Sony Home - The official thread*

Anyway, something just struck me.

Would it be a good idea for Sony to "sell" Home items but when you buy them, the money simply goes into your PS Wallet. You can subsequently redeem/use these deposited money to buy stuff from the PS Store. Should be interesting to run an experiment.

Great idea, but I say the opposite. That might encourage people to try Home. Rent a movie and get that $4 in Home money for accessories and things.
(Long, somewhat painful) interview with Director of Home, J. Buser

Ouch. That is some of the most desperate turd polishing I have heard in a while. The bit about the fact you have to load a new area as being "an ability" is especially brutal.

That video is desperately calling for a Shreds edit.


I hope this is just media posturing and not what the guy really thinks.

Ouch. That is some of the most desperate turd polishing I have heard in a while.

He sounds too happy. Must not fall too much in love with your own project. :yes:

The bit about the fact you have to load a new area as being "an ability" is especially brutal.

Nah... he meant background downloading of the new levels. Not just the mere act of loading a new area. That's been there since day 1. Wouldn't qualify as "new".

Would be better if it's streaming, or make the public spaces user tweakable.

I hope this is just media posturing and not what the guy really thinks.

Me too.
Visiting Home sometimes change my perspective on how I view gamers and ourselves.

I bumped into another girl (Who am I kidding, I was hunting for them but I am much more subtle and smooth about it :yes:). She's a young college wife of some lucky Texan man but that's not the point of my story. I was alarmed to find out that she'd beaten LBP "The Bunker" alone too. She said her hubby is proud of her.

All I can say is you B3D gamers s*ck (okay the PS3 half). None of you beat that level by yourself right ? I interrogated her, and she seemed to know the wheel pretty well. She got through those electrified shelves by pure skills.

I will have to allocate some serious time trying to beat it myself (Dear lord, need to squeeze time from somewhere). Vowed to her that if I don't, I'll wash the toilet for 3 full years.

EDIT: Toaddio, they are different schemes but I have no time to elaborate now. Will do so later.
Nah... he meant background downloading of the new levels. Not just the mere act of loading a new area.

What I was getting at there is that background loading is not really a feature as much as a mediocre work around for the lack of streaming in the engine (or some less disruptive method of joining areas) and lack of content at launch.

What I want as a user is to go to another area. What I get instead is the joy of waiting via some superfluous menu navigation. As a boobie prize I can go back to where I was before and play a particularly lame mini-game (assuming there is not a line up for it).

Same idea with his constant references to "dance party". Is this really a feature as much as an example of there being nothing else to do and a broken emote system that is not useful for much else (due to the menu navigation setup)?

The filtering system is especially screwed up. For example "Right I think" is changed to "Righ*****hink" because there happens to be a type of bird in the middle of the phrase. The filtering is actually so poorly implemented that it can make communication difficult (I am guessing the devs have headsets or simply don't care). Makes me curious how the project director would have spun that as a feature.


The guys pitch sounded the equivalent of some web developer pitching a shiny Flash crippled site to a non-tech savvy client fooled by the look and not understanding the ramifications (lack of maintainability, broken user gui, lack of indexing, etc.). If I as a Sony customer am troubled by the guy's sketchy pitch, how the hell did Sony management give a pass to that? Are they that out of touch?

Home is basically IRC with 3D avatars. In my opinion that's fine as I like talkers (used to run an old text based one in the 90's). But in its current form it certainly is not some crazy new paradigm or anything. . .it's not even close to something like Second Life due to the lack of user interaction / creation. I am not sure if filling your apartment with huge stacks of end tables counts (though I did manage to get myself on top of a footstool, wooh!) And the only emergent behaviour happening so far outside of normal chatting is of the griefing variety (Home is an excellent douchebag enabler). The TTD (time to douchebag) is extremely low on the system unfortunately.

I don't know about downloading being a bad idea since you only do it once, and it's open ended. It's not too high on my priority list but I would bundle the initial 4-5 levels together with the initial install.

Streaming from HDD is probably a more important improvement since you hit it everytime you enter a new area. Alternatively, they can layer a 2D UI on top of the 3D world to shortcut or highlight happenings in Home.

Jack Buser definitely sounds very salesy. If I were his boss, I would investigate deeper. Then again, Home is a SCEE project. Mr. Buser is Director of Home for SCEA. His contribution is probably the US content portion (and evangelizing Home to developers). That might be our answer right there.

The filtering is indeed too strict. I think they should just allow the receiving user to toggle the filtering. On one hand, I hate to guess what's been filtered out (the legit phrases). OTOH, I hate to see creative vulgarity during chatting. So giving the user a choice of different filtering level probably is the only workable answer.
All I can say is you B3D gamers s*ck (okay the PS3 half). None of you beat that level by yourself right ?
:oops: I did, thank-you-very-much! I demand that my hours of mindless persistance until Lady Luck cut me a random break should be recognized!
Ok, looks like Jack is just a ringer brought in for ye olde polishing activities:

His current job description according to the above is to:

Drive business initiatives and activities for the highly-anticipated PlayStation Home, a 3D community-based service set to revolutionize the broadband entertainment world.

He's only been on the project since May of this year and his background appears to be strictly sales oriented. . .which is obviously why his pitch seemed so smarmy.

Anyone know who's behind the actual development activities?

