Sony Home - The official thread*

Hahaha, no more voice chat, with no date to bring it back? The only, only reason for Home to be even vaguely interesting?

I am hoping they make voice chat by request only. It is annoying to have people running around blaring music out of their microphone or just plain screaming in it.

Yes, I do disable voice communication whenever it happens.
Can anyone deny the gong show that is Home now? This is unreal. It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic.
Can anyone deny the gong show that is Home now? This is unreal. It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic.

I honestly don't know why, when silly web portals started to become REALLY popular, they didn't shift the focus to something like that. You'd get practically all the functionality, except for the running man. You'd even get silly little avatars if you wanted, like Gaia Online.
No voice chat? So it functions even less as a social meet-up system for me and my mates?! Why exactly am I visitng the place again..? As for DLC, I was surprised to see the number of people in Santa gear, perhaps 1:20 peeps on my brief visit. At $5 a costume, that's easy money!
What is the "phone friend" feature mentioned in the blog? Can you still voice chat with friends but no open chatting? I've not tried it since I'm not the chatty type.
What is the "phone friend" feature mentioned in the blog? Can you still voice chat with friends but no open chatting? I've not tried it since I'm not the chatty type.

Yeah, that's exactly it.

The stores have filled out quite a bit. Cleverly, they've put in free stuff everywhere so that you get a good incentive to browse the stuff. In the Diesel store there's a lot of men's sweaters and such. I personally like the suit and tie in the Threads store best though, my wife even wanted me to buy it, but I'm going to stick with my Namco stuff for now, which I could get back simply by just starting up the Namco Museum beta again. Then when I entered Home again I re-received all the items.

I've had no trouble with getting into Home anymore and the video on the Home square also runs smoothly now.
Is it?

I tried home yesterday. All i saw was morons standing around and dancing, like when people in MMO's first discover emotes. They did so for a very long time, dunno where the amusement is. The emotes are all the same, seeing the same dance animation for 30 minutes is hardly amusing in my book. There wasn't really anything to do, except you could pay Sony $5 in order to buy a virtual summer house that does nothing.

To me Home seems like an glorified IRC client with gamelaunching where Sony expects you to pay them for any virtual crap they can produce. I dont understand this. I dont understand who is going to spend real money on clothing for their Home character, or a virtual house, but then again i dont understand the people that pay real money for stuff in second life.

You forgot the mini-games in Home ? It is still a gaming app even if you don't like it personally ? Please remember that there are people who like Home. I know because I spoke to them.

No voice chat? So it functions even less as a social meet-up system for me and my mates?! Why exactly am I visitng the place again..? As for DLC, I was surprised to see the number of people in Santa gear, perhaps 1:20 peeps on my brief visit. At $5 a costume, that's easy money!

While there are people with strong negative opinion on Home (same for Google Lively), there are also consumers who like Home.

Besides the DLC, I am most surprised by the number of female chatters in Home. I see a few in every login. I was expecting a much lower turn out. Most seem to enjoy themselves too.

Would be nice if they explain why VoiceChat is taken out though. I am not sure griefing is the only factor (Might be load related since you can still talk via the in-Home phone).

Hahaha, no more voice chat, with no date to bring it back? The only, only reason for Home to be even vaguely interesting?

What is the "phone friend" feature mentioned in the blog? Can you still voice chat with friends but no open chatting? I've not tried it since I'm not the chatty type.

Yes, you can use voice via the Phone feature.

Btw, Develop Magazine has a cover story on Home: It gives a good background on who's behind it and the developers' responses.

The stores have filled out quite a bit. Cleverly, they've put in free stuff everywhere so that you get a good incentive to browse the stuff. In the Diesel store there's a lot of men's sweaters and such. I personally like the suit and tie in the Threads store best though, my wife even wanted me to buy it, but I'm going to stick with my Namco stuff for now, which I could get back simply by just starting up the Namco Museum beta again. Then when I entered Home again I re-received all the items.

I've had no trouble with getting into Home anymore and the video on the Home square also runs smoothly now.

Besides the login fix and more shopping items, they also added more facial hair options. These are all some of the most requested options (Seen them too many times in the Home forum). I think we are supposed to get the RedBull plane game this week or next.

