Sony @ GDC: Phil Harrison's Keynote

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This thread is about a Game Developer Conference Keynote.
Let's not keep the discussion off topic any further.
slider said:
Cool news on Resistance!

The HDD: Is anyone else apart from Kotaku reporting it this way?

It seems to be coming from a post-keynote Q+A with the press. I've no reason to believe they've misreported it. A full transcript should be on the web at some point, I'm sure.

I wish sites would hurry up with some media :p
Titanio said:
Back to square one on the HDD issue unfortunately, it seems!

"First, he declined to talk about whether the hard drive will be included in the PS3. Instead, he said that all PS3 games will require the hard drive."
How many people play their Playstation without a memory card? If a hard drive came with every system and you can put game saves on it Sony would lose a lot of money that they got for the memory cards this generation. It could be that they will sell the hard drives like memory cards. They won't make as much money as they did this gen selling multiple cards to the same person but they will still be making money on each one.
Dr. Nick said:
How many people play their Playstation without a memory card? If a hard drive came with every system and you can put game saves on it Sony would lose a lot of money that they got for the memory cards this generation. It could be that they will sell the hard drives like memory cards. They won't make as much money as they did this gen selling multiple cards to the same person but they will still be making money on each one.

1)Games require the HDD

2)Its very important for the online features
Titanio said:
It seems to be coming from a post-keynote Q+A with the press. I've no reason to believe they've misreported it. A full transcript should be on the web at some point, I'm sure.

I wish sites would hurry up with some media :p

That does make a lot more sense... unfortunately. Guess they're still making up their minds on the cost/benefit. Sony: Don't forget the revenue streams could be huge.
Titanio said:
Some more on Warhawk, also:
I honestly didn't think any games would be using 4xAA at this stage..
Is there any proof that it is real-time, like control in-game graphics or are those just words? I didnt follow this thread and i bet you know all.
Nesh said:
1)Games require the HDD

2)Its very important for the online features
I know that but why haven't they just come out be clear and say that it will come with every PS3? Games might require it but that doesn't mean that it will come with it. I was just thinking that it could end up being something that needs to be bought seperately like a memory card(one that does a lot more than your old PS2 memory card.) just that it would be more important to buy it this time around.
Lysander said:
Is there any proof that it is real-time, like control in-game graphics or are those just words? I didnt follow this thread and i bet you know all.

Yes, Warhawk was real time. From Kotaku:

Dylan Jobe, the producer and director of Warhawk, takes the stage.

Nice, they’re showing what looks to be a playable game. A futuristic fighter zooms around large ships. Lasers, missles and gun fire dance around hitting enormous capital ships and hundreds of smaller fighters dogfight. Jobe points out that the clouds and waves are all rendered live.
PS3 region free...?

- In a QA session following the platform keynote address at GDC 2006 this morning, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios President Phil Harrison confirmed what was heavily demanded for import gamers all over the world and yet previously thought unthinkable for a major corporation: the PS3 will be region-free for gaming.

The system is, amongst other things, hoped to help combat piracy - many import fans "chip" their consoles with region-free mod chips to play import games, and while that desire has some legitimacy, it also opens the doors for pirates to release illegal copies of games.

I wonder if this will be mandatory for all games, or if it'll be opt-in for publishers?
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Dr. Nick said:
I know that but why haven't they just come out be clear and say that it will come with every PS3? Games might require it but that doesn't mean that it will come with it. I was just thinking that it could end up being something that needs to be bought seperately like a memory card just that it would be more important to buy it this time around.

Here's a direct quote from Kotaku:

Phil Harrison said:
“Hard disk drive is a key feature for the Playstation 3. It is a key feature of the platform. Developers are designing their games to support a hard drive. Every single game will support a hard drive.”.

To me, he's not saying that every game will require a HD, he's saying that every game will SUPPORT a HD. Which may mean that in order to pass certification the game must offer improved performance, or something, with an HD present. To me, that means that an HD won't be standard either, or they would have said so by now. They are just trying to drive the point home that ALL games will benefot from having a HD installed. Maybe they see this is a differentiating factor compared to the competition?

The more likely reason is that they want to give gamers a gaming reason to own a HD, this way they'll all buy one and Sony can sell them online content.

I think you're looking at $449 + $100 for the HD.
dukmahsik said:
are u talking about ps3 games only?
Ha I didn't even think that he could have been talking about exclusives. What about all the multiconsole games. Games made with the Xbox 360 and Rev partly most likely won't need it but that is just word play isn't it.
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Nesh said:
Seems it was real time with the frame rate being the dissapointing part.I hope they improve it and looks as smooth as the E3 prerendered video
It seems that it also looked a lot worse than last year's E# with washed out textures according to people at GAF who were at the presentation.

Everything resembling real time(warhawk,motorsport,insominiac FPS) seemed so-so with the only really impressive video being the R&C "tech demo".(ring any bells??).