Otay ! Sounds like the right guy then.

For evangelist in general, I prefer the kind who grab onto your toilet cubicle door and wouldn't let it close until you sign the contract with him.

deathindustrial said:
Home is basically IRC with 3D avatars. In my opinion that's fine as I like talkers (used to run an old text based one in the 90's). But in its current form it certainly is not some crazy new paradigm or anything. . .it's not even close to something like Second Life due to the lack of user interaction / creation. I am not sure if filling your apartment with huge stacks of end tables counts (though I did manage to get myself on top of a footstool, wooh!) And the only emergent behaviour happening so far outside of normal chatting is of the griefing variety (Home is an excellent douchebag enabler). The TTD (time to douchebag) is extremely low on the system unfortunately.

The "newness" in Home will only be evident when the full game integration comes in. Right now it's only a 3D chat environment.

:oops: I did, thank-you-very-much! I demand that my hours of mindless persistance until Lady Luck cut me a random break should be recognized!

Bah ! I only give half credit for co-op'ing with Lady Luck.
I think some people talking about the streaming features in Home are overlooking some fundamental design decisions that make Home quite a different place from your average GTAIV city. Each location is a separate virtual instance that can carry a maximum of 64 users (but is capped at something like 40 by default so the Home servers can work some mojo to keep friends together or allow friends to invite each other to the same instance). Now you can make a very pretty Home environment where the geometry and textures are streamed in all nice and proper, but since you have to deal with the instancing aspect as well, how much of a point is there really?
(oh and I got through the bunker by myself also ;) )
Ok, ok. I get the point. I need to work on The Bunker more.

Toaddio, your scheme is essentially a simple but proven incentive plan to drive Home usage. It can be extended to other goods too (not just PSN sales).

I was also looking at potentially new business model. *If* there is a compelling way to get users to commit funds to the wallet, Sony might be able to earn from the interest (How much is it these days ?). The users can still use the money to buy PSN items, so the money is legally theirs. The amount is probably small due to the relatively small user base.

However, this scheme may only be applicable for people who are into Home already. It addresses the commerce (may be revenue optimization) aspect, but it's not as effective as the incentive plan you have above for traffic acquisition.
So getting 60p a pop for some new "threads" isn't enough for Sony, in your opinion?

Sony will cash in on the stupid few, but Home will be much better served by getting people through the door via the way of unlockables from games.

A message coming up every now and again saying you've gained a trophy and unlocked something in home.

When they kick in advertising they will make far more money that way than some poxy clothes that only 10% of the people will actually buy.
So getting 60p a pop for some new "threads" isn't enough for Sony, in your opinion?

What new threads ? :)

Sony will cash in on the stupid few, but Home will be much better served by getting people through the door via the way of unlockables from games.

Sure... but I assume someone needs to pay for the growing infrastructure.

A message coming up every now and again saying you've gained a trophy and unlocked something in home.

When they kick in advertising they will make far more money that way than some poxy clothes that only 10% of the people will actually buy.

In-game advertising is still early. Don't count on it just yet.
I mean adverts in Home not in-game advertising (which sucks unless it's within a game that is otherwise completely free to the end user)
Not much difference. Home is a gaming app. It would be handled by the same 4 ad partners Sony has. The model is still relatively unproven compared to other media.
Not much difference. Home is a gaming app.

Is it?

I tried home yesterday. All i saw was morons standing around and dancing, like when people in MMO's first discover emotes. They did so for a very long time, dunno where the amusement is. The emotes are all the same, seeing the same dance animation for 30 minutes is hardly amusing in my book. There wasn't really anything to do, except you could pay Sony $5 in order to buy a virtual summer house that does nothing.

To me Home seems like an glorified IRC client with gamelaunching where Sony expects you to pay them for any virtual crap they can produce. I dont understand this. I dont understand who is going to spend real money on clothing for their Home character, or a virtual house, but then again i dont understand the people that pay real money for stuff in second life.
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So the Home update to 1.04 was this morning. Added beards, and took out voice chat. Nice. ;)

Additionally, as part of version 1.04, the voice chat feature within PlayStation Home will be temporarily suspended. As soon as we are ready to resume the voice chat feature, we will inform you via and PlayStation.Blog. In the meantime, we encourage users to make use of the Wireless Keypad for PLAYSTATION 3 or any USB or Bluetooth-enabled keyboard for text chat and also the “phone friend” features to communicate within PlayStation Home.

I keep telling myself...Beta, this is a Beta, Beta, this is a Beta...Other then something new to check out, I personally have found no interest in Home yet. While 'potential' is there, unless anything is fulfilled, I'll continue to be unimpressed.
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So the Home update to 1.04 was this morning. Added beards, and took out voice chat. Nice. ;)

I keep telling myself...Beta, this is a Beta, Beta, this is a Beta...Other then something new to check out, I personally have found no interest in Home yet. While 'potential' is there, unless anything is fulfilled, I'll continue to be unimpressed.

Hahaha, no more voice chat, with no date to bring it back? The only, only reason for Home to be even vaguely interesting?
I keep telling myself...Beta, this is a Beta, Beta, this is a Beta...Other then something new to check out, I personally have found no interest in Home yet.

I think if that's the case you can safely start to ignore it.
ps: No voice chat sucks. No more bowling nights then. :)