EDIT: Okay, I see what the open voice chat problems are. The community manager should have explained the reasoning in the open:

Yes, it is still possible to phone a friend. It's the open voice chat that has been temporarily disabled. We did this as a temporary workaround to some of the connectivity issues users are experiencing.

There may be too many people (64 in a room) with the mic turned on.
You sure it doesn't have to do with having even a small amount of people with low-quality mics making sex jokes and indecipherable ramblings as one walks around? It's very intrusive. Cue the reference to Penny Arcade's internet theory strip...
I've been to Home a few times every day. Sometimes using the woman avatar.

It is not as bad as people claimed. There are some annoying cases where people follow the women around. But a user can block or report them by pressing the "[SELECT]" button. So I don't think griefing is the primary cause.

However if enough (up to 64) people in every instances transmit background noise on PSN, I can see how it will cause problems.

Also what good timing:

NSF Gives $800k to Research Virtual World Scalability and Access

Oh and I don't read Penny Arcade comics. ^_^
I don't think they are funny or perceptive at all but that doesn't mean someone else can't like them. I love the Castle Vidcon comics though:

Today is the most I have been frustrated at HOME. I download the update and it is super fast, that is fine. It launches me into the mall, ok, but then I have to download it. I am not happy about that, so I just take it as "you only have to download the first space nothing else". I leave the mall to go to the square and I get prompted to download. Why?

I was fine with it in closed beta because it seemed that I only needed to download the area I was being launched into but none of the others required me to download them again. I figured this would be "fixed" but I again have to redownload the different spaces again? Not to mention all my won items are "hidden" now until they fix the bug.

With all that I just canceled out of everything and shut it down. I did submit more feedback on the forums but come on!
I don't blame you for not reading PA's comics, they usually give Sony stuff a rough ride...

The Greater Internet Dickwad Theory is simple: Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Dickwad

It holds true with Xbox Live, and it holds true with Home as well. That's why it's dangerous to make social interaction with strangers the #1 reason to use a piece of software. ;)

Today is the most I have been frustrated at HOME. I download the update and it is super fast, that is fine. It launches me into the mall, ok, but then I have to download it. I am not happy about that, so I just take it as "you only have to download the first space nothing else". I leave the mall to go to the square and I get prompted to download. Why?

I was fine with it in closed beta because it seemed that I only needed to download the area I was being launched into but none of the others required me to download them again. I figured this would be "fixed" but I again have to redownload the different spaces again? Not to mention all my won items are "hidden" now until they fix the bug.

With all that I just canceled out of everything and shut it down. I did submit more feedback on the forums but come on!
Not exactly understanding what you're saying here...
I don't blame you for not reading PA's comics, they usually give Sony stuff a rough ride...

Actually, I wouldn't know. The only 3 Penny Aracde comics I remember are the Peter Moore one, the Assassin Creed one, and this recent Home strip. I think I have seen more but I have forgotten them. In fact, if you look at Castle Vidcon, you'd see comics on Sony too. I am sure PA also have negative stuff to say on MS and other game industry players.

The Greater Internet Dickwad Theory is simple: Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Dickwad

It holds true with Xbox Live, and it holds true with Home as well. That's why it's dangerous to make social interaction with strangers the #1 reason to use a piece of software. ;)

So very right, and yet so very wrong.

The above theory may be correct, but it is most certainly not the only factor. Your negativity may have restricted your ability to act. One of the possible solutions is staring at you all this time but you have not recognized it.

Look at wikipedia, youtube and all the successful Internet services. There are greater forces at work. If you give the users the right tools to fend for themselves, great things can also come out of it. The Dickward theory does not always prevail. The gaming forums are generally full of negativity/pessimism. Fortunately, they do not necessarily represent the larger world view.

The Home community has started to organize itself based on its own needs:
I see great things for Home clubhouses. So while you continue to suffer from the Dickward theory on XBL and PSN, there are people who proactively seek to establish their own world @ Home.

The Home environment allows me to filter and link with like-minded folks. You'll find me in the 30 and above club. ^_^ There might be some 17-18 year olds who have 30 year old mindset, but I will welcome them too (Have chatted with a few to gauge their "mental age").

What's missing now is greater adoption of the party launching service. I don't restrict my interaction with Home folks to just gaming too. So anything goes !

