Google Lively seems to share the same technical potential as Playstation Home:
If they can achieve good penetration, it will be helpful to Sony too. Hopefully, Sony can be pushed to enhance its web browser even more
If they can achieve good penetration, it will be helpful to Sony too. Hopefully, Sony can be pushed to enhance its web browser even more
"Everything [in Google] is something that hopefully works well with everything else, but everything is standalone experience," explained Hanna. "We wanted to do something that continued to bridge that gap. It’s a virtual world in a way that every room or space you build is a virtual world. We wanted to create something that is a piece of the puzzle."
Hanna couldn't give an exact date on opening up the API, but he says "that's in the foreseeable future."
"It goes to Google’s philosophy of empowering the user," said Hanna. "Search goes for granted sometimes, but we don’t always think about all the little sub-apps like Image Search and so on and how everything is integrated. This is one more way to meet the users’ needs in different spaces."
Hanna said the product roadmap includes opening up developers licenses across the board, but, also opening up a game development API. That, however, comes after opening up the Gadget API.
"As far as whether it’s an entertainment tool or a business tool, I think more than anything, it’s an information tool," said Hanna. "It ‘s a way for users to get and give information to each other along the lines of a social network, or something that augments a social network."
As for the initial user response, Lively has taken some knocks, including from the Economist, for being dead, but Hanan says, "our numbers are a lot higher than expected." In the first days, the team thought they were under attack from spam bots, but it turns out that they were simply actual users. "That's the power of Google," said Hanna.