Sea of Thieves [XO, PC, PS, XGP]

looks great

Nothing about that looks fun. Dig for treasure, carry it somewhere and turn it in for gold. Or have it stolen by the hoards of XBL kids who will ambush you. I hope there is more to the game, it looks like a F2P PC game made for kids.
Nothing about that looks fun. Dig for treasure, carry it somewhere and turn it in for gold. Or have it stolen by the hoards of XBL kids who will ambush you. I hope there is more to the game, it looks like a F2P PC game made for kids.
Indeed. Althought I gotta say....those water effects are AWESOME!
I thought it looks pretty good and pretty fun, it's essentially questing to trigger a capture the flag PvP event.

My question after watching that really beautiful video is what do you do with the gold? Unless there's a deeper game somewhere.. better ships (I imagine?) building hideouts/fortresses (probably not?), etc.. then it will get really repetitive. It also depends how far away are these treasure locations from the shops you turn them in at? I couldn't tell if the shop was actually on the very same island? Or do you run the risk of losing all your treasure if you engage in a sea battle on the way back to the ports that you can sell the treasure at?

If so, what is the distance? Does the game provide for opportunities to decide - should we hit these three treasure spots and then turn back with 3 chests (And risk losing them all?) or just dig up one and go turn it in to minimize risk? That would depend on factors of distance and time, right?

Could be very interesting. I agree with R1's assessment. Could be amazing or could be very shallow and repetitive.
Game will either a surprise hit or a major flop. I don't see a middle ground here. Credit regardless for trying something new.

All depends on the full game. But everyone I know who tried it at E3 (both in real life and Youtube/Twitch personalities) were absolutely blown away by the gameplay. But that was just a short slice of gameplay. Some of them have it as the game they are most looking forward to in 2017 (if it comes out in 2017) after having tried it. Remains to be seen if extended gameplay sessions or the actual game will live up to those first impressions.

All depends on the full game. But everyone I know who tried it at E3 (both in real life and Youtube/Twitch personalities) were absolutely blown away by the gameplay. But that was just a short slice of gameplay. Some of them have it as the game they are most looking forward to in 2017 (if it comes out in 2017) after having tried it. Remains to be seen if extended gameplay sessions or the actual game will live up to those first impressions.

Agreed, I think social experiences are much harder to convey than other forms of fun. Part of what makes it amazing is being with the right people (tends to be your friends), some people have a hard time imagining having a great social time with complete strangers (misconception).
True. But importantly you need a good solo experience as well, or at least something where the connection with other people doesn't exclude you. It's far easier to sell people on a solo experience that they can play with others than to sell a cop experience where they need others, at which point 99% of gamers look around and see they don't know anyone with the same gaming times who they could share this game with.

The way I'd structure it (and Rare may have done this for all I know!) is you'd have your pirate and their career and they'd have to start at the bottom working with others until they can afford their own boat, at which point they become captain, and potentially grow to own their own base etc. But as a mechanic it'd need everyone to have that opportunity or else like the real world 95% of players would just be grunts never getting anywhere. And then if everyone is an island-owning captain with a fleet to their name, who'd play the grunts? So maybe AI bots fill out the rank and file and players start among them but can grow beyond them?
True. But importantly you need a good solo experience as well, or at least something where the connection with other people doesn't exclude you. It's far easier to sell people on a solo experience that they can play with others than to sell a cop experience where they need others, at which point 99% of gamers look around and see they don't know anyone with the same gaming times who they could share this game with.

The way I'd structure it (and Rare may have done this for all I know!) is you'd have your pirate and their career and they'd have to start at the bottom working with others until they can afford their own boat, at which point they become captain, and potentially grow to own their own base etc. But as a mechanic it'd need everyone to have that opportunity or else like the real world 95% of players would just be grunts never getting anywhere. And then if everyone is an island-owning captain with a fleet to their name, who'd play the grunts? So maybe AI bots fill out the rank and file and players start among them but can grow beyond them?
Yea this has been a question of mine as well. It's why things like EvE Online actually works, people fill out ranks on their own because there are advantages for those ranks to be filled. I'm not sure what will happen when everyone owns a boat, because it's pretty obvious that everyone will want to captain their own boat eventually.
The way I'd structure it (and Rare may have done this for all I know!) is you'd have your pirate and their career and they'd have to start at the bottom working with others until they can afford their own boat, at which point they become captain, and potentially grow to own their own base etc. But as a mechanic it'd need everyone to have that opportunity or else like the real world 95% of players would just be grunts never getting anywhere. And then if everyone is an island-owning captain with a fleet to their name, who'd play the grunts? So maybe AI bots fill out the rank and file and players start among them but can grow beyond them?

In many ways that's similar to Guild life in MMO's. The strongest ones are ones with a strong leader (with good organizational and recruitment skills, albeit recruitment can be delegated) that is fair or least has the appearance of being fair to everyone within the guild. The weakest ones tend to be those where leadership is by committee (democratic) and those tend to either fall apart quickly to remain small time casual guilds.

So little is known about what the actual game is going to contain, however, that I can't even speculate at this time if that's something that would work within the framework of what Rare are intending for the game.

All that is known, is that I believe they have said that everyone will own their own ship or have the opportunity to own their own ship. As well, coop and pvp (with other ships roaming the seas) are central to the game I believe. And while PvP isn't encourage it isn't discouraged either. And many players online, when there are no restrictions tend to gravitate towards PvP (look at Eve Online).

Solo play is possible but nothing was mentioned as to whether you could avoid contact with other players. IE - it could be a serious disadvantage if you are sailing solo and run across a ship with a crew of 4 intent of plundering your ship. Maybe if you run solo you have the option of a really fast 1 man ship that can outrun larger ships? Drawback being that you don't have as much room for cargo, er sorry, I meant booty.
