Sea of Thieves [XO, PC, PS, XGP]

seriously. we could use some more players here. Huge cast with Championship edition. It''s free trial on steam right now
I kinda feel like I should wait for Season 5. >_>

Downloading the free play thing.
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Went fishing.

Massive storm.

Find a crate of silk not too far from the fishing outpost.

Decide to head back in the massive storm because I already waited 15 minutes, and it wasn't letting up. Pretty sure lightning struck my boat a couple times.

Then a skeleton ship attacks, but I fuck it up GOOD this time. Got like 5 shots into its hull as it made a pass at me, and a couple more after that. Meanwhile I'm trying to stop the ship from crashing into rocks and repairing the damn hull from the cannonballs while the bloody storm is STILL messing with the navigation/helm.

Storm is still raging, and there's like 8 items to gather from the remains of the skeleton ship. I decide to just make do with about 5 items (some skulls and crates of tea) because I was already spending a ton of time swimming, and the storm was nuts.

I manage to go way off-course on the return trip, but the skies start clearing.

At high noon, a bloody Megalodon creeps up on me as I'm trying to repair the ship again - wasn't sure if the turd hit me or not but there was a hole to plug.

It pisses off, and I make it back to the outpost and spend a good 20 minutes between boat and merchants offloading stuff. It could have been shorter, but I got lazy and landed on the opposite side of the island, and I didn't feel like parking again.

For some reason the intense combat music started playing on the outpost island, which spooked me, but I couldn't figure out why the heck it was thinking I was in combat. Unless the megalodon followed me...

And that's how I go fishing, apparently. (I've made a good 20K just fishing moistly peacefully!)

The game needs pies. For Pie-rates.
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Animations look great although the one where the dog urinates and then sits looks very weird to me. I don't think I've ever seen a dog urinate and then sit where it just urinated. :p

Been a while I've talked about this or even played this, but I might need to jump back in...

Jack Sparrow & Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean are crossing over with Sea of Thieves in an update called A Pirate's Life & launches June 22. :oops:

  • Join forces with Captain Jack Sparrow in an all-new adventure when two of the biggest pirate universes collide!
  • A thrilling original story sends players across, below and beyond the Sea of Thieves, facing new enemies and challenges.
  • Sea of Thieves Season Three launches June 22 and is available free for all players with Xbox Game Pass and across Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows 10 and Steam.
Today, Rare and Xbox are thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration with Disney, as the award-winning Sea of Thieves and Pirates of the Caribbean join forces at last. This monumental crossover will see Captain Jack Sparrow and his infamous crew arrive from beyond the horizon to spark an epic new adventure on the Sea of Thieves. Watch the announcement trailer for Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life right here:

Unfolding across five incredible tales packed with secrets and side-quests, this new campaign gives players a lovingly crafted story to play solo or with their crew. Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life will be free for all players and will launch as the cornerstone of Sea of Thieves Season Three on June 22.

Two Legends Collide

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life is the game’s most ambitious story-driven campaign to date. Players will go on a quest to free Jack Sparrow from his prison and witness the power of the world’s greatest Pirate Treasure, which Jack just so happens to have stolen. Jack is being pursued by his old enemy, the notorious Davy Jones, and their arrival on the Sea of Thieves will ultimately spell disaster if Jones and his forces aren’t stopped.

These iconic characters are here for much more than cameo appearances, and we’ve worked alongside Walt Disney Games to craft a compelling original narrative that doesn’t just bring two worlds together, but explores what makes each of them special.

Sea of Thieves’ Executive Producer Joe Neate explains: “Sea of Thieves aims to immerse players in a fantastical depiction of the pirate life, filled with colourful characters and vibrant locations to explore. The sense of fun, wonder and the imaginative spirit that we hold real affection for in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean always felt like it could be complementary to the world of Sea of Thieves, and we’ve striven alongside the teams at Disney to celebrate this.”

