Skies of Arcadia Boss bluheim... makes me wonder...


In Skies of Arcadia there is a Gigas called Bluheim, which looks near the same as heavy Wing from Panzer Dragoon Orta...
(the attacks are even the same, only the size of the dragon is a little bit bigger then PDO's)

Although SoA is made by Overworks and PDO by Smilebit, could it be that PDO was in production (artwork) for Dreamcast and eventually cancelled in 2001? (SoA was released in the beginning of 2000)

I wonder how it would have looked like... :/
It could be, and it could have looked halfway decent compared to the Xbox version too methinks.
PDO is one of, maybe the best looking game on Xbox (for now)
But I think that smilebit would've made it a decent game on Dreamcast (like previous Panzer Dragoons :))

But was it a hint to a DC PDO?