the thumbs up in providing more content that costs $10 per "virtual outfit."

Considering how many of you have complained during weekly updates about measly add-on content prices, it's shocking to see the support for these add-on clothing prices almost welcomed by all.

When discussing this rush of sales, Panico contributes its success to "a classic 80/20 model, where 20 percent of your customers create 80 percent of your income."

When I gave my wife a tour of the Home Mall, the first thing she wanted me to do was to "buy a set of clothings for yourself". She noticed that I was wearing the same T-shirt as many guys.

My gamer self was screaming "Nooooooo ! Are you crazy ?". But I quickly ignored her request and proceeded to show her the Bowling Alley. :)

In the mean time, I think Sony is organizing a series of competitions, trivias and such in Home for the next 12 days. I thought they should also reserve some prizes to encourage good behaviour in Home (Talk to people = Good; Talk to people and make them happy = Even better; Club owners with active members = Best). They should create a meta game of ethiques in Home.

EDIT: Another one with more details:

The hot ticket item so far: Costumes, with Santa Claus outfits being a huge seller. "You can imagine the opportunity with costumes for partnering with other companies and their intellectual property," Susan said.

Other items from Susan's talk with SAI:

* We were wrong in assuming the removal of speech from 'Home' had anything to do with widespread reports of female PS3 gamers being harassed. Speech was taken offline for a technical fix, and service was restored yesterday.

* With regards to that harassment, Susan reiterated Sony's "zero tolerance" policy and siad "we're still in open beta." She said "abuse reporting," the ability to mute other avatars, and "rapidly scaling up our moderation team" should fix the problems.

* Corporate sponsorships like Red Bull represent "a strong component of the ecosystem of Home." Expect more partnership announcements in Q1.

The long-term idea for the Playstation network: To make the PS3 a replacement for cable boxes, with Sony's Hollywood studios bringing exclusive content to PS3 owners. "We look aspirationally at HBO, the way they have 'Sex and the City' and other shows," Susan said.
AWA Exploring Business Opportunities for Playstation Home

Advanced Workplace Associates has commissioned a group of British researchers to investigate how Home, the new virtual world for the PlayStation 3, could be used for business purposes. Starting in late February 2009, executives companies that AWA services will begin using Home under observation from researchers. The announcement isn't specific as to who will be taking part, but points out that AWA has many clients in the financial sector, which has been among the early experimenters for virtual worlds, including Microsoft, Merrill Lynch, Ernst and Young.

The research will be led by Dr. Nipan Maniar with senior lecturer Manish Malik, both from the University of Portsmouth. The two, along with AWA psychologists, will monitor and analyse the participants to establish their perception of the experience, its usefulness, and where a virtual world like Home could fit in with their daily business.

Whoops, I think it's more accurate to say "AWA Exploring Business Opportunities *in* Playstation Home"
Yeah, Home is a cash cow, I realized that from the first moment I checked out one of the shops in the mall. I can't imagine ever buying anything in Home myself, but I'm sure many will.
The thing is: Home doesn't have to be 20/80. It can be 40/60 (or better) without sacrificing what it has today.
How do you figure having a larger percentage of users creating a smaller percentage of income is any better?
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