keegdsb said:
I think they could get the ball rolling under their own steam and convince 3rd parties later.
That would only come IF consumers bought the portable in the first place, which I don't think enough would.
keegdsb said:
Although it is feeling a bit silly to argue about since it's not going to happen anyway.
Well you never know. I'd LOVE a Sega portable. I just don't have faith it would do well.
Shogmaster said:
I think devs didn't abandon the DC until PS2's marketshare had well surpassed DC's (especilly in Japan). DC had a pretty healthy support for the first 2 years.
Well by "abandoned" I don't mean complete withdrawal from
every developer. I think most decided to take a wait-n-see attitude towards it. Sure, maybe they put out a title or two but overall I think the support for it was anemic at best.
Shogmaster said:
PS2 overcame DC in marketshare rather quickly despite the high pricetag mostly because it was also a DVD player back when the cheapest DVD players were around $250. A very opportune time in the marketplace IMO.
I think that was one of the reasons. I think another reason is that it was coming hot off the heals of the stupendously successful PS1 which stomped all over the Saturn. Consumers remembered how much "better" the PS1 was and felt that the PS2 would do the same to the DC. Just so you know, I have a console museum in my office and the Saturn is the only one I play with any regularity (heck, I don't even have a PS1).
Shogmaster said:
PSP does not have such a advantage. Any decent hendheld CPU does MPEG4 decode playback. Whatever PSP can do, a "DC portable" will do just as well.
I don't think you or Sega can convince the buying public of that though ('Whatever PSP can do, a "DC portable" will do just as well').
Shogmaster said:
Yikes! What's that based on? Blind brand loyalty?
I prefer realism, thank you very much.

As I mentioned before, the DC was the first console from this generation that I got. Almost 2 years later did I get a GCN. Another year later I got an XBox. I still do NOT have a PS2. Blind brand loyalty?
I have no doubts that a DC portable
could be cheaper (by how much I have no idea). Of course the PSP is marketed as so much more than a simple game machine. The last I heard, WiFi (802.11b) is still in the picture as well.
Shogmaster said:
Well, the rumors in question are saying that this thing would be branded a major hardware OEM with a Sega branding as a sub brand. That might work. Something like: "Panasonic Game-man, powered by Sega games". Yeah, I know, Panasonic is usually associated with Nintendo, but play along with me here.
Imo, it would need to be one of the other two (N or MS) for this to make much of a difference. I.e. as mentioned by someone previously, if Nokia were the "major" player then I doubt it would make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things.
Shogmaster said:
The PS2 - DC situation is far different than the portable gamescape for the reasons I've already mentioned. And in portable gaming realm, Sony's name is just as "weak" as Sega's. This is Nintendo country, not Sony's.
When you think of cool game machines, do you think DC? I think most equate that with the PS2 (the mindshare I speak about all the time). Therefore a PS2 portable would likely stomp all over a DC portable as the DC has zero consumer mindshare.
Shogmaster said:
They don't, but they haven't made those games for a PowerVR hardware since the 2kX era. They would have to port those 2kX engines.
But I think they would still use the ESPN name since the 2k designations sold very poorly (I thought).