heliosphere said:I think this was touched on at GDC so hopefully I'm not saying anything I shouldn't. The video memory is used for the framebuffer and consequently quite a bit of bandwidth is soaked up there. Sony suggest storing some graphics resources (textures, vertex buffers) in XDRAM as there's quite a bit of bandwidth between the GPU and XDRAM.
Good:mckmas8808 said:Okay? So can anybody explain if this is good or bad? If good explain why, but if bad explain why also.
heliosphere said:I think this was touched on at GDC so hopefully I'm not saying anything I shouldn't. The video memory is used for the framebuffer and consequently quite a bit of bandwidth is soaked up there. Sony suggest storing some graphics resources (textures, vertex buffers) in XDRAM as there's quite a bit of bandwidth between the GPU and XDRAM. Exactly what the best balance is depends on how the resources are being used and what else is going on in the game, figuring out how to get the balance right is going to be one of the challenges of PS3 development.
It's actually 64MB of XDR and 32MB of video memory.xbdestroya said:This doesn't really speak to my question though, because at the core of it what I'm wondering is what the normal non-RSX related overhead of running game code would be on the XDR memory pool. I understand that whatever is left could potentially find productive use elsewhere, but I'm more just trying to frame the 'severity' of a 96MB XDR OS overhead.
True, although even 2MB was only ~5% of PS2 memory, the supposed 100MB would be 20%.MrWibble said:Back on PS2 the kernel reserved memory was halved (from 2M to 1M) in a fairly early SDK (but not, IIRC, before the first batch of titles), so it's not without precedent.
That's always true, however personally I don't think the reserved memory is Ever an issue in itself - you design your application around fixed size memory regardless of what the hw designers give you.heliosphere said:The relatively large chunk being reserved for the OS isn't the end of the world but you're not going to hear any developers say they wouldn't like to get some of it back.
Fafalada said:The issue at hand is plain and simple with multiplatform stuff only.
When the nearest competing product has like 1/10th of your system total memory, it's completely irellevant if you loose 1/5th of it to Kernel, but the story is a LOT different when the paralel platforms are evenly matched in terms of available memory...
he's saying that if one system (competing product) has 64 megs of ram, and the other 512, it's no big deal if the one with 512 gives up 20% of it's Ram. (by comparison in multiplatform games)mckmas8808 said:Alot different in what why? Is it more positive?