Deferred ShadingThen again we haven't seen any of the techniques used yet in games that are included in the 3 DX9.0 demos (closest chance could be if rumours are true that STALKER uses a very similar deferred shading technique to the DS demo).
STALKER does use it, there is a lengthy article about the way they've used it in one of the nVidia GPU programming book.
Ensemble Studios is using it, or is planning to use it, they gave a GDC presentation about it last year:
According to Deano some PC and XBox game are already using this technique (ref. to his ShaderX3 article).
Rendering of height maps and sample them in vertex shader (cloth demo)
Wasn't there a game that used this technique for a water effect that was discussed here a few months ago? I remember this being fairly controversial because the technique was costly (and would obviously be only supported on nVidia PS3.0-capable cards), but didn't seem to make such an impact on the visual quality? I do see this technique being used much more as PS3.0-hardware becomes more prevalent.
Voxel rendering with PS3.0 ray trace operations
Yeah, this one might take some time before it's used in games due to the excessive rendering cost associated with the technique.