Sony @ GDC: Phil Harrison's Keynote


"the new realtime demo showed the game in much more complete form than the simple FPS that was shown at E3 in 2005.


How real did the game demo get? There were body parts tossed about that rolled around on the ground ... with realistic physics, of course. The demo also showed off effects such as smoke trails on grenades, tactical troop movements, and enemies that came from the seilings."

Hopefully Sony releases direct feed, but maybe I'm getting greedy. Off-screen video/shots should be here soon at least!
IGN said:
In the demo, the game was shown with a full HUD of the new futuristic Warhawk ship. Across a massive battlefield, you could see ambient warfare everywhere, with background battles raging far away from you. Our editors report great lighting, volumetric cloud effects, and incredibly fast motion. One of the coolest events involved burning pieces of capital ships raining down and falling into the gorgeous ocean below.

Warhawk will not be playable at GDC, but will be available for hands-on play at E3 in May.
I really want to play Warhawk now. Lucky E3-goers ;)
drpepper said:
There's really no point, I don't think the Devs care what the price of the machines are.

It's probably going to be announced at TGS.

err sure they do, if a machine is going to cost consumers 600 bucks (not saying ps3 will) do you think u want to dev for it?
dukmahsik said:
I thought E3 was in may?

E3 starts May 9. About 7 weeks from now, or so? I guess "several" is better, but you get the point. If you think these guys are showing off "tech demos" as games now, whilst promising playables in 2 months, you're off your rocker. If you don't want to believe that what we'll see today is a good indicator of how these games are actually looking now, you're more than entitled to that, but please leave the rest of us to get on with things without constant spam about your tech demo conspiracy theories.
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Titanio said:
If you think these guys are showing off "tech demos" as games now, whilst promising playables in 2 months, you're off your rocker.

im going to assume that wasn't towards me but at basanti. :LOL:
Titanio said:
E3 starts May 9. About 7/8 weeks from now, or so? I guess "several" is better, but you get the point. If you think these guys are showing off "tech demos" as games now, whilst promising playables in 2 months, you're off your rocker.

The problem, Titanio, is that they are showing off games. They are not playing games like they played Gundam at TGS. because its the playing that is fun, not watching games.
no playing is not fun before an audience, its boring.

you only have 30secs - 2 minutes you have to wow people, you dont do that by starting to load a level for 20 seconds, walk somewhere and kill a zombie for example.
you show fast , great and explosive images ! bang bang, to your brain
You guys need to chill out here. No need to degrade another thread.
Anyways, I just want to see some video or images of what they have been describing.
IGN said:
the presentation from NT of Deano was shown again, this time with employees being blown up and thrown about as before.

Freudian slip? Hehe.

So Lair wasn't shown after all? Does Factor 5 have their own presentation later in the show or something?
basanti said:
The problem, Titanio, is that they are showing off games. They are not playing games like they played Gundam at TGS. because its the playing that is fun, not watching games.

Ahm...GDC is not the place to play games.
basanti said:
The problem, Titanio, is that they are showing off games. They are not playing games like they played Gundam at TGS. because its the playing that is fun, not watching games.

When you've learned how to remote control games shown at conferences over the net, you might have a complaint.

This is becoming tiresome. I'm just going to put you on my ignore list, sorry.
basanti said:
The problem, Titanio, is that they are showing off games. They are not playing games like they played Gundam at TGS. because its the playing that is fun, not watching games.

Taking a quick count of your post history this is your 13th post in this thread saying the same exact thing. I take it you've got your point across.
basanti said:
you can have videos prerecorded of the game being played.

Regardless, people aren't in this thread to discuss (again!) if the PS3 will ever have a real game. I think that's called "derailing". :)
HDD confirmed is good. No price is as expected.

It's also good to see they're serious about a Live Arcade alternative.

All in all, a good show, nothing shocking, but that might change if we get some screenshots or video...
they are wowed because ps3 info is sparse and few between, i say let them have their fun?

sony promises big things we'll have to see if they live up to them
pipo said:
HDD confirmed is good. No price is as expected.

It's also good to see they're serious about a Live Arcade alternative.

All in all, a good show, nothing shocking, but that might change if we get some screenshots or video...

I think every game magazine sent their Bothan spies to get that information. Or maybe Sony will be nice and gives direct feeds!

Kotaku took a couple pictures near the beginning but didn't have any more afetrwards.

I'll expect to have something by tomorrow morning. :)