EDIT: Skimmed through the Develop Magazine article quickly. This part caught my eyes:

Could [Home] also serve as an avenue for newer developers to get into the business?

PE: At the moment, the only requirement is that you have a licence to develop for the PS3. We are looking to remove that if possible, specificially when it comes to minigames and things like that. But yeah, there’s a self-publishing ability on the PSN, and there’s a similar kind of opportunity with Home.

Are there any plans for user-generated content further down the line?

MG: It’s always been on the list, and a lot of decisions we made with how the framework works, and that fact that we’re using the Lua scripting language, have been made with that possibility in mind. That’s the ultimate goal that we work towards – allowing UGC. Obviously we’re not naive, and we know that with an online service you have to have strict moderation – we don’t want the user to be exposed to rubbish. But with the right things in place – some process, such as user-reviews or pre-moderation – there are ways of getting that, and that’s ultimately where we’d like to go, but there’s a lot to be dealt with on that front.

Sounds like the team is understaffed. I suspect the item format may have changed. That's why old items are not recognized.

In any case, the re-downloading of maps can be annoying. If the format does not change, they should not force us to do so.
So very right, and yet so very wrong.

The above theory may be correct, but it is most certainly not the only factor. Your negativity may have restricted your ability to act. One of the possible solutions is staring at you all this time but you have not recognized it.

Look at wikipedia, youtube and all the successful Internet services. There are greater forces at work. If you give the users the right tools to fend for themselves, great things can also come out of it. The Dickward theory does not always prevail. The gaming forums are generally full of negativity/pessimism. Fortunately, they do not necessarily represent the larger world view.
You must view different versions of Wikipedia and Youtube than I do.

Have you ever read YouTube comments? They show you the theory is correct. :)

Wikipedia also shows you it is correct, there is tons and tons of issues of vandalism on the pages, they just get reverted.

It's not that the theory says online services are hopeless, it's that you'll always have an insane number of dickwads on them if they don't know the person. It's this reason I don't like to play on Xbox Live with random people, it's depressing or just annoying in many cases. Other people may not have this kind of stuff bother them, but it does bother me. For instance, in one of my Left 4 Dead games there were 3 of us (real life friends) and 1 slot open to randoms. We seemed to get a bunch of people who decided "team killing is fun!" while they just constantly shot at our heads with shotguns. Others would spring Christmas carols REALLY loudly and force us to mute them or boot them. It's just part and parcel with internet anonymity.

YouTube and Wikipedia are also different beasts because the impact of internet "dickwadery" is not real-time. In Home you had dickwads having the ability to yell something oscene and then force dozens of people to hear it in realtime until they bother trying to ignore the person. This was a real issue the couple times I was actually able to log in to Home, and it's probably the main reason voice chat was removed (despite what they say). They need to add some mechanism to fix that...
You aren't anonymous in Home though, as Sony know who you are. Or at least, what PS3 account and IP address you are. So policing is possible, if a bit of an overhead. Enough complaints against a person should see them banned, just as we have here. The question then is one of policing, and an immediate, effective alert method. LBP's approach of 'censor first even if innocent' is the safest bet for large communities. I know a couple of girls thrilled at the prospect of Dress but their parents are right to be coy about letting them roam Home to enjoy it. Unless there's a good way of locking out the riff-raff, the community aspect will likely be niched to typical geek communities rather than an extended demographic. At which point, why invest in things like Dress that the geek community cares nothing for?
You aren't anonymous in Home though, as Sony know who you are. Or at least, what PS3 account and IP address you are.
The same is true with wikipedia and YouTube. The thing is, PS3 accounts are free. So while "policing is possible", all someone has to do is create a new free account and they're least with Live, if you get banned with a Gold account it's a bigger deal.
The same is true with wikipedia and YouTube. The thing is, PS3 accounts are free. So while "policing is possible", all someone has to do is create a new free account and they're least with Live, if you get banned with a Gold account it's a bigger deal.

I wonder if they do track PS3s. It'd make sense that they'd put in a system to ban specific PS3s from the system, but that doesn't mean they've done it.
IIRC MS used to ban people with modchips from Xbox Live based on the MAC Address...that's possible for Sony to do it, but as I understand it they do not.