Yep, i truly think this could be Naomi, but everywhere I've looked, no one seems to know. It hasn't been dumped either, so that doesn't help. There's a company called rodeo that i think might have helped with it, but all i found was an announcement from them, but it doesn't say the hardwareTop NAOMI 2, bottom Pachinko. You can clearly see Naomi 2 is way more detailed, even with cloth texture, higher res, way better lighting...One thing is for sure, Pachinko VF4 does not run on Naomi 2.... And for the flatter lighting, way less detailed stages....Gotta Naomi 1 or directly a Dreamcast. Since i played Force Five always had a VF4 appeal to me, could it be Sammy used this Pachinko VF4 as tech base for creating Force Five/Jinji Storm?
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... someone messaged me and said they'd try to track down the hardware and dump it. It totally would be worth it imo. Especially since for some reason pachinko is the only way to experience VFs actual story