Mike Chapman, Sea of Thieves’ Creative Director, was keen to ensure the narrative remained true to the spirit of both universes. “The heart of our story explores what it truly means to be a pirate on the Sea of Thieves, and this has allowed us not only to tap into the deeper meaning of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and the original attraction, but also allow players to go on adventures with Jack Sparrow, learning more about how he sees the pirate life and his place on the Sea of Thieves. This story moves the Sea of Thieves world forwards in unexpected ways, and it’s been a joy to bring these two worlds together, treating both in a way that feels authentic and delightful to experience.”

New Dangers Arise

Of course, new adventures bring new environments and challenges. As the story progresses, players will battle Davy Jones alongside Captain Jack Sparrow and have the chance to explore memorable locations from both universes – not only extending to Sea of Thieves and Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise but the famous park attractions that have been thrilling people for decades.

Players will also be facing grave danger from deadly new enemies wherever they sail. Terrifying Phantoms will require swift reflexes to deal with, while Sirens swarm beneath the waves and wield devastating new weapons of their own. Even the decks of ships might not be safe if there are lumbering Ocean Crawlers around, and these new threats will be appearing all around the Sea of Thieves in future updates, not just during players’ adventures with Jack Sparrow!

Find Out More

The Season Three update including Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life will be available for free to all Sea of Thieves players who have bought the game on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows 10 PC or via Steam, or players who have access to it with Xbox Game Pass. For more information on Season Three when it arrives on June 22, visit the Sea of Thieves website.

New to Sea of Thieves? Join the fun with our Maiden Voyage, a narrative-driven tutorial experience. New players will begin their travels within this scenario – and more tips can be picked up from our online Pirate Academy, which provides invaluable information on topics ranging from sailing to swordplay. Learn more about Sea of Thieves at, or join the ongoing adventure at where you can embark on an epic journey with one of gaming’s most welcoming communities!

Tommy McClain
Variety also did an exclusive article on it....

How ‘Sea of Thieves’ Brought ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ to Its World in New Expansion (EXCLUSIVE)
By Alex Stedman

Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones are finally coming to “Sea of Thieves.”

On Sunday, during Microsoft’s E3 showcase, developer Rare announced that it had officially partnered with Disney for a “Pirates of the Caribbean”-themed expansion, “A Pirate’s Life,” a free update hitting the multiplayer game on June 22. It is, as Rare executive producer Joe Neate tells it, “the ultimate pirate crossover.”

Speaking to Variety just a couple of days before the reveal and showing off footage and details for the first time, Neate, Rare creative director Mike Chapman and vice president of Disney and Pixar Games Luigi Priore are nearly giddy, and it’s easy to see why. Chapman has previously said “Pirates of the Caribbean” was one of the works the “Sea of Thieves” team drew on for inspiration during development, and he describes actually getting to work with Disney on it as “one of the proper pinch-me moments.”

According to Neate, Chapman and Priore, it’s a secret that they’ve keep under their hats since E3 2019, when Rare first brought their idea to Disney. The trio says it very quickly became clear how the two properties would be a natural fit, and Priore remembers that Chapman was “a walking encyclopedia” of “Pirates of the Caribbean” knowledge, coming to the table with an idea that would tie together the worlds of both IPs.

“That first meeting, Mike and I walked out and literally, when we got around the corner — we made sure we were out of eyeshot — we literally put our arms around each other and said, ‘we’re gonna do something special here,’ just from spending 45 minutes in a room with the team at Disney,” Neate recalls.

Once the partnership was officially a go, when it came down to the nitty-gritty, Chapman says one of the greatest priorities was authenticity — not only to the world of “Pirates of the Caribbean,” but to that of “Sea of Thieves,” and the lore that’s been built around the game since its launch in 2018.

