Someone who actually did finish a fantasy series is Terry Godkind... too bad that his crap isn't even worth reading after book 3, when he finally turned his story into a barely disguised vessel for his Objectivist and Reaganomic ravings and neo-con propaganda (including the wholesale slaughter of anti-war protestors by the "hero" because they threaten the cause).
Plus, his contrived plot devices, his habbit to reiterate crap that has previously happened for pages to no end, his penchant for totally self-serving gangrape and graphic snuff scenes, his preachy characters and their longwinded speeches and the general idiocity of much of what happens make his work even worse than what Jordan has turned WoT into.
Jordan, at least, only turned his series into a snorefest. Goodkind has aspirations of Ayn Rand, while being an even more inept writer than the lady. It's annoying as hell.
As far as I've heard from someone who actually bothered to read this garbage to the end, Goodkind supposedly wraps up the story rather unsatisfyingly in 200 or so pages, after 10000 pages of mostly nonense.
I'm currently tempted to read the whole thing, simply because it can be entertaining in the same way a really crappy movie can be entertaining - it's fun to see how bad it can get. I liked the first 3 books, the 4th one was just 'meh' but the 5th one takes the cake.
Evil chickens (!) that aren not chickens (!!) - don't ask me, it doesn't make any sense in the book either - is where I draw the line. Well, I'm glad I did read on for a bit and the plot shifts to some city state that he clumsily modeled to be some sort of horrible liberal hell that could only be dreamt up by a batshit insane ultra-con (yes, there are even characters modeled after the Clintons). He's about as subtle as a sledge hammer.