Sea of Thieves [XO, PC, PS, XGP]


Of all the games shown at the E3 many people has said that it was the most fun. Rare is being Rare with this one. VG24/7 wrote a hands-on about it.

I don’t want to seem like one of those people whining about having an amazing job (because, really, I’m lucky) but it is true that one can’t quite help but spend a lot of E3 tired and grumpy. Appointment schedules collapse, it’s hot, it’s loud, your feet hurt, you’ve barely slept. In spite of that stuff Sea of Thieves had me grinning ear-to-ear like an idiot for my entire play session, and to me that’s bloody notable.




That should work incredibly well in VR! Really liked what i saw too, very nice art design and look to it :yep2:
This looks very promising, but it seems like the type of game that really shines when you play with your frinds fuckin around like in gta online or minecraft. At least it was presented that way. It certainly might have an offline sp mode, but I'm not holding my breath (which certain pirates can do for 10 minutes!) My nowadays me just hasnt got the time nor the friends to enjoy this type of gameplay. I'm still happy for rare for them doing something big and ambitious for once though.
I'm pretty sure it's online only. More comparable to Rust or Ark than Destiny based on what they've shown.
Must be some sort of single player aspect. If a ship requires a crew of 4, who owns the ship? What if you want to own your own ship? If not everyone can own a ship because each ship needs a crew of 4 there must be a way from a resourcing perspective to obtain one.

dunno if that makes sense what I'm trying to say. Lol.

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I'm excited for this, but still want to see more. The game mechanics look fantastic. But what is the game? Going to guess something open world, but I want more details.

Still I'm excited for this title.

Interview with a dev confirm that it is a Shared World Area Game (SWAG) and is online only. They did say you could play it solo and that there were no defined roles.

A lot of stuff still to be ironed out, but the interviewers appear to have genuinely enjoyed the game.

Well, just got done watching the latest Totalbiscuit co-optional podcast. Was interesting to hear Jesse Cox's experience with Sea of Thieves, it was by far his game of E3 by a long mile. He said it was the best and most fun gameplay he's experienced in the past few years. So, at least with regards to the gameplay, it seems they've hit it out of the park.

But all the commenters still had questions about what the gameplay was going to revolve around. Also, apparently the developers stressed to Cox that this was not going to be an MMO even though it seems to them (the podcast commenters) to be perfectly suited to being an MMO.

Makes me even more curious about what the actual game is going to revolve around. I don't imagine it's just going to release a big pirate sandbox. There's got to be some kind of story in there somewhere, right?

Well, just got done watching the latest Totalbiscuit co-optional podcast. Was interesting to hear Jesse Cox's experience with Sea of Thieves, it was by far his game of E3 by a long mile. He said it was the best and most fun gameplay he's experienced in the past few years. So, at least with regards to the gameplay, it seems they've hit it out of the park.

But all the commenters still had questions about what the gameplay was going to revolve around. Also, apparently the developers stressed to Cox that this was not going to be an MMO even though it seems to them (the podcast commenters) to be perfectly suited to being an MMO.

Makes me even more curious about what the actual game is going to revolve around. I don't imagine it's just going to release a big pirate sandbox. There's got to be some kind of story in there somewhere, right?


Giant Bomb loved it too.

Apparently its going to be more like a Destiny or Division. There is PVE content like finding treasure and then you try to protect it from other groups and so on.

I'm really excited for the game .
The pirate setting seems perfect for that type of game. The need of a synchronized crew to successfully maneuver a ship highly incentives teamwork from the outset, the sparse distribution of ilands acrosa a huge ocean is great for managing diferent group's proximity from each other, and pirates themselves are great characters for a game type filled with combat, stealing, looting, sabotaging and so forth.
goes to show what a competent team rare must have still had making the cheap games that they were. Very talented work right there.
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Looking at the vid where they manipulated the sun and clouds I couldn't tell if they are using volumetric clouds? Are they?