“The thing that we very quickly grasped onto was the idea that if the world of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ is going to come to ‘Sea of Thieves,’ it needed to be something fundamental in terms of how those two worlds cross over,” he says. “Not a bunch of side stories, take it or leave it, sort of parallel quests. It needed to be something that fundamentally moved the ‘Sea of Thieves’ world forward.”

With that in mind, the team began to dive into the mythos behind “Sea of Thieves” and “Pirates of the Caribbean” and saw some very fitting connections. One, Chapman explains, started with The Ferryman, a character well known to players of the game as the captain of the Ferry of the Damned who brings dead pirates back to the Sea of Thieves. “Pirates of the Caribbean’s” main antagonist, Davy Jones, plays a similar role in the series, traveling between the worlds of the living and the dead. Both play with the idea of the pirate’s life being eternal.

“We’re delving into the idea of the deeper meaning of pirate freedom, or what it means to be a pirate,” Chapman says. “Jack has that awesome line that I love from the first movie around what a ship really is, is freedom. So the idea that the Sea of Thieves is positioned as this place that the pirate’s life lives forever — that kind of narrative idea that Jack would want to be in the ‘Sea of Thieves’ and he would see it like a legend, the legend of the fountain of youth — the positioning of the two worlds made a lot of sense.”
As Sparrow eventually becomes a crew mate for the player on their adventure, Rare went above and beyond to make sure his portrayal would seem genuine to “Pirates of the Caribbean” fans. Chapman says they had one of Johnny Depp’s stunt doubles visit the team to make sure they could answer questions like “if Jack was gonna say this, what would he be doing with his hands? How would he carry himself? What would his posture be like?”

That effort for authenticity extends not only to the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies, but the Disneyland attraction. In fact, one of the glimpses that Variety got to view was a location directly inspired by the ride, and Chapman says they used audio that comes from the 1967 attraction in the game. As players journey in the grottos, they’ll hear the chanting of “Dead Men Tell No Tales” echoing throughout, just as those on the ride at Disneyland have for decades.

But the team isn’t just taking cues from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” world — it’s building on them. Chapman points to the Sea of the Damned in “Sea of Thieves” as an example, a place where pirates’ dreams and nightmares become reality.

“If Jack Sparrow is lost in the Sea of the Damned, you get to explore some of the moments from his life,” he says. “So it allows us to bring these fantastical takes on moments you remember from the movies or moments you remember from the attraction to life in a way that makes absolute sense in the narrative that we’re telling.”

“Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life” doesn’t mark the first time “Pirates of the Caribbean” has gotten the video game treatment, although it hasn’t gotten a full game to itself since 2011 (aside from a 2017 mobile game). So if Disney wanted to return to Jack Sparrow and co. in video game form, why not just make a new game?

As Priore tells it, the answer to that question is pretty simple: the best pirate video game already exists. Why not jump on the ship that’s already sailing?

“It’s hard to make a game from scratch,” he says. “And if you’re thinking about pirates and you’re thinking about what’s the best pirate game out there, probably ever made, it’s ‘Sea of Thieves.’ Why would you try to beat something that’s the best out there? Why not build something together?”

To say that it’s a collaboration that fans have been waiting for would be an understatement. Fans use Jack Sparrow gifs while tweeting about the game, streamers cosplay as the famous character while playing “Sea of Thieves,” and many have even asked the team at Rare directly if it’ll ever be a possibility (one tweet from 2018, before the partnership was born, even has the studio saying that there wouldn’t be other IPs in the game).

As Chapman puts it, “If you did a Venn Diagram of fans of ‘Sea of Thieves’ and fans of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean,’ it would just be a circle.”

“For our fans, the ‘Sea of Thieves’ fans as well as ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ fans, I think they’re almost gonna be as emotional as us,” says Neate. “It’s a genuine dream come true for everyone.”

Tommy McClain
More screenshots for A Pirate's Life today & a new gameplay trailer at the Extended Showcase tomorrow...






Tommy McClain
So is Johnny Depp voicing Captain Jack or do they have a good sound-a-like?