Regards software tools, have Sony ALWAYS been rubbish? How was PS1? I remember hearing PS1 got so much software because it was easy to develop for. PS2 went with esoteric hardware and lacked the tools, and it showed. There's been talk of Sony's improvements in this area, but who knows how that's going (apart from devs here posting insights )
Regards art, I give Sony their due there. They certainly have been working to help out with the introduction of Collada, which is a nice idea, though I don't know how it's developing. They have been talking about providing better support for content creation on all sides. One doesn't hold high hopes though. Sony software has never often amounted to much. To date though, it doesn't sound as though MS have progressed their tools much from their existing DX toolkits, which is kinda wierd considering that got to be their strongest asset.
Regards art, I give Sony their due there. They certainly have been working to help out with the introduction of Collada, which is a nice idea, though I don't know how it's developing. They have been talking about providing better support for content creation on all sides. One doesn't hold high hopes though. Sony software has never often amounted to much. To date though, it doesn't sound as though MS have progressed their tools much from their existing DX toolkits, which is kinda wierd considering that got to be their strongest asset.