I noticed, should be fixed now.
function said:What they've shown is a feature of a game. It isn't obvious to anyone whether or not the 360 could do this level of work.
function said:To do this they *need* you to believe that the magic Cell can open up incredible new depths of immersion that nothing else can, and that even though you can't see the difference in graphics (because maybe MS got the better GPU) it's there working its magic.
Titanio said:His point was that what Sony had shown wasn't any better than what MS had shown to date. Judging by descriptions of the likes of Motorstorm, I'd disagree.
Next up was Motorstorm and just like Warhawk was no where near the E3 target render. The car models and physics were decent although the texturing and the environment was PS2 level of quality. The real star of the demonstration was the deformable terrain which worked quite well with the physics of the cars. The demo also had HDR, post processing effects, and occlusion.
how good is the quality?Is it cam footage?rabidrabbit said:Some videos of the demos, haven't yet been able to check them myself, so don't know if they're any good.
http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/New_Folder/GDC_1_wmv_640x360.zip (WMV)
http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/New_Folder/GDC_1_quick_640x360.zip (MOV)
Nesh said:how good is the quality?Is it cam footage?
rabidrabbit said:How's the fishy demo? Is the caustics simulation impressive?
pipo said:Depends on what you want to believe.
Let's wait for E3 I say...
Titanio said:The very same guy said later on GAF that in terms of "effects and post-processing" etc. he thought it was above and beyond what he'd seen on 360, actually, and that the mud physics etc. was "mind-blowingly cool". Which jives with what I'm saying here, and the other descriptions we've had of the physical interaction from Gamespot and others (which is what I'm specifically addressing).
function said:Oh, I agree it sounds cool, I just can't equate that to the limits of Cell/Xenos at this time.
Edge said:Those videos are at www.1up.com also. Here is the link.
Titanio said:Perhaps because we haven't seen it yet..? Which is kind of my point. If we have a 360 racer indulging in the kind of detail described of Motorstorm, as one example, the OP I was responding to might have had a better point.
His point was that what Sony had shown wasn't any better than what MS had shown to date. Judging by descriptions of the likes of Motorstorm, I'd disagree..
expletive said:Dont you think the reason why Sony is pushing this in Motorstorm is to try and differentiate the hardware from the 360? Just becuase it hasnt been done on another platform doesnt mean it can't or won't. Personally i think the gameplay implications of what theyre doing in motorstorm are being drastically overstated.
expletive said:Dont you think the reason why Sony is pushing this in Motorstorm is to try and differentiate the hardware from the 360? Just becuase it hasnt been done on another platform doesnt mean it can't or won't.
Phil said:Of course, and yet, there are countless of topics of discussions of the past 3 years discussing the potential benefits and strength of CELL - to assume that the physics aspect that is being supposedly pushed has somewhat to do with CELLs benefit and strength isn't exactly far-fetched is it?
At the end of the day, everyone will believe what they want to - and that contrary to all evidence. I think it's really up to you to believe what you want to. Fact is, these architectures (Xbox360/PS3) are quite different and naturally will feature different limits, different strengths, even different weaknesses that will force developers to use different approaches. Everything in engineering gives a trade-off and I expect the design-choices of talented developers on PS3 to lean on the physics part since its one of its key strengths.