rumblings of something huge going on with SEGA

Eh? What the heck is that rendering? It looks like it says The Beast or Best and then something, and SDC could stand for Sega DreamCast. However, I see an AMD logo on the box, and the box is very large, like xbox size......what was this someone's ideal xbox?
Looks like scene in either shenmue or max payne.
bbot said:
This is my opinion about what Sega's announcement will be. Someone claiming to work for has already said Sega will team up withan unnamed console maker to co-develop a console. But what is that company? I believe that Sonic already gave the name of that company away. Sega will codevelop a console with Sony, and exclusively make games for it. The gpu would probably be PVR-based. And do you remember Sony very recently licensed PowerPC? The main cpu will probably be a PowerPC. But why would Sony want to team up with Sega? Don't they already have the Cell-based PS3? Well, I can think of two reasons:

1. The rumor that Microsoft and Nintendo will share a commpn next-generation platform is true, so Sony needs to respond to this threat.

2. Perhaps Cell is turning out not as powerful as expected as I have speculated previously. And perhaps now that Sony has an idea how powerful Microsoft Xbox2 is going to be, they need to develop a completely new console quickly.

Samsung does have synergy with Sony.

Samsung has a Rambus license for XDR.
Samsung supports Blu-Ray.
Samsung recently signed an agreement with IBM to use their technology for their fabs, similar to what Sony and Toshiba did with IBM.

Samsung is a comsumer electronics company just like Sony is. If CELL is designed to trickle down into many devices, Samsung might be keen on the CELL technology.

Here is the press release about Samsung working with IBM at Fishkill.
assen said:
It likely will automatically inherit developer support for it though which includes porting from the prodigious PS2 library.

Yeah, I'm sure porting games squeezed with a shoehorn to fit in the 32 MB of main RAM of the PS2 to the generous 8 MB of the PSP will be a walk in the park for the 1337 macho down-to-the-metal PS2 developers.

And that "curved surfaces" automagically solve all memory problems.
Do I detect a 'hint' of sarcasm there? :) Especially given what Sony themselves demonstrated <bleagh>

Ty said:
Shogmaster said:
Ty, The fact of the matter is, even though neither would have games that are instantly port ready from their respective sources, MBX derived portable would be more port friendly from DC library than PSP from PS2 library since MBX architecture is closer to the CLX than the PSP GPU cores is to the GS.

Ok. Let's go with your assumption that a MBX portable would be "more port friendly" (easier to port).
Never mind ports, according to the developer grapevine, the DC was generally regarded as the easiest console to develop for.

FWIW, the more I hear (developer mailing list) about the PoS2, the more I'm stunned that anyone actually writes software for it. I'm sceptical as to whether Sony would have improved things in the PSP.
Shogmaster said:
I think it could reach $150 rather easily, although I do also have doubts of $125 for a MBX handheld, as I do $250 for PSP. It all depends on the right hardware combination. A low clocked ARM CPU (~200Mhz) along with a 100Mhz MBX and 16MB of SDRAM and QVGA LCD of current PPCs would allow for $150 pricetag in early 2005 for a MBX portable console IMO.
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here but, just to be sure, MBX is usually integrated into the same lump of silicon as the CPU. That makes things fairly cheap to manufacture.
Re: Sorry for the post 'n run, but

Pete said:
I thought some of you might find this interesting: More Sega Hardware Rumors, Misogyny. If nothing else, it's just an extremely well-written read. :)
Now, what are the hotels that Kutaragi, Gates, J Allard and others form MS, Sony, Nintendo and Sega are staying during E3?
We should send a spy there... someone who'd try to get in bed with some of them... I'm sure we'd get some juicy information that way.
Simon F said:
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here but, just to be sure, MBX is usually integrated into the same lump of silicon as the CPU. That makes things fairly cheap to manufacture.

Yeah Simon, I know that MBX is usually integrated into the ARM core.

I guess what I was trying to say was that unlike PPC headed ARM CPUs with incorporated MBX, This portable could still fullfill it's role rather well with a lower clocked ARM than 3~400Mhz+ beast that PPCs get now days. I suppose that would require the optional Vertex processor unit though, which would negate any cost savings by using lower bin chips.

BTW, do you have any idea why on earth Intel decided to make the MBX/2700G a seperate chip instead of integrating it into the XScale? And they have it only running like 50~75Mhz! A damn shame.
IST said:
He didn't say what gender the spy had to be, Simon. ;) rabidrabbit could hire a female spy.
I thought the implication was that several were already in the same bed....
Simon F said:
IST said:
He didn't say what gender the spy had to be, Simon. ;) rabidrabbit could hire a female spy.
I thought the implication was that several were already in the same bed....

I read it as the spy would sleep with each of them seperately.
um, so what hppened to the thread Sega R&D posted? Looks like it was deleted?

Ah man... now that really makes me think it it's samsung and sega....
I have to say I'm glad it was deleted. Even if what he said was true he's still doing nothing more than trying to get atention.
I don't think he works at sega. People all over the net were saying samsung at the same time he did. He just saw it elsewhere and posted it here